Need something to do? Hopefully it's mentioned here -- somewhere. Done something? Here's where you can have the satisfaction of crossing it off the list. :) Feel free to expand and restructure this text as needed. The more detail, the better. '''Current Tasks:''' * '''Name:''' ''Currently working on | Next task'' * * '''Jan Wassenberg (janwas)''' University Work (memcpy(), caching) | documentation, bugfixes, optimization * '''Matei Zaharia (Matei)''' Technologies | LOS Fixup (Ghost Entities) | Player Object | Fancy Water | Engine-integrated rmgen * '''Philip Taylor (Ykkrosh)''' Atlas (re: tasklist below) | Actor Event-Based Property Groups | Player Assignment in Atlas | wxWidgets Particle Editor? * '''Dan Fuhr (thedrunkyak)''' Options UI | Player Profiles | user.cfg * '''John Mena (!NoMonkey)''' Looting | Garrison | Visible Garrisoning * '''Andrew Decker (pyrolink)''' Make Formations Better | Finish Cinematics | JS Documentation | JS Console Help, List, and Describe | Game stats? * '''Nicolai H�hnle (prefect)''' Graphics Engine Optimisation / Linux Compatibility | Lighting/Shadows * '''Joe Cocovich (greybeard)''' !CommentHelper | Documentation * * '''Will Dull (livingaftermidnight)''' Particle Integration | Particle Editor | Skybox? | Weather | Terrain FX * '''Steven Berry (Tonto_Berrys66)''' (AWOL) | Javascript Debugger | Pathfinding * * '''Matt Green (xtizer)''' (Away - Last known contract in April) | Skybox | Billboards * '''Mark Thompson (MarkT)''' (Away - busy with university) | Entities / Unit AI * '''Gustav Larsson (Gee)''' (Away - but coming back) | More GUI Features (see GUI Engine below) * '''Simon Brenner (olsner)''' (Away - busy with university) | Terrain Properties (see Terrain below) | Networking (see Network tasks below) * '''Graeme Kerry (kezz)''' (Inactive - Can't commit due to uni firewall) * '''Oliver Whiteman (Olly)''' (Inactive - no time due to job search) | Pathfinding = Atlas = * See bug report for !ScEd so we can avoid those bugs when reimplementing for Atlas. * atlas - wxWidgets integration: * ~~Basic infrastructure - transferring data between XML and JS and GUI widgets; displaying windows; etc~~ * ~~Initial engine integration - as a separate EXE, like how !ScEd currently works~~ * Transfer !ScEd functionality (Components marked with (+) are additions to the existing !ScEd, or improvements upon existing features.): * File * + ~~Run Atlas (whether from in-game GUI, a ps.exe parameter, or possibly another EXE, whatever's easiest)~~ * + ~~Exit Atlas~~ * ~~Load existing map~~ * ~~Save current map~~ * + ~~Create new map~~ (set map size, default terrain) * + ~~Undo/~~Copy/Paste functionality * Navigation: (I think these could directly access the existing game simulation?) * ~~Camera panning, zoom, and rotation as with world controls~~ * Interactive minimap * Elevation: * ~~Raise/Lower (variable intensity)~~ * ~~Smooth (variable intensity)~~ * Terrain: * ~~Set brush size~~ [current interface is ugly] * ~~Set brush style~~ [currently only circle/square] * ~~Select and paint terrain textures~~ [currently some issues with blending] * Objects: * ~~Select and paint objects (entities and nonentities)~~ * ~~Select and delete objects~~ * ~~Rotate and drag objects~~ * ~~Select owner (player) of placed objects~~ * ~~Select owner (player) of objects to be placed~~ * Ability to adjust size of unboned meshes (boned meshes are too complex to incoorperate scaling), making them smaller or larger than normal. * (Liable to be greatly complicated by attached props, which will need to scale accordingly). * Lighting: * Change world lighting colour and angle settings * ~~Common controls - tool buttons, windows, side-panels, etc~~ [some done; rest is ongoing work] * ~~Engine interface to be used by the editor (and to perform all the non-UI parts of the editing)~~, and to probably be extended to RMS and triggers (as a way of altering the world, outside the normal limitations) * Less basic infrastructure - ~~passing commands and data to/from the game engine;~~ macro recording/playback (very useful for testing) * Further engine integration - so the game can dynamically switch to/from the editor and after that it mainly involves adding all the features, I think. * atlas - (see Scenario Editor DD for priority schedule) * atlas - actor editor integration & enhancement: preview window, etc. * 1] adjustment of the (non boned) object's scale in relation to the game world with slider and save in xml as a percentage of original size. * 2] load animation files and view them when applied to the model. * 3] adjust the speed of the animation files with slider and save settings in an xml file. * 4] zoom in, zoom out, pan, pitch and rotate the camera in the actor preview window. * 5] swap out textures on them, props on them. * 6] view different variations of player color on the unit.