== Technology Modifications == Technologies can modify the stats and properties of game [wiki:Entity entities], using the `modifications` list of a given [wiki:Technology_Templates technology template]. The modifications have unique names of the form "!Component/Element/Subelement", where "Component" is the exact name of a simulation component and "!Element/Subelement" come from that component's [http://svn.wildfiregames.com/entity-docs/ entity schema]. For example to modify a unit's melee hack attack, you would use "//Attack/Melee/Damage/Hack//" as the modification value. '''Note: In order for this to work, the component scripts must be updated to support each possible value. The following table lists the planned and currently supported modifications.''' == Current Modifications == ||= Tech Modification =||= Status =||= Notes =|| {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`Attack/{Attack Type}/Bonuses/{Bonus Name}/Multiplier`|| Done || Add a new or Alter an existing bonus to the melee attack of the entity. || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`Attack/{Attack Type}/ElevationBonus`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`Attack/{Attack Type}/MaxRange`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`Attack/{Attack Type}/MinRange`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`Attack/{Attack Type}/PrepareTime`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`Attack/{Attack Type}/RepeatTime`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`Attack/{Attack Type}/Splash/Range`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`Attack/{Attack Type}/Splash/Damage/{DamageType}`|| Done ||Where `{Damage Type}` is "Crush", "Hack" or "Pierce"|| }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`Attack/Ranged/Spread`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`AutoBuildable/Rate`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`BuildRestrictions/Distance/MaxDistance`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`BuildRestrictions/Distance/MinDistance`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`BuildRestrictions/Territory`|| Done || Change the territories (own, neutral, ally, enemy) where a building can be constructed. || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`Builder/Entities/_string`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`Builder/Rate`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`BuildingAI/DefaultArrowCount`|| Done || Increase the number of default arrows fired by this structure. || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`BuildingAI/GarrisonArrowMultiplier`|| Done || Increase the number of arrows per garrisoned soldier. || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`BuildingAI/MaxArrowCount`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`Capturable/CapturePoints`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`Capturable/GarrisonRegenRate`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`Capturable/RegenRate`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`Cost/BuildTime`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`Cost/PopulationBonus`|| Done || Increase the pop cap bonus this building gives. || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`Cost/Population`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`Cost/Resources/{Resource Type}`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`DeathDamage/Range`|| Done || Where `{Damage Type}` is "Crush", "Hack" or "Pierce" || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`GarrisonHolder/BuffHeal`|| Done || Increase or decrease the garrisoned healing rate of a structure. || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`GarrisonHolder/Max`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`GarrisonHolder/List/_string`|| Done || Add or remove classes of units capable of garrisoning in this structure. || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`Heal/Health`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`Heal/Interval`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`Heal/Range`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`Health/IdleRegenRate`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`Health/Max`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`Health/RegenRate`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`Loot/{Resource Type}`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`Loot/Resource/{Resource Type}`|| Done || Notice you can only affect them via tech, as the looter component has no schema. || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`Looter/xp`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`Market/InternationalBonus`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`Pack/Time`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`Player/BarterMultiplier/Buy/{Resource Type}`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`Player/BarterMultiplier/Sell/{Resource Type}`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`Player/MaxPopulation`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`Player/SpyCostMultiplier`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`ProductionQueue/BatchTimeModifier`|| Done ||Used to modify the batch time bonus.|| }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`ProductionQueue/Entities/_string`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`ProductionQueue/Technologies/_string`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`ProductionQueue/TechCostMultiplier/{Resource Type}`|| Done ||Used to modify the technology cost.|| }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`Promotion/RequiredXp`|| Done || Increase or decrease amount of XP needed to promote to next rank. || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`Promotion/TrickleRate`|| Done || Trickle of XP gained each second. || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`Resistance/{Foundation|Entity}/Capture`|| Done || Add this value to all `Resistance` types of that form. || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`Resistance/{Foundation|Entity}/Damage/{Damage Type}`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`ResourceDropsite/Types`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`ResourceGatherer/BaseSpeed`|| Done || Affects all gathering rates within one value. Default is 1.0 || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`ResourceGatherer/Capacities/{Resource Type}`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`ResourceGatherer/Rates/{Resource Type}`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`ResourceSupply/DiminishingReturns`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`ResourceTrickle/Interval`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`ResourceTrickle/Rates/{Resource Type}`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`TerritoryDecay/DecayRate`|| Done ||Reduce or Increase building decay.|| }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`TerritoryInfluence/Radius`|| Done || Increase the territory effect of this class of structure. || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`Trader/GainMultiplier`|| Done || Increase the profitability of a trading mission. || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`Trader/GarrisonGainMultiplier`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`UnitMotion/RunMultiplier`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`UnitMotion/WalkSpeed`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`Upgrade/Cost/{Resource Type}`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`Upgrade/Time`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`Vision/Range`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`VisionSharing/Duration`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`VisualActor/Actor`|| Done || || }}} {{{#!tr style="background: LightGreen" ||`VisualActor/FoundationActor`|| Done || Could change the look of an object as a side effects of a technology. || }}} == Planned Modifications == ||= Tech Modification =||= Notes =|| ||`Attack/{Attack Type}/All`|| Add this value to all the `Damage` types of that attack. || ||`Formations/tokens`||Add formations for these units. May need a formation system overhaul, because right now the formations aren't really controlled in the entity templates.|| ||`Loot/Trader/{Resource Type}`|| Affect the trader resource recuperation. Currently 100% is taken || ||`ResourceSupply/Amount`||Change the supply of a resource, like farms or mines. Imagine a mining tech that "gives new life" to "exhausted" mines by increasing their amount of Metal or Stone.|| ||`TerritoryInfluence/Root`|| True or False. ||