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Ticket #2258: wall_builder.js

File wall_builder.js, 58.5 KB (added by FeXoR, 11 years ago)

Modified wall_builder.js (handle arguments more gratiously and sane, fixed many spelling errors (sorry for that))

2// This file contains functionality to place walls on random maps //
5// To do:
6// Check if all wall placement methods work with wall elements with entity === undefined (some still might raise errors in that case)
7// Rename wall elements to fit the entity names so that entity = "structures/" + "civ + "_" + wallElement.type in the common case (as far as possible)
8// Perhaps add Roman army camp to style palisades and add upgraded/balanced default palisade fortress types matching civ default fortresses strength
9// Perhaps add further wall elements cornerInHalf, cornerOutHalf (banding PI/4) and adjust default fortress types to better fit in the octagonal territory of a civil center
10// Perhaps swap angle and width in WallElement class(?) definition
11// Adjust argument order to be always the same:
12// Coordinates (center/start/target)
13// Wall element arguments (wall/wallPart/fortressType/cornerElement)
14// playerId (optional, default is 0/gaia)
15// wallStyle (optional, default is the players civ/"palisades for gaia")
16// angle/orientation (optional, default is 0)
17// other (all optional) arguments especially those hard to define (wallPartsAssortment, maybe make an own function for it)
18// Some arguments don't clearly match to this concept:
19// endWithFirst (wall or other)
20// skipFirstWall (wall or other)
21// gateOccurence (wall or other)
22// numCorners (wall or other)
23// skipFirstWall (wall or other)
24// maxAngle (angle or other)
25// maxBendOff (angle or other, unused ATM!!!)
26// irregularity
27// maxTrys
28// Add treasures to wall style "others"
29// Adjust documentation
30// Perhaps rename "endLeft" to "start" and "endRight" to "end"
31// ?Use available civ-type wall elements rather than palisades: Remove "endLeft" and "endRight" as default wall elements and adjust default palisade fortress types?
32// ?Remove "endRight", "endLeft" and adjust generic fortress types palisades?
33// ?Think of something to enable splitting walls into two walls so more complex walls can be build and roads can have branches/crossroads?
34// ?Readjust placement angle for wall elements with bending when used in linear/circular walls by their bending?
38// WallElement class definition
40// Concept: If placed unrotated the wall's course is towards positive Y (top) with "outside" right (+X) and "inside" left (-X) like unrotated entities has their drop-points right (in rmgen)
41// The course of the wall will be changed by corners (bending != 0) and so the "inside"/"outside" direction
43// type Descriptive string, example: "wallLong". NOTE: Not really needed. Mainly for custom wall elements and to get the wall element type in code
44// entity Optional. Template name string of the entity to be placed, example: "structures/cart_wall_long". Default is undefined (No entity placed)
45// angle Optional. The angle (float) added to place the entity so "outside" is right when the wall element is placed unrotated. Default is 0
46// width Optional. How far this wall element lengthens the wall (float), if unrotated the Y space needed. Default is 0
47// indent Optional. The lateral indentation of the entity, drawn "inside" (positive values) or pushed "outside" (negative values). Default is 0
48// bending Optional. How the course of the wall is changed after this element, positive is bending "in"/left/counter clockwise (like entity placement)
49// NOTE: Bending is not supported by all placement functions (see there)
51function WallElement(type, entity, angle, width, indent, bending)
53 this.type = type;
54 // Default wall element type documentation:
55 // Lengthening straight blocking (mainly left/right symmetric) wall elements (Walls and wall fortifications)
56 // "wall" A blocking straight wall element that mainly lengthens the wall, self-explanatory
57 // "wallShort" self-explanatory
58 // "wallLong" self-explanatory
59 // "tower" A blocking straight wall element with damage potential (but for palisades) that slightly lengthens the wall, example: wall tower, palisade tower(No attack)
60 // "wallFort" A blocking straight wall element with massive damage potential that lengthens the wall, example: fortress, palisade fort
61 // Lengthening straight non/custom blocking (mainly left/right symmetric) wall elements (Gates and entries)
62 // "gate" A blocking straight wall element with passability determined by owner, example: gate (Functionality not yet implemented)
63 // "entry" A non-blocking straight wall element (same width as gate) but without an actual template or just a flag/column/obelisk
64 // "entryTower" A non-blocking straight wall element (same width as gate) represented by a single (maybe indented) template, example: defence tower, wall tower, outpost, watchtower
65 // "entryFort" A non-blocking straight wall element represented by a single (maybe indented) template, example: fortress, palisade fort
66 // Bending wall elements (Wall corners)
67 // "cornerIn" A wall element bending the wall by PI/2 "inside" (left, +, see above), example: wall tower, palisade curve
68 // "cornerOut" A wall element bending the wall by PI/2 "outside" (right, -, see above), example: wall tower, palisade curve
69 // "cornerHalfIn" A wall element bending the wall by PI/4 "inside" (left, +, see above), example: wall tower, palisade curve. NOTE: Not yet implemented
70 // "cornerHalfOut" A wall element bending the wall by PI/4 "outside" (right, -, see above), example: wall tower, palisade curve. NOTE: Not yet implemented
71 // Zero length straight indented (mainly left/right symmetric) wall elements (Outposts/watchtowers and non-defensive base structures)
72 // "outpost" A zero-length wall element without bending far indented so it stands outside the wall, example: outpost, defence tower, watchtower
73 // "house" A zero-length wall element without bending far indented so it stands inside the wall that grants population bonus, example: house, hut, longhouse
74 // "barracks" A zero-length wall element without bending far indented so it stands inside the wall that grants unit production, example: barracks, tavern, ...
75 this.entity = entity;
76 this.angle = (angle !== undefined) ? angle : 0*PI;
77 this.width = (width !== undefined) ? width : 0;
78 this.indent = (indent !== undefined) ? indent : 0;
79 this.bending = (bending !== undefined) ? bending : 0*PI;
83// Fortress class definition
85// A "fortress" here is a closed wall build of multiple wall elements attached together defined in Fortress.wall
86// It's mainly the abstract shape defined in a Fortress instances wall because different styles can be used for it (see wallStyles)
88// type Descriptive string, example: "tiny". Not really needed (WallTool.wallTypes["type string"] is used). Mainly for custom wall elements
89// wall Optional. Array of wall element strings. Can be set afterwards. Default is an epty array.
90// Example: ["entrance", "wall", "cornerIn", "wall", "gate", "wall", "entrance", "wall", "cornerIn", "wall", "gate", "wall", "cornerIn", "wall"]
91// centerToFirstElement Optional. Object with properties "x" and "y" representing a vector from the visual center to the first wall element. Default is undefined
93function Fortress(type, wall, centerToFirstElement)
95 this.type = type; // Only usefull to get the type of the actual fortress
96 this.wall = (wall !== undefined) ? wall : [];
97 this.centerToFirstElement = undefined;
102// wallStyles data structure for default wall styles
104// A wall style is an associative array with all wall elements of that style in it associated with the wall element type string
105// wallStyles holds all the wall styles within an associative array with the civ string or another descriptive strings as key
106// Examples: "athen", "rome_siege", "palisades", "fence", "road"
108var wallStyles = {};
110// Generic civ dependent wall style definition. "rome_siege" needs some tweek...
111var wallScaleByType = {"athen" : 1.5, "brit" : 1.5, "cart" : 1.8, "celt" : 1.5, "gaul" : 1.5, "hele" : 1.5, "iber" : 1.5, "mace" : 1.5, "maur": 1.5, "pers" : 1.5, "ptol" : 1.5, "rome" : 1.5, "spart" : 1.5, "rome_siege" : 1.5};
112for (var style in wallScaleByType)
114 var civ = style;
115 if (style == "rome_siege")
116 civ = "rome";
117 wallStyles[style] = {};
118 // Default wall elements
119 wallStyles[style]["tower"] = new WallElement("tower", "structures/" + style + "_wall_tower", PI, wallScaleByType[style]);
120 wallStyles[style]["endLeft"] = new WallElement("endLeft", "structures/" + style + "_wall_tower", PI, wallScaleByType[style]); // Same as tower. To be compatible with palisades...
121 wallStyles[style]["endRight"] = new WallElement("endRight", "structures/" + style + "_wall_tower", PI, wallScaleByType[style]); // Same as tower. To be compatible with palisades...
122 wallStyles[style]["cornerIn"] = new WallElement("cornerIn", "structures/" + style + "_wall_tower", 5*PI/4, 0, 0.35*wallScaleByType[style], PI/2); // 2^0.5 / 4 ~= 0.35 ~= 1/3
123 wallStyles[style]["cornerOut"] = new WallElement("cornerOut", "structures/" + style + "_wall_tower", 3*PI/4, 0.71*wallScaleByType[style], 0, -PI/2); // // 2^0.5 / 2 ~= 0.71 ~= 2/3
124 wallStyles[style]["wallShort"] = new WallElement("wallShort", "structures/" + style + "_wall_short", 0*PI, 2*wallScaleByType[style]);
125 wallStyles[style]["wall"] = new WallElement("wall", "structures/" + style + "_wall_medium", 0*PI, 4*wallScaleByType[style]);
126 wallStyles[style]["wallMedium"] = new WallElement("wall", "structures/" + style + "_wall_medium", 0*PI, 4*wallScaleByType[style]);
127 wallStyles[style]["wallLong"] = new WallElement("wallLong", "structures/" + style + "_wall_long", 0*PI, 6*wallScaleByType[style]);
128 // Gate and entrance wall elements
129 var gateWidth = 6*wallScaleByType[style];
130 wallStyles[style]["gate"] = new WallElement("gate", "structures/" + style + "_wall_gate", PI, gateWidth);
131 wallStyles[style]["entry"] = new WallElement("entry", undefined, 0*PI, gateWidth);
132 wallStyles[style]["entryTower"] = new WallElement("entryTower", "structures/" + civ + "_defense_tower", PI, gateWidth, -4*wallScaleByType[style]);
133 wallStyles[style]["entryFort"] = new WallElement("entryFort", "structures/" + civ + "_fortress", 0*PI, 8*wallScaleByType[style], 6*wallScaleByType[style]);
134 // Defensive wall elements with 0 width outside the wall
135 wallStyles[style]["outpost"] = new WallElement("outpost", "structures/" + civ + "_outpost", PI, 0, -4*wallScaleByType[style]);
136 wallStyles[style]["defenseTower"] = new WallElement("defenseTower", "structures/" + civ + "_defense_tower", PI, 0, -4*wallScaleByType[style]);
137 // Base buildings wall elements with 0 width inside the wall
138 wallStyles[style]["barracks"] = new WallElement("barracks", "structures/" + civ + "_barracks", PI, 0, 4.5*wallScaleByType[style]);
139 wallStyles[style]["civilCentre"] = new WallElement("civilCentre", "structures/" + civ + "_civil_centre", PI, 0, 4.5*wallScaleByType[style]);
140 wallStyles[style]["farmstead"] = new WallElement("farmstead", "structures/" + civ + "_farmstead", PI, 0, 4.5*wallScaleByType[style]);
141 wallStyles[style]["field"] = new WallElement("field", "structures/" + civ + "_field", PI, 0, 4.5*wallScaleByType[style]);
142 wallStyles[style]["fortress"] = new WallElement("fortress", "structures/" + civ + "_fortress", PI, 0, 4.5*wallScaleByType[style]);
143 wallStyles[style]["house"] = new WallElement("house", "structures/" + civ + "_house", PI, 0, 4.5*wallScaleByType[style]);
144 wallStyles[style]["market"] = new WallElement("market", "structures/" + civ + "_market", PI, 0, 4.5*wallScaleByType[style]);
145 wallStyles[style]["storehouse"] = new WallElement("storehouse", "structures/" + civ + "_storehouse", PI, 0, 4.5*wallScaleByType[style]);
146 wallStyles[style]["temple"] = new WallElement("temple", "structures/" + civ + "_temple", PI, 0, 4.5*wallScaleByType[style]);
147 // Generic space/gap wall elements
148 wallStyles[style]["space1"] = new WallElement("space1", undefined, 0*PI, wallScaleByType[style]);
149 wallStyles[style]["space2"] = new WallElement("space2", undefined, 0*PI, 2*wallScaleByType[style]);
150 wallStyles[style]["space3"] = new WallElement("space3", undefined, 0*PI, 3*wallScaleByType[style]);
151 wallStyles[style]["space4"] = new WallElement("space4", undefined, 0*PI, 4*wallScaleByType[style]);
153// Add wall fortresses for all generic styles
154wallStyles["athen"]["wallFort"] = new WallElement("wallFort", "structures/athen_fortress", 2*PI/2 /* PI/2 */, 5.1 /* 5.6 */, 1.9 /* 1.9 */);
155wallStyles["brit"]["wallFort"] = new WallElement("wallFort", "structures/brit_fortress", PI, 2.8);
156wallStyles["cart"]["wallFort"] = new WallElement("wallFort", "structures/cart_fortress", PI, 5.1, 1.6);
157wallStyles["celt"]["wallFort"] = new WallElement("wallFort", "structures/celt_fortress_g", PI, 4.2, 1.5);
158wallStyles["gaul"]["wallFort"] = new WallElement("wallFort", "structures/gaul_fortress", PI, 4.2, 1.5);
159wallStyles["hele"]["wallFort"] = new WallElement("wallFort", "structures/hele_fortress", 2*PI/2 /* PI/2 */, 5.1 /* 5.6 */, 1.9 /* 1.9 */);
160wallStyles["iber"]["wallFort"] = new WallElement("wallFort", "structures/iber_fortress", PI, 5, 0.2);
161wallStyles["mace"]["wallFort"] = new WallElement("wallFort", "structures/mace_fortress", 2*PI/2 /* PI/2 */, 5.1 /* 5.6 */, 1.9 /* 1.9 */);
162wallStyles["maur"]["wallFort"] = new WallElement("wallFort", "structures/maur_fortress", PI, 5.5);
163wallStyles["pers"]["wallFort"] = new WallElement("wallFort", "structures/pers_fortress", PI, 5.6/*5.5*/, 1.9/*1.7*/);
164wallStyles["ptol"]["wallFort"] = new WallElement("wallFort", "structures/athen_fortress", 2*PI/2 /* PI/2 */, 5.1 /* 5.6 */, 1.9 /* 1.9 */);
165wallStyles["rome"]["wallFort"] = new WallElement("wallFort", "structures/rome_fortress", PI, 6.3, 2.1);
166wallStyles["spart"]["wallFort"] = new WallElement("wallFort", "structures/spart_fortress", 2*PI/2 /* PI/2 */, 5.1 /* 5.6 */, 1.9 /* 1.9 */);
167// Adjust "rome_siege" style
168wallStyles["rome_siege"]["wallFort"] = new WallElement("wallFort", "structures/rome_army_camp", PI, 7.2, 2);
169wallStyles["rome_siege"]["entryFort"] = new WallElement("entryFort", "structures/rome_army_camp", PI, 12, 7);
170wallStyles["rome_siege"]["house"] = new WallElement("house", "structures/rome_tent", PI, 0, 4);
172// Add special wall styles not well to implement generic (and to show how custom styles can be added)
174// Add wall style "palisades"
175wallScaleByType["palisades"] = 0.55;
176wallStyles["palisades"] = {};
177wallStyles["palisades"]["wall"] = new WallElement("wall", "other/palisades_rocks_medium", 0*PI, 2.3);
178wallStyles["palisades"]["wallMedium"] = new WallElement("wall", "other/palisades_rocks_medium", 0*PI, 2.3);
179wallStyles["palisades"]["wallLong"] = new WallElement("wall", "other/palisades_rocks_long", 0*PI, 3.5);
180wallStyles["palisades"]["wallShort"] = new WallElement("wall", "other/palisades_rocks_short", 0*PI, 1.2);
181wallStyles["palisades"]["tower"] = new WallElement("tower", "other/palisades_rocks_tower", -PI/2, 0.7);
182wallStyles["palisades"]["wallFort"] = new WallElement("wallFort", "other/palisades_rocks_fort", PI, 1.7);
183wallStyles["palisades"]["gate"] = new WallElement("gate", "other/palisades_rocks_gate", PI, 3.6);
184wallStyles["palisades"]["entry"] = new WallElement("entry", undefined, wallStyles["palisades"]["gate"].angle, wallStyles["palisades"]["gate"].width);
185wallStyles["palisades"]["entryTower"] = new WallElement("entryTower", "other/palisades_rocks_watchtower", 0*PI, wallStyles["palisades"]["gate"].width, -3);
186wallStyles["palisades"]["entryFort"] = new WallElement("entryFort", "other/palisades_rocks_fort", PI, 6, 3);
187wallStyles["palisades"]["cornerIn"] = new WallElement("cornerIn", "other/palisades_rocks_curve", 3*PI/4, 2.1, 0.7, PI/2);
188wallStyles["palisades"]["cornerOut"] = new WallElement("cornerOut", "other/palisades_rocks_curve", 5*PI/4, 2.1, -0.7, -PI/2);
189wallStyles["palisades"]["outpost"] = new WallElement("outpost", "other/palisades_rocks_outpost", PI, 0, -2);
190wallStyles["palisades"]["house"] = new WallElement("house", "other/celt_hut", PI, 0, 5);
191wallStyles["palisades"]["barracks"] = new WallElement("barracks", "other/celt_tavern", PI, 0, 5);
192wallStyles["palisades"]["endRight"] = new WallElement("endRight", "other/palisades_rocks_end", -PI/2, 0.2);
193wallStyles["palisades"]["endLeft"] = new WallElement("endLeft", "other/palisades_rocks_end", PI/2, 0.2);
195// Add special wall style "road"
196// NOTE: This is not a wall style in the common sense. Use with care!
197wallStyles["road"] = {};
198wallStyles["road"]["short"] = new WallElement("road", "actor|props/special/eyecandy/road_temperate_short.xml", PI/2, 4.5);
199wallStyles["road"]["long"] = new WallElement("road", "actor|props/special/eyecandy/road_temperate_long.xml", PI/2, 9.5);
200wallStyles["road"]["cornerLeft"] = new WallElement("road", "actor|props/special/eyecandy/road_temperate_corner.xml", -PI/2, 4.5-2*1.25, 1.25, PI/2); // Correct width by -2*indent to fit xStraicht/corner
201wallStyles["road"]["cornerRight"] = new WallElement("road", "actor|props/special/eyecandy/road_temperate_corner.xml", 0*PI, 4.5-2*1.25, -1.25, -PI/2); // Correct width by -2*indent to fit xStraicht/corner
202wallStyles["road"]["curveLeft"] = new WallElement("road", "actor|props/special/eyecandy/road_temperate_curve_small.xml", -PI/2, 4.5+2*0.2, -0.2, PI/2); // Correct width by -2*indent to fit xStraicht/corner
203wallStyles["road"]["curveRight"] = new WallElement("road", "actor|props/special/eyecandy/road_temperate_curve_small.xml", 0*PI, 4.5+2*0.2, 0.2, -PI/2); // Correct width by -2*indent to fit xStraicht/corner
204wallStyles["road"]["start"] = new WallElement("road", "actor|props/special/eyecandy/road_temperate_end.xml", PI/2, 2);
205wallStyles["road"]["end"] = new WallElement("road", "actor|props/special/eyecandy/road_temperate_end.xml", -PI/2, 2);
206wallStyles["road"]["xStraight"] = new WallElement("road", "actor|props/special/eyecandy/road_temperate_intersect_x.xml", 0*PI, 4.5);
207wallStyles["road"]["xLeft"] = new WallElement("road", "actor|props/special/eyecandy/road_temperate_intersect_x.xml", 0*PI, 4.5, 0, PI/2);
208wallStyles["road"]["xRight"] = new WallElement("road", "actor|props/special/eyecandy/road_temperate_intersect_x.xml", 0*PI, 4.5, 0, -PI/2);
209wallStyles["road"]["tLeft"] = new WallElement("road", "actor|props/special/eyecandy/road_temperate_intersect_T.xml", PI, 4.5, 1.25);
210wallStyles["road"]["tRight"] = new WallElement("road", "actor|props/special/eyecandy/road_temperate_intersect_T.xml", 0*PI, 4.5, -1.25);
212// Add special wall element collection "other"
213// NOTE: This is not a wall style in the common sense. Use with care!
214wallStyles["other"] = {};
215wallStyles["other"]["fence"] = new WallElement("fence", "other/fence_long", -PI/2, 3.1);
216wallStyles["other"]["fence_medium"] = new WallElement("fence", "other/fence_long", -PI/2, 3.1);
217wallStyles["other"]["fence_short"] = new WallElement("fence_short", "other/fence_short", -PI/2, 1.5);
218wallStyles["other"]["fence_stone"] = new WallElement("fence_stone", "other/fence_stone", -PI/2, 2.5);
219wallStyles["other"]["palisade"] = new WallElement("palisade", "other/palisades_rocks_short", 0, 1.2);
220wallStyles["other"]["column"] = new WallElement("column", "other/column_doric", 0, 1);
221wallStyles["other"]["obelisk"] = new WallElement("obelisk", "other/obelisk", 0, 2);
222wallStyles["other"]["spike"] = new WallElement("spike", "other/palisades_angle_spike", -PI/2, 1);
223wallStyles["other"]["bench"] = new WallElement("bench", "other/bench", PI/2, 1.5);
224wallStyles["other"]["benchForTable"] = new WallElement("benchForTable", "other/bench", 0, 0.5);
225wallStyles["other"]["table"] = new WallElement("table", "other/table_rectangle", 0, 1);
226wallStyles["other"]["table_square"] = new WallElement("table_square", "other/table_square", PI/2, 1);
227wallStyles["other"]["flag"] = new WallElement("flag", "special/rallypoint", PI, 1);
228wallStyles["other"]["standing_stone"] = new WallElement("standing_stone", "gaia/special_ruins_standing_stone", PI, 1);
229wallStyles["other"]["settlement"] = new WallElement("settlement", "gaia/special_settlement", PI, 6);
230wallStyles["other"]["gap"] = new WallElement("gap", undefined, 0, 2);
231wallStyles["other"]["gapSmall"] = new WallElement("gapSmall", undefined, 0, 1);
232wallStyles["other"]["gapLarge"] = new WallElement("gapLarge", undefined, 0, 4);
233wallStyles["other"]["cornerIn"] = new WallElement("cornerIn", undefined, 0, 0, 0, PI/2);
234wallStyles["other"]["cornerOut"] = new WallElement("cornerOut", undefined, 0, 0, 0, -PI/2);
238// fortressTypes data structure for some default fortress types
240// A fortress type is just an instance of the Fortress class with actually something in it
241// fortressTypes holds all the fortresses within an associative array with a descriptive string as key (e.g. matching the map size)
242// Examples: "tiny", "veryLarge"
244var fortressTypes = {};
245// Setup some default fortress types
246// Add fortress type "tiny"
247fortressTypes["tiny"] = new Fortress("tiny");
248var wallPart = ["gate", "tower", "wallShort", "cornerIn", "wallShort", "tower"];
249fortressTypes["tiny"].wall = wallPart.concat(wallPart, wallPart, wallPart);
250// Add fortress type "small"
251fortressTypes["small"] = new Fortress("small");
252var wallPart = ["gate", "tower", "wall", "cornerIn", "wall", "tower"];
253fortressTypes["small"].wall = wallPart.concat(wallPart, wallPart, wallPart);
254// Add fortress type "medium"
255fortressTypes["medium"] = new Fortress("medium");
256var wallPart = ["gate", "tower", "wallLong", "cornerIn", "wallLong", "tower"];
257fortressTypes["medium"].wall = wallPart.concat(wallPart, wallPart, wallPart);
258// Add fortress type "normal"
259fortressTypes["normal"] = new Fortress("normal");
260var wallPart = ["gate", "tower", "wall", "cornerIn", "wall", "cornerOut", "wall", "cornerIn", "wall", "tower"];
261fortressTypes["normal"].wall = wallPart.concat(wallPart, wallPart, wallPart);
262// Add fortress type "large"
263fortressTypes["large"] = new Fortress("large");
264var wallPart = ["gate", "tower", "wallLong", "cornerIn", "wallLong", "cornerOut", "wallLong", "cornerIn", "wallLong", "tower"];
265fortressTypes["large"].wall = wallPart.concat(wallPart, wallPart, wallPart);
266// Add fortress type "veryLarge"
267fortressTypes["veryLarge"] = new Fortress("veryLarge");
268var wallPart = ["gate", "tower", "wall", "cornerIn", "wall", "cornerOut", "wallLong", "cornerIn", "wallLong", "cornerOut", "wall", "cornerIn", "wall", "tower"];
269fortressTypes["veryLarge"].wall = wallPart.concat(wallPart, wallPart, wallPart);
270// Add fortress type "giant"
271fortressTypes["giant"] = new Fortress("giant");
272var wallPart = ["gate", "tower", "wallLong", "cornerIn", "wallLong", "cornerOut", "wallLong", "cornerIn", "wallLong", "cornerOut", "wallLong", "cornerIn", "wallLong", "tower"];
273fortressTypes["giant"].wall = wallPart.concat(wallPart, wallPart, wallPart);
275// Setup some better looking semi default fortresses for "palisades" style
276var fortressTypeKeys = ["tiny", "small", "medium", "normal", "large", "veryLarge", "giant"];
277for (var i = 0; i < fortressTypeKeys.length; i++)
279 var newKey = fortressTypeKeys[i] + "Palisades";
280 var oldWall = fortressTypes[fortressTypeKeys[i]].wall;
281 fortressTypes[newKey] = new Fortress(newKey);
282 var fillTowersBetween = ["wallShort", "wall", "wallLong", "endLeft", "endRight", "cornerIn", "cornerOut"];
283 for (var j = 0; j < oldWall.length; j++)
284 {
285 fortressTypes[newKey].wall.push(oldWall[j]); // Only works if the first element is not in fillTowersBetween (e.g. entry or gate like it should be)
286 if (j+1 < oldWall.length)
287 if (fillTowersBetween.indexOf(oldWall[j]) > -1 && fillTowersBetween.indexOf(oldWall[j+1]) > -1) // ... > -1 means "exists" here
288 fortressTypes[newKey].wall.push("tower");
289 }
292// Setup some balanced (to civ type fortresses) semi default fortresses for "palisades" style
293// TODO
295// Add some "fortress types" for roads (will only work with style "road")
296// ["start", "short", "xRight", "xLeft", "cornerLeft", "xStraight", "long", "xLeft", "xRight", "cornerRight", "tRight", "tLeft", "xRight", "xLeft", "curveLeft", "xStraight", "curveRight", "end"];
297var wall = ["short", "curveLeft", "short", "curveLeft", "short", "curveLeft", "short", "curveLeft"];
298fortressTypes["road01"] = new Fortress("road01", wall);
299var wall = ["short", "cornerLeft", "short", "cornerLeft", "short", "cornerLeft", "short", "cornerLeft"];
300fortressTypes["road02"] = new Fortress("road02", wall);
301var wall = ["xStraight", "curveLeft", "xStraight", "curveLeft", "xStraight", "curveLeft", "xStraight", "curveLeft"];
302fortressTypes["road03"] = new Fortress("road03", wall);
303var wall = ["start", "curveLeft", "tRight", "cornerLeft", "tRight", "curveRight", "short", "xRight", "curveLeft", "xRight", "short", "cornerLeft", "tRight", "short",
304 "curveLeft", "short", "tRight", "cornerLeft", "short", "xRight", "curveLeft", "xRight", "short", "curveRight", "tRight", "cornerLeft", "tRight", "curveLeft", "end"];
305fortressTypes["road04"] = new Fortress("road04", wall);
306var wall = ["start", "tLeft", "short", "xRight",
307 "curveLeft", "xRight", "tRight", "cornerLeft", "tRight",
308 "curveLeft", "short", "tRight", "cornerLeft", "xRight",
309 "cornerLeft", "xRight", "short", "tRight", "curveLeft", "end"];
310fortressTypes["road05"] = new Fortress("road05", wall);
314// Define some helper functions
318// getWallAlignment
320// Returns a list of objects containing all information to place all the wall elements entities with placeObject (but the player ID)
321// Placing the first wall element at startX/startY placed with an angle given by orientation
322// An alignment can be used to get the "center" of a "wall" (more likely used for fortresses) with getCenterToFirstElement
324function getWallAlignment(startX, startY, wall, style, orientation)
326 // Graciously handle arguments
327 if (wall === undefined)
328 wall = [];
329 if (!wallStyles.hasOwnProperty(style))
330 {
331 warn("Function getWallAlignment: Unknown style: " + style + ' (falling back to "athen")');
332 style = "athen";
333 }
334 orientation = (orientation || 0);
336 var alignment = [];
337 var wallX = startX;
338 var wallY = startY;
339 for (var i = 0; i < wall.length; i++)
340 {
341 var element = wallStyles[style][wall[i]];
342 if (element === undefined && i == 0)
343 warn("No valid wall element: " + wall[i]);
344 // Indentation
345 var placeX = wallX - element.indent * cos(orientation);
346 var placeY = wallY - element.indent * sin(orientation);
347 // Add wall elements entity placement arguments to the alignment
348 alignment.push({"x": placeX, "y": placeY, "entity": element.entity, "angle":orientation + element.angle});
349 // Preset vars for the next wall element
350 if (i+1 < wall.length)
351 {
352 orientation += element.bending;
353 var nextElement = wallStyles[style][wall[i+1]];
354 if (nextElement === undefined)
355 warn("No valid wall element: " + wall[i+1]);
356 var distance = (element.width + nextElement.width)/2;
357 // Corrections for elements with indent AND bending
358 var indent = element.indent;
359 var bending = element.bending;
360 if (bending !== 0 && indent !== 0)
361 {
362 // Indent correction to adjust distance
363 distance += indent*sin(bending);
364 // Indent correction to normalize indentation
365 wallX += indent * cos(orientation);
366 wallY += indent * sin(orientation);
367 }
368 // Set the next coordinates of the next element in the wall without indentation adjustment
369 wallX -= distance * sin(orientation);
370 wallY += distance * cos(orientation);
371 }
372 }
373 return alignment;
377// getCenterToFirstElement
379// Center calculation works like getting the center of mass assuming all wall elements have the same "weight"
381// It returns the vector from the center to the first wall element
382// Used to get centerToFirstElement of fortresses by default
384function getCenterToFirstElement(alignment)
386 var centerToFirstElement = {"x": 0, "y": 0};
387 for (var i = 0; i < alignment.length; i++)
388 {
389 centerToFirstElement.x -= alignment[i].x/alignment.length;
390 centerToFirstElement.y -= alignment[i].y/alignment.length;
391 }
392 return centerToFirstElement;
396// getWallLength
398// NOTE: Does not support bending wall elements like corners!
399// e.g. used by placeIrregularPolygonalWall
401function getWallLength(wall, style)
403 // Graciously handle arguments
404 if (wall === undefined)
405 wall = [];
406 if (!wallStyles.hasOwnProperty(style))
407 {
408 warn("Function getWallLength: Unknown style: " + style + ' (falling back to "athen")');
409 style = "athen";
410 }
412 var length = 0;
413 for (var i = 0; i < wall.length; i++)
414 {
415 length += wallStyles[style][wall[i]].width;
416 }
417 return length;
422// Define the different wall placer functions
426// placeWall
428// Places a wall with wall elements attached to another like determined by WallElement properties.
430// startX, startY Where the first wall element should be placed
431// wall Array of wall element type strings. Example: ["endLeft", "wallLong", "tower", "wallLong", "endRight"]
432// style Optional. Wall style string. Default is the civ of the given player, "palisades" for gaia
433// playerId Optional. Number of the player the wall will be placed for. Default is 0 (gaia)
434// orientation Optional. Angle the first wall element is placed. Default is 0
435// 0 means "outside" or "front" of the wall is right (positive X) like placeObject
436// It will then be build towards top/positive Y (if no bending wall elements like corners are used)
437// Raising orientation means the wall is rotated counter-clockwise like placeObject
439function placeWall(startX, startY, wall, style, playerId, orientation)
441 // Graciously handle arguments
442 if (wall === undefined)
443 wall = [];
444 playerId = (playerId || 0);
445 if (!wallStyles.hasOwnProperty(style))
446 {
447 if (playerId == 0)
448 style = (style || "palisades");
449 else
450 style = (getCivCode(playerId-1));
451 }
452 orientation = (orientation || 0);
454 // Get wall alignment
455 var AM = getWallAlignment(startX, startY, wall, style, orientation);
456 // Place the wall
457 for (var iWall = 0; iWall < wall.length; iWall++)
458 {
459 var entity = AM[iWall].entity;
460 if (entity !== undefined)
461 placeObject(AM[iWall].x, AM[iWall].y, entity, playerId, AM[iWall].angle);
462 }
466// placeCustomFortress
468// Place a fortress (mainly a closed wall build like placeWall) centered at centerX/centerY
469// The fortress wall should always start with the main entrance (like "entry" or "gate") to get the orientation right (like placeObject)
471// fortress An instance of Fortress with a wall defined
472// style Optional. Wall style string. Default is the civ of the given player, "palisades" for gaia
473// playerId Optional. Number of the player the wall will be placed for. Default is 0 (gaia)
474// orientation Optional. Angle the first wall element (should be a gate or entrance) is placed. Default is 0
476function placeCustomFortress(centerX, centerY, fortress, style, playerId, orientation)
478 // Graciously handle arguments
479 fortress = (fortress || fortressTypes["medium"]);
480 playerId = (playerId || 0);
481 if (!wallStyles.hasOwnProperty(style))
482 {
483 if (playerId == 0)
484 style = (style || "palisades");
485 else
486 style = (getCivCode(playerId-1));
487 }
488 orientation = (orientation || 0);
490 // Calculate center if fortress.centerToFirstElement is undefined (default)
491 var centerToFirstElement = fortress.centerToFirstElement;
492 if (centerToFirstElement === undefined)
493 centerToFirstElement = getCenterToFirstElement(getWallAlignment(0, 0, fortress.wall, style));
494 // Placing the fortress wall
495 var startX = centerX + centerToFirstElement.x * cos(orientation) - centerToFirstElement.y * sin(orientation);
496 var startY = centerY + centerToFirstElement.y * cos(orientation) + centerToFirstElement.x * sin(orientation);
497 placeWall(startX, startY, fortress.wall, style, playerId, orientation)
501// placeFortress
503// Like placeCustomFortress just it takes type (a fortress type string, has to be in fortressTypes) instead of an instance of Fortress
505function placeFortress(centerX, centerY, type, style, playerId, orientation)
507 // Graciously handle arguments
508 type = (type || "medium");
509 playerId = (playerId || 0);
510 if (!wallStyles.hasOwnProperty(style))
511 {
512 if (playerId == 0)
513 style = (style || "palisades");
514 else
515 style = (getCivCode(playerId-1));
516 }
517 orientation = (orientation || 0);
519 // Call placeCustomFortress with the given arguments
520 placeCustomFortress(centerX, centerY, fortressTypes[type], style, playerId, orientation);
524// placeLinearWall
526// Places a straight wall from a given coordinate to an other repeatedly using the wall parts.
528// startX/startY Coordinate of the approximate beginning of the wall (Not the place of the first wall element)
529// targetX/targetY Coordinate of the approximate ending of the wall (Not the place of the last wall element)
530// wallPart Optional. An array of NON-BENDING wall element type strings. Default is ["tower", "wallLong"]
531// style Optional. Wall style string. Default is the civ of the given player, "palisades" for gaia
532// playerId Optional. Integer number of the player. Default is 0 (gaia)
533// endWithFirst Optional. A boolean value. If true the 1st wall element in the wallPart array will finalize the wall. Default is true
535// TODO: Maybe add angle offset for more generic looking?
537function placeLinearWall(startX, startY, targetX, targetY, wallPart, style, playerId, endWithFirst)
539 // Setup optional arguments to the default
540 wallPart = (wallPart || ["tower", "wallLong"]);
541 playerId = (playerId || 0);
542 if (!wallStyles.hasOwnProperty(style))
543 {
544 if (playerId == 0)
545 style = (style || "palisades");
546 else
547 style = (getCivCode(playerId-1));
548 }
549 endWithFirst = typeof endWithFirst == "undefined" ? true : endWithFirst;
551 // Check arguments
552 for (var elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < wallPart.length; elementIndex++)
553 {
554 var bending = wallStyles[style][wallPart[elementIndex]].bending;
555 if (bending != 0)
556 warn("Bending is not supported by placeLinearWall but a bending wall element is used: " + wallPart[elementIndex] + " -> wallStyles[style][wallPart[elementIndex]].entity");
557 }
558 // Setup number of wall parts
559 var totalLength = getDistance(startX, startY, targetX, targetY);
560 var wallPartLength = 0;
561 for (var elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < wallPart.length; elementIndex++)
562 wallPartLength += wallStyles[style][wallPart[elementIndex]].width;
563 var numParts = 0;
564 if (endWithFirst == true)
565 numParts = ceil((totalLength - wallStyles[style][wallPart[0]].width) / wallPartLength);
566 else
567 numParts = ceil(totalLength / wallPartLength);
568 // Setup scale factor
569 var scaleFactor = 1;
570 if (endWithFirst == true)
571 scaleFactor = totalLength / (numParts * wallPartLength + wallStyles[style][wallPart[0]].width);
572 else
573 scaleFactor = totalLength / (numParts * wallPartLength);
574 // Setup angle
575 var wallAngle = getAngle(startX, startY, targetX, targetY); // NOTE: function "getAngle()" is about to be changed...
576 var placeAngle = wallAngle - PI/2;
577 // Place wall entities
578 var x = startX;
579 var y = startY;
580 for (var partIndex = 0; partIndex < numParts; partIndex++)
581 {
582 for (var elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < wallPart.length; elementIndex++)
583 {
584 var wallEle = wallStyles[style][wallPart[elementIndex]];
585 // Width correction
586 x += scaleFactor * wallEle.width/2 * cos(wallAngle);
587 y += scaleFactor * wallEle.width/2 * sin(wallAngle);
588 // Indent correction
589 var placeX = x - wallEle.indent * sin(wallAngle);
590 var placeY = y + wallEle.indent * cos(wallAngle);
591 // Placement
592 var entity = wallEle.entity;
593 if (entity !== undefined)
594 placeObject(placeX, placeY, entity, playerId, placeAngle + wallEle.angle);
595 x += scaleFactor * wallEle.width/2 * cos(wallAngle);
596 y += scaleFactor * wallEle.width/2 * sin(wallAngle);
597 }
598 }
599 if (endWithFirst == true)
600 {
601 var wallEle = wallStyles[style][wallPart[0]];
602 x += scaleFactor * wallEle.width/2 * cos(wallAngle);
603 y += scaleFactor * wallEle.width/2 * sin(wallAngle);
604 var entity = wallEle.entity;
605 if (entity !== undefined)
606 placeObject(x, y, entity, playerId, placeAngle + wallEle.angle);
607 }
611// placeCircularWall
613// Place a circular wall of repeated wall elements given in the argument wallPart around centerX/centerY with the given radius
614// The wall can be opened forming more an arc than a circle if maxAngle < 2*PI
615// The orientation then determines where this open part faces (0 means right like unrotated building's drop-points)
617// centerX/Y Coordinates of the circle's center
618// radius How wide the circle should be (approximate, especially if maxBendOff != 0)
619// wallPart Optional. An array of NON-BENDING wall element type strings. Default is ["tower", "wallLong"]
620// style Optional. Wall style string. Default is the civ of the given player, "palisades" for gaia
621// playerId Optional. Integer number of the player. Default is 0 (gaia)
622// orientation Optional. Where the open part of the (circular) arc should face (if maxAngle is < 2*PI). Default is 0
623// maxAngle Optional. How far the wall should circumvent the center. Default is 2*PI (full circle)
624// endWithFirst Optional. Boolean. If true the 1st wall element in the wallPart array will finalize the wall. Default is false for full circles, else true
625// maxBendOff Optional. How irregular the circle should be. 0 means regular circle, PI/2 means very irregular. Default is 0 (regular circle)
627// NOTE: Don't use wall elements with bending like corners!
628// TODO: Perhaps add eccentricity and maxBendOff functionality (untill now an unused argument)
629// TODO: Perhaps add functionality for spirals
631function placeCircularWall(centerX, centerY, radius, wallPart, style, playerId, orientation, maxAngle, endWithFirst, maxBendOff)
633 // Setup optional arguments to the default
634 wallPart = (wallPart || ["tower", "wallLong"]);
635 playerId = (playerId || 0);
636 if (!wallStyles.hasOwnProperty(style))
637 {
638 if (playerId == 0)
639 style = (style || "palisades");
640 else
641 style = (getCivCode(playerId-1));
642 }
643 orientation = (orientation || 0);
644 maxAngle = (maxAngle || 2*PI);
645 if (endWithFirst === undefined)
646 {
647 if (maxAngle >= 2*PI - 0.001) // Can this be done better?
648 endWithFirst = false;
649 else
650 endWithFirst = true;
651 }
652 maxBendOff = (maxBendOff || 0);
654 // Check arguments
655 if (maxBendOff > PI/2 || maxBendOff < 0)
656 warn("placeCircularWall maxBendOff sould satisfy 0 < maxBendOff < PI/2 (~1.5) but it is: " + maxBendOff);
657 for (var elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < wallPart.length; elementIndex++)
658 {
659 var bending = wallStyles[style][wallPart[elementIndex]].bending;
660 if (bending != 0)
661 warn("Bending is not supported by placeCircularWall but a bending wall element is used: " + wallPart[elementIndex]);
662 }
663 // Setup number of wall parts
664 var totalLength = maxAngle * radius;
665 var wallPartLength = 0;
666 for (var elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < wallPart.length; elementIndex++)
667 wallPartLength += wallStyles[style][wallPart[elementIndex]].width;
668 var numParts = 0;
669 if (endWithFirst == true)
670 {
671 numParts = ceil((totalLength - wallStyles[style][wallPart[0]].width) / wallPartLength);
672 }
673 else
674 {
675 numParts = ceil(totalLength / wallPartLength);
676 }
677 // Setup scale factor
678 var scaleFactor = 1;
679 if (endWithFirst == true)
680 scaleFactor = totalLength / (numParts * wallPartLength + wallStyles[style][wallPart[0]].width);
681 else
682 scaleFactor = totalLength / (numParts * wallPartLength);
683 // Place wall entities
684 var actualAngle = orientation + (2*PI - maxAngle) / 2;
685 var x = centerX + radius*cos(actualAngle);
686 var y = centerY + radius*sin(actualAngle);
687 for (var partIndex = 0; partIndex < numParts; partIndex++)
688 {
689 for (var elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < wallPart.length; elementIndex++)
690 {
691 var wallEle = wallStyles[style][wallPart[elementIndex]];
692 // Width correction
693 var addAngle = scaleFactor * wallEle.width / radius;
694 var targetX = centerX + radius * cos(actualAngle + addAngle);
695 var targetY = centerY + radius * sin(actualAngle + addAngle);
696 var placeX = x + (targetX - x)/2;
697 var placeY = y + (targetY - y)/2;
698 var placeAngle = actualAngle + addAngle/2;
699 // Indent correction
700 placeX -= wallEle.indent * cos(placeAngle);
701 placeY -= wallEle.indent * sin(placeAngle);
702 // Placement
703 var entity = wallEle.entity;
704 if (entity !== undefined)
705 placeObject(placeX, placeY, entity, playerId, placeAngle + wallEle.angle);
706 // Prepare for the next wall element
707 actualAngle += addAngle;
708 x = centerX + radius*cos(actualAngle);
709 y = centerY + radius*sin(actualAngle);
710 }
711 }
712 if (endWithFirst == true)
713 {
714 var wallEle = wallStyles[style][wallPart[0]];
715 var addAngle = scaleFactor * wallEle.width / radius;
716 var targetX = centerX + radius * cos(actualAngle + addAngle);
717 var targetY = centerY + radius * sin(actualAngle + addAngle);
718 var placeX = x + (targetX - x)/2;
719 var placeY = y + (targetY - y)/2;
720 var placeAngle = actualAngle + addAngle/2;
721 placeObject(placeX, placeY, wallEle.entity, playerId, placeAngle + wallEle.angle);
722 }
726// placePolygonalWall
728// Place a polygonal wall of repeated wall elements given in the argument wallPart around centerX/centerY with the given radius
730// centerX/Y Coordinates of the polygon's center
731// radius How wide the circle should be in which the polygon fits
732// wallPart Optional. An array of NON-BENDING wall element type strings. Default is ["wallLong", "tower"]
733// cornerWallElement Optional. Wall element to be placed at the polygon's corners. Default is "tower"
734// style Optional. Wall style string. Default is the civ of the given player, "palisades" for gaia
735// playerId Optional. Integer number of the player. Default is 0 (gaia)
736// orientation Optional. Angle from the center to the first linear wall part placed. Default is 0 (towards positive X/right)
737// numCorners Optional. How many corners the polygon will have. Default is 8 (matching a civ centers territory)
738// skipFirstWall Optional. Boolean. If the first linear wall part will be left opened as entrance. Default is true
740// NOTE: Don't use wall elements with bending like corners!
741// TODO: Replace skipFirstWall with firstWallPart to enable gate/defended entrance placement
742// TODO: Check some arguments
743// TODO: Add eccentricity and perhaps make it just call placeIrregularPolygonalWall with irregularity = 0
745function placePolygonalWall(centerX, centerY, radius, wallPart, cornerWallElement, style, playerId, orientation, numCorners, skipFirstWall)
747 // Setup optional arguments to the default
748 wallPart = (wallPart || ["wallLong", "tower"]);
749 cornerWallElement = (cornerWallElement || "tower"); // Don't use wide elements for this. Not supported well...
750 playerId = (playerId || 0);
751 if (!wallStyles.hasOwnProperty(style))
752 {
753 if (playerId == 0)
754 style = (style || "palisades");
755 else
756 style = (getCivCode(playerId-1));
757 }
758 orientation = (orientation || 0);
759 numCorners = (numCorners || 8);
760 skipFirstWall = (skipFirstWall || true);
762 // Setup angles
763 var angleAdd = 2*PI/numCorners;
764 var angleStart = orientation - angleAdd/2;
765 // Setup corners
766 var corners = [];
767 for (var i = 0; i < numCorners; i++)
768 corners.push([centerX + radius*cos(angleStart + i*angleAdd), centerY + radius*sin(angleStart + i*angleAdd)]);
769 // Place Corners and walls
770 for (var i = 0; i < numCorners; i++)
771 {
772 var angleToCorner = getAngle(corners[i][0], corners[i][1], centerX, centerY);
773 placeObject(corners[i][0], corners[i][1], wallStyles[style][cornerWallElement].entity, playerId, angleToCorner);
774 if (!(skipFirstWall && i == 0))
775 {
776 placeLinearWall(
777 // Adjustment to the corner element width (approximately)
778 corners[i][0] + wallStyles[style][cornerWallElement].width/2 * sin(angleToCorner + angleAdd/2), // startX
779 corners[i][1] - wallStyles[style][cornerWallElement].width/2 * cos(angleToCorner + angleAdd/2), // startY
780 corners[(i+1)%numCorners][0] - wallStyles[style][cornerWallElement].width/2 * sin(angleToCorner + angleAdd/2), // targetX
781 corners[(i+1)%numCorners][1] + wallStyles[style][cornerWallElement].width/2 * cos(angleToCorner + angleAdd/2), // targetY
782 wallPart, style, playerId);
783 }
784 }
788// placeIrregularPolygonalWall
790// Place an irregular polygonal wall of some wall parts to choose from around centerX/centerY with the given radius
792// centerX/Y Coordinates of the polygon's center
793// radius How wide the circle should be in which the polygon fits
794// cornerWallElement Optional. Wall element to be placed at the polygon's corners. Default is "tower"
795// style Optional. Wall style string. Default is the civ of the given player, "palisades" for gaia
796// playerId Optional. Integer number of the player. Default is 0 (gaia)
797// orientation Optional. Angle from the center to the first linear wall part placed. Default is 0 (towards positive X/right)
798// numCorners Optional. How many corners the polygon will have. Default is 8 (matching a civ centers territory)
799// irregularity Optional. How irregular the polygon will be. 0 means regular, 1 means VERY irregular. Default is 0.5
800// skipFirstWall Optional. Boolean. If the first linear wall part will be left opened as entrance. Default is true
801// wallPartsAssortment Optional. An array of wall part arrays to choose from for each linear wall connecting the corners. Default is hard to describe ^^
803// NOTE: wallPartsAssortment is put to the end because it's hardest to set
804// NOTE: Don't use wall elements with bending like corners!
805// TODO: Replace skipFirstWall with firstWallPart to enable gate/defended entrance placement
806// TODO: Check some arguments
807// TODO: Perhaps add eccentricity
809function placeIrregularPolygonalWall(centerX, centerY, radius, cornerWallElement, style, playerId, orientation, numCorners, irregularity, skipFirstWall, wallPartsAssortment)
811 // Setup optional arguments
812 playerId = (playerId || 0);
813 if (!wallStyles.hasOwnProperty(style))
814 {
815 if (playerId == 0)
816 style = (style || "palisades");
817 else
818 style = (getCivCode(playerId-1));
819 }
821 // Generating a generic wall part assortment with each wall part including 1 gate lengthened by walls and towers
822 // NOTE: It might be a good idea to write an own function for that...
823 var defaultWallPartsAssortment = [["wallShort"], ["wall"], ["wallLong"], ["gate", "tower", "wallShort"]];
824 var centeredWallPart = ["gate"];
825 var extandingWallPartAssortment = [["tower", "wallLong"], ["tower", "wall"]];
826 defaultWallPartsAssortment.push(centeredWallPart);
827 for (var i = 0; i < extandingWallPartAssortment.length; i++)
828 {
829 var wallPart = centeredWallPart;
830 for (var j = 0; j < radius; j++)
831 {
832 if (j%2 == 0)
833 wallPart = wallPart.concat(extandingWallPartAssortment[i]);
834 else
835 {
836 extandingWallPartAssortment[i].reverse();
837 wallPart = extandingWallPartAssortment[i].concat(wallPart);
838 extandingWallPartAssortment[i].reverse();
839 }
840 defaultWallPartsAssortment.push(wallPart);
841 }
842 }
843 // Setup optional arguments to the default
844 wallPartsAssortment = (wallPartsAssortment || defaultWallPartsAssortment);
845 cornerWallElement = (cornerWallElement || "tower"); // Don't use wide elements for this. Not supported well...
846 style = (style || "palisades");
847 playerId = (playerId || 0);
848 orientation = (orientation || 0);
849 numCorners = (numCorners || randInt(5, 7));
850 irregularity = (irregularity || 0.5);
851 skipFirstWall = (skipFirstWall || false);
852 // Setup angles
853 var angleToCover = 2*PI;
854 var angleAddList = [];
855 for (var i = 0; i < numCorners; i++)
856 {
857 // Randomize covered angles. Variety scales down with raising angle though...
858 angleAddList.push(angleToCover/(numCorners-i) * (1 + randFloat(-irregularity, irregularity)));
859 angleToCover -= angleAddList[angleAddList.length - 1];
860 }
861 // Setup corners
862 var corners = [];
863 var angleActual = orientation - angleAddList[0]/2;
864 for (var i = 0; i < numCorners; i++)
865 {
866 corners.push([centerX + radius*cos(angleActual), centerY + radius*sin(angleActual)]);
867 if (i < numCorners - 1)
868 angleActual += angleAddList[i+1];
869 }
870 // Setup best wall parts for the different walls (a bit confusing naming...)
871 var wallPartLengths = [];
872 var maxWallPartLength = 0;
873 for (var partIndex = 0; partIndex < wallPartsAssortment.length; partIndex++)
874 {
875 var length = wallPartLengths[partIndex];
876 wallPartLengths.push(getWallLength(wallPartsAssortment[partIndex], style));
877 if (length > maxWallPartLength)
878 maxWallPartLength = length;
879 }
880 var wallPartList = []; // This is the list of the wall parts to use for the walls between the corners, not to confuse with wallPartsAssortment!
881 for (var i = 0; i < numCorners; i++)
882 {
883 var bestWallPart = []; // This is a simpel wall part not a wallPartsAssortment!
884 var bestWallLength = 99999999;
885 // NOTE: This is not exactly like the length the wall will be in the end. Has to be tweaked...
886 var wallLength = getDistance(corners[i][0], corners[i][1], corners[(i+1)%numCorners][0], corners[(i+1)%numCorners][1]);
887 var numWallParts = ceil(wallLength/maxWallPartLength);
888 for (var partIndex = 0; partIndex < wallPartsAssortment.length; partIndex++)
889 {
890 var linearWallLength = numWallParts*wallPartLengths[partIndex];
891 if (linearWallLength < bestWallLength && linearWallLength > wallLength)
892 {
893 bestWallPart = wallPartsAssortment[partIndex];
894 bestWallLength = linearWallLength;
895 }
896 }
897 wallPartList.push(bestWallPart);
898 }
899 // Place Corners and walls
900 for (var i = 0; i < numCorners; i++)
901 {
902 var angleToCorner = getAngle(corners[i][0], corners[i][1], centerX, centerY);
903 placeObject(corners[i][0], corners[i][1], wallStyles[style][cornerWallElement].entity, playerId, angleToCorner);
904 if (!(skipFirstWall && i == 0))
905 {
906 placeLinearWall(
907 // Adjustment to the corner element width (approximately)
908 corners[i][0] + wallStyles[style][cornerWallElement].width/2 * sin(angleToCorner + angleAddList[i]/2), // startX
909 corners[i][1] - wallStyles[style][cornerWallElement].width/2 * cos(angleToCorner + angleAddList[i]/2), // startY
910 corners[(i+1)%numCorners][0] - wallStyles[style][cornerWallElement].width/2 * sin(angleToCorner + angleAddList[(i+1)%numCorners]/2), // targetX
911 corners[(i+1)%numCorners][1] + wallStyles[style][cornerWallElement].width/2 * cos(angleToCorner + angleAddList[(i+1)%numCorners]/2), // targetY
912 wallPartList[i], style, playerId, false);
913 }
914 }
918// placeGenericFortress
920// Places a generic fortress with towers at the edges connected with long walls and gates (entries until gates work)
921// This is the default Iberian civ bonus starting wall
923// centerX/Y The approximate center coordinates of the fortress
924// radius The approximate radius of the wall to be placed
925// playerId Optional. Integer number of the player. Default is 0 (gaia)
926// style Optional. Wall style string. Default is the civ of the given player, "palisades" for gaia
927// irregularity Optional. Float between 0 (circle) and 1 (very spiky), default is 1/2
928// gateOccurence Optional. Integer number, every n-th walls will be a gate instead. Default is 3
929// maxTrys Optional. How often the function tries to find a better fitting shape at max. Default is 100
931function placeGenericFortress(centerX, centerY, radius, playerId, style, irregularity, gateOccurence, maxTrys)
933 // Setup optional arguments
934 radius = (radius || 20);
935 playerId = (playerId || 0);
936 if (!wallStyles.hasOwnProperty(style))
937 {
938 if (playerId == 0)
939 style = (style || "palisades");
940 else
941 style = (getCivCode(playerId-1));
942 }
943 irregularity = (irregularity || 1/2);
944 gateOccurence = (gateOccurence || 3);
945 maxTrys = (maxTrys || 100);
947 // Setup some vars
948 var startAngle = randFloat(0, 2*PI);
949 var actualOffX = radius*cos(startAngle);
950 var actualOffY = radius*sin(startAngle);
951 var actualAngle = startAngle;
952 var pointDistance = wallStyles[style]["wallLong"].width + wallStyles[style]["tower"].width;
953 // Searching for a well fitting point derivation
954 var tries = 0;
955 var bestPointDerivation = undefined;
956 var minOverlap = 1000;
957 var overlap = undefined;
958 while (tries < maxTrys && minOverlap > wallStyles[style]["tower"].width / 10)
959 {
960 var pointDerivation = [];
961 var distanceToTarget = 1000;
962 var targetReached = false;
963 while (!targetReached)
964 {
965 var indent = randFloat(-irregularity*pointDistance, irregularity*pointDistance);
966 var tmpAngle = getAngle(actualOffX, actualOffY,
967 (radius + indent)*cos(actualAngle + (pointDistance / radius)),
968 (radius + indent)*sin(actualAngle + (pointDistance / radius)));
969 actualOffX += pointDistance*cos(tmpAngle);
970 actualOffY += pointDistance*sin(tmpAngle);
971 actualAngle = getAngle(0, 0, actualOffX, actualOffY);
972 pointDerivation.push([actualOffX, actualOffY]);
973 distanceToTarget = getDistance(actualOffX, actualOffY, pointDerivation[0][0], pointDerivation[0][1]);
974 var numPoints = pointDerivation.length;
975 if (numPoints > 3 && distanceToTarget < pointDistance) // Could be done better...
976 {
977 targetReached = true;
978 overlap = pointDistance - getDistance(pointDerivation[numPoints - 1][0], pointDerivation[numPoints - 1][1], pointDerivation[0][0], pointDerivation[0][1]);
979 if (overlap < minOverlap)
980 {
981 minOverlap = overlap;
982 bestPointDerivation = pointDerivation;
983 }
984 }
985 }
986 tries++;
987 }
988 log("placeGenericFortress: Reduced overlap to " + minOverlap + " after " + tries + " tries");
989 // Place wall
990 for (var pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < bestPointDerivation.length; pointIndex++)
991 {
992 var startX = centerX + bestPointDerivation[pointIndex][0];
993 var startY = centerY + bestPointDerivation[pointIndex][1];
994 var targetX = centerX + bestPointDerivation[(pointIndex + 1) % bestPointDerivation.length][0];
995 var targetY = centerY + bestPointDerivation[(pointIndex + 1) % bestPointDerivation.length][1];
996 var angle = getAngle(startX, startY, targetX, targetY);
997 var wallElement = "wallLong";
998 if ((pointIndex + 1) % gateOccurence == 0)
999 wallElement = "gate";
1000 var entity = wallStyles[style][wallElement].entity;
1001 if (entity)
1002 {
1003 placeObject(startX + (getDistance(startX, startY, targetX, targetY)/2)*cos(angle), // placeX
1004 startY + (getDistance(startX, startY, targetX, targetY)/2)*sin(angle), // placeY
1005 entity, playerId, angle - PI/2 + wallStyles[style][wallElement].angle);
1006 }
1007 // Place tower
1008 var startX = centerX + bestPointDerivation[(pointIndex + bestPointDerivation.length - 1) % bestPointDerivation.length][0];
1009 var startY = centerY + bestPointDerivation[(pointIndex + bestPointDerivation.length - 1) % bestPointDerivation.length][1];
1010 var angle = getAngle(startX, startY, targetX, targetY);
1011 placeObject(centerX + bestPointDerivation[pointIndex][0], centerY + bestPointDerivation[pointIndex][1], wallStyles[style]["tower"].entity, playerId, angle - PI/2 + wallStyles[style]["tower"].angle);
1012 }