Ticket #3431: matchsettings.json

File matchsettings.json, 1.9 KB (added by elexis, 9 years ago)

An insane matchsettings file produced by alpha18 which produces the error with r17040.

2 "settings": {
3 "PlayerData": [
4 {
5 "Name": "Player 1",
6 "Civ": "random",
7 "Color": {
8 "r": 46,
9 "g": 46,
10 "b": 200
11 },
12 "AI": "",
13 "AIDiff": 3,
14 "Team": -1
15 },
16 {
17 "Name": "Player 2",
18 "Civ": "random",
19 "Colour": {
20 "r": 150,
21 "g": 20,
22 "b": 20
23 },
24 "AI": "",
25 "AIDiff": 3,
26 "Team": -1
27 }
28 ],
29 "Seed": 64199,
30 "AISeed": 45227,
31 "CheatsEnabled": true,
32 "PopulationCap": 300,
33 "StartingResources": 300,
34 "Ceasefire": 0,
35 "Size": 384,
36 "GameType": "conquest",
37 "VictoryScripts": [
38 "scripts/TriggerHelper.js",
39 "scripts/ConquestCommon.js",
40 "scripts/Conquest.js"
41 ],
42 "Description": "Randomly selects a map from the list",
43 "Name": "",
44 "Script": "survivalofthefittest.js",
45 "BaseTerrain": [
46 "medit_sea_depths"
47 ],
48 "BaseHeight": 30,
49 "Keywords": [
50 "naval"
51 ],
52 "Preview": "schwarzwald.png",
53 "XXXXXX": "Optionally define other things here, like we would for a scenario",
54 "Author": "Michael Mayfield <mmayfield45@gmail.com>",
55 "Version": "1.2",
56 "DisabledTemplates": [
57 "structures/ptol_lighthouse"
58 ],
59 "RatingEnabled": false,
60 "RevealMap": true
61 },
62 "mapFilter": "all",
63 "map": "random",
64 "mapType": "random",
65 "mapPath": "maps/random/",
66 "matchID": "FFD550116ABD0CBD",
67 "gameSpeed": 1