= Alpha 21 = Development started by ​Wildfire Games on April 2^nd^ 2016 (r17966) [[BR]] The most recent revision can be found at http://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset .[[BR]] To play it see wiki:BuildInstructions .[[BR]] Check wiki:Alpha21?action=history to only read updates to this site.[[BR]] [[BR]] The following list highlights the most important changes up to r18433, more noticeable ones first.[[BR]] == Gameplay == r18024 Make unused buildings and champions available:[[BR]] Athenians and Sparta can build up to two Royal Stoa and produce Sword- and Skirmisher Infantry Champions there[[BR]] Britons can build a Crannog, which is both a Civic Center and a Dock[[BR]] Persians can build up to two halls from which Spear- and Skirmisher Infantry Champions and War Elephants can be produced (r18043)[[BR]] Romans can build (at most one) Temple of Vesta, Persians the Ishtar Gate, which increase the capture-strength of garrisoned units within 75m of the temple[[BR]] Athenians, Carthaginians, Macedonians, Romans, Spartans and Ptolemaic Egyptian wonders are temples, thus heal nearby (60m) and garrisoned units[[BR]] r18115 New team bonuses: #2445[[BR]] 20% less build cost of civic centers for allies of Seleucids[[BR]] 20% less cost of skirmishers for allies of Iberians[[BR]] 25% faster ship buildtime for allies of Athen[[BR]] r18233 New auras affecting research time and costs (#3930, #4003)[[BR]] Owning a library (available to Macedonian, Ptolemians and Seleucids) reduces the costs of technologies by 10%[[BR]] Mauryan hero ashoka reduces the cost and research time of temple technologies for the player and his/her allies by 50%[[BR]] Mauryan hero chanakya reduces the research time of technologies by 50% when garrisoning the researching building[[BR]] r18075 Last Man Standing gamemode (disables allied victory, thus allows to play diplomacy games where only one player can win) (#3970)[[BR]] r18075 The time to win a wonder-victory game can be varied (#3234, r18189 r18411)[[BR]] r17974 Owning multiple wonders gives multiple population bonuses (#3522, #3792)[[BR]] r18248 Owning multiple libraries and theatrons increases the aura bonus proportionally[[BR]] Library reduces tech research time by 10%[[BR]] r18021 Technologies can be researched in captured buildings[[BR]] r18108 New technology to increase international trading bonus (#3917)[[BR]] r18044 Units gain experience-points per hit instead of per kill (#3889)[[BR]] r18049 Most buildings (especially towers) can't be built in unconnected territory anymore (#3526)[[BR]] r17999 Defense tower techs don't affect Wall Turrets anymore[[BR]] r18008 Corrals: Britons, Gauls and Iberians produce pigs, Carthaginians, Mauryans and Ptolemaic Egyptians produce goats (#3877)[[BR]] r18004 Dropsites shared by default (#3791)[[BR]] r18207 Multiplications for technologies are now cumulative [[BR]] r18421 Allow training units in batches of arbitrary sizes(#4059)[[BR]] r18271 Wonders receive rallypoints (#4002)[[BR]] == Balancing == r18025 Nerf Champions, allow training Thracian Black Cloak champions in Town Phase[[BR]] Reduce armour by 1-2 levels, roughly 25% more build cost and take twice the time to train[[BR]] Researching the tech to build champions from barracks costs 1000 metal[[BR]] Thracian Black Cloak (Sword Champions) can be trained in half the time of standard Champion Sword Infantry, starting in Town Phase[[BR]] Athenian can train archer mercenaries at the Dock[[BR]] Naked Fanatics cost double the metal, train in half the time, run 50% faster than infantry champions[[BR]] Increased research time of technology to train Champions at Barracks from 40 seconds to 90 seconds[[BR]] Macedonian Silver Shield 10% more max HP, +1 Hack/Pierce Armour after upgrade[[BR]] Champion Skirmisher Cavalry ranged attack range decreased from 48 to 32 meters[[BR]] r18249 Balance hellenic champions Sparta Elite Citizen Soldier Swordsmen cost 20 instead of 10 metal[[BR]] Reduce Thrace Black Cloak metal cost to 150[[BR]] Give the Armored Swordsmen (Thorakites) more armor but less attack damage[[BR]] r18155 Allow training naked fanatics in town phase (r18025)[[BR]] r18037 Strengthen siege and elephants[[BR]] Add about 60% Health Points[[BR]] Increase armor by 2 levels[[BR]] Increase Capture Points from 250 to 500[[BR]] Rams cannot be captured anymore[[BR]] Regenerate capturepoints when garrisoned[[BR]] Reduce packtime for ranged siege[[BR]] Tower range reduced from 80m to 76m[[BR]] r18243 Make previously unused Ptolemian bolt shooter available (#4006)[[BR]] Fix bolt shooter precision tech which didn't work previously[[BR]] r18286 Allow garrisoning elephants at the elephant stables[[BR]] r18363 Archer elephants can't capture[[BR]] r18024 Iberian monument can't be captured anymore[[BR]] r18149 Limit population cost of siege and elephants to at most 3[[BR]] r18045 Improve resistance of buildings[[BR]] 25% more capture points for CCs[[BR]] Increase hack armor of buildings significantly[[BR]] r18157 Increase garrisoned regenerationrate from 4 to 5 in village phase (r18045)[[BR]] add +7 instead of +2 in town phase[[BR]] and +9 instead of +1.5 in city phase[[BR]] r18402 Nerf mauryan ship health points from 2200 to 1600[[BR]] Reduce bireme cost r18427 Buff quinquereme (catapult ships) to be effective against buildings (#4065)[[BR]] r18255 Increase armor of the Wonder, 3 minutes research time for population upgrade[[BR]] r18215 Don't let the capture strength approach infinity as the building HP tends to 0 (#3973)[[BR]] r17970 Reduce Wall Turret range from 88m to 72m, increase minimum range from 3m to 12m[[BR]] r18280 Reduce upgraded and promoted healer range and make healers smarter (#3932) [[BR]] r18131 Reduce gathering speed of promoted units as it was some releases ago (r18165, r18167, r18175)[[BR]] r18405 More territory influence for storehouses and corrals[[BR]] == Maps == r18209 Make survival of the fittest map compatible with capture. Add siege and some randomness to the waves[[BR]] r18360 Remove unreachable trees from Phonetian Levant (#4012)[[BR]] == Art == r18119 New Gaul tavern model[[BR]] r18053 New fields[[BR]] r18114 New colonnade for Seleucids[[BR]] r18098 New Seleucid wonder and barracks[[BR]] r18150 New Seleucid market[[BR]] r18229 New Seleucid corral[[BR]] r18331 New Seleucid blacksmith[[BR]] r18420 Enhanced oak trees[[BR]] r18407 New chicken, tiger and deer images[[BR]] r18340 Allow different variants for different health levels and use it for the Iberian fireship #3983[[BR]] r18084 Roman textures transparency fix[[BR]] r18082 Roman textures Roman rooftiles update[[BR]] r18079 Seleucid walls (normalmaps and specular maps)[[BR]] r18054 Model variants can be defined in external files (#3286)[[BR]] == User Interface == r18204 Show which players pause a multiplayer game (#1950)[[BR]] r18161 Show if a player has resigned or was defeated (#3501)[[BR]] r18124 Swap civilizations when swapping players in the gamesetup (#3804)[[BR]] r18239 Add a button to the gamesetup to reset selected civs to random (#3805)[[BR]] r18014 Improve selection ring of animals (#3786)[[BR]] r18180 Use an actual name instead of "You" in singleplayer (replays) (#3979)[[BR]] r18395 Capture statistics in the summary screen (#3216) [[BR]] r18026 Correct team totals for the summary screen (#3150, #3561)[[BR]] r18094 Show health of garrisoned units (#3114)[[BR]] r18154 Show carried resources when selecting multiple units (#3113)[[BR]] r18239 Hotkey to delete units without confirmation dialog (#3962)[[BR]] r18252 Show hotkeys for delete, stop, garrison, guard, the idle worker button and the trade dialog[[BR]] r18179 Allow filtering the maplist by triggerscript maps (#3013)[[BR]] r18409 Show map and player information when picking a savegame #1090[[BR]] r18111 Filter the replay list by victory condition, singleplayer/multiplayer and rated games (#3436)[[BR]] r18179 Filter maps based on whether they come with trigger-scripts (#3013)[[BR]] r18085 Restore filter and selection when returning from a replay (#3742)[[BR]] r18031 Link from summary screen to replay (#3437)[[BR]] r18078 Show the AI dificulty to guests (#3911)[[BR]] r18007 Allow sharing/unsharing multiple dropsites simultaneously (#3791)[[BR]] r18176 Show a notification that the host didn't forward UDP port on failed connect (#3570)[[BR]] r18193 Immediately update the music gain in the options (#3901)[[BR]] r18361 Buttons for up to 10 heroes (#3000)[[BR]] r18362 Show playercolor and name of units garrisoned by allies (#4052)[[BR]] r18346 Continue to allow sending commands after winning a game (#3168)[[BR]] r18371 Retry connecting in the multiplayer join dialog on failed attempts[[BR]] r18369 Don't address chat to everyone when a client disconnected while typing (#3956)[[BR]] r18347 Observers can focus on rallypoints == Petra AI == r18195 Be more inclined to help an ally attacked by several enemies[[BR]] r17971 Use corrals with low starting resources (r18216)[[BR]] r18096 Less territory recomputation (#3858)[[BR]] r18168 More precise trade efficiency computation (r18108)[[BR]] r18216 Decrease a bit the required number of champions in attacks[[BR]] == Network == r18372 Host on arbitrary UDP ports (#3575)[[BR]] == Engine == r17975 Cinematic paths: interpolate camera rotation (#3814)[[BR]] r18265 Actor format: Specify how often animations should be picked when multiple are given and pick the same animation for both model and prop (#2324)[[BR]] r18266 Actor format: Allow the simulation to pick the actor variation (#3952)[[BR]] == Performance Optimizations == r18349 Short range pathfinder: Reuse vectors in SplitAAEdges (r18350 #3588)[[BR]] r18090 Short range pathfinder: Clipping and partial sorting in ComputeShortPath (#3925)[[BR]] r18011 Flood-fill algorithm of the hierarchical pathfinder (#3588)[[BR]] r18344 RangeManager: Reuse a vector in PerformQuery (#4045)[[BR]] r18358 Remove an i64 division by 1[[BR]] == Developer Features == r18123 Smaller OOS logs (#3824)[[BR]]