Ticket #1840: manualgenerator.7z

File manualgenerator.7z, 1.2 MB (added by Stan, 8 years ago)

While I was in England I had a look at the above python script, and I updated it by using functions documenting them, try parsing errors, removing some units from showing up (special units). I removed the hardcoded list, and fixed some of the bonuses, but there is still some work to do on that since you have to parse json files and add the corresponding modifiers. Animals still need to be done, technologies should all be there(76). I need to get the current svn version to avoid hardcoding it and same thing for the paths. Same requirements as above with python 2.7. You might need to pass --pool-size=5000000 else it won't compile.I uploaded the generated pdf on the forums. I keep the files here cause I don't want to lose them a second time.

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