'''Audio Implementation - Intensity & Priority'''[[BR]] Sound Sphere Concepts[[BR]] [[BR]] '''Intensity thus far defined as:'''[[BR]] {{{ 1= number of sources on screen is less than 4 (mono)
2= number of sources on screen is 4-9 (stereo)
3= number of sources on screen is 10-20 (stereo)
4= number of sources on screen is 21-40 (stereo)
and so on...
}}} [[BR]] '''Priority thus far has been defined as:'''[[BR]] {{{ 100= emergency use only (undefined overhead)
90= required (voiceover, you are under attack warning)
80= rather important (battle sounds, death, destruction)
70= rather important (building)
60= not so important (resources)
50= fluff (ambient - birds, etc.)
Allowing for priority ranges between values.
}}} [[BR]] [[Image(http://www.wildfiregames.com/~soundfx/EXAMPLES/1SOUNDINT02.jpg)]] [[Image(http://www.wildfiregames.com/~soundfx/EXAMPLES/1SOUNDINT10.jpg)]] [[Image(http://www.wildfiregames.com/~soundfx/EXAMPLES/1SOUNDINT30.jpg)]] [[Image(http://www.wildfiregames.com/~soundfx/EXAMPLES/1SOUNDINT50.jpg)]] [[Image(http://www.wildfiregames.com/~soundfx/EXAMPLES/1SOUNDINTALL.jpg)]] See additional comments and situations in this discussion:[[BR]] [http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=7900 How Audio Could Work]