Ticket #4354: african_plains.json

File african_plains.json, 518 bytes (added by elexis, 7 years ago)
2 "settings" : {
3 "Name" : "African Plains",
4 "Script" : "african_plains.js",
5 "Description" : "Summer has arrived to the cold regions of the North, and with it have many animals profiting from it's milder climate. Wolves, ever present, have shed their winter clothes, deer, hares and muskox populate the plains. The last traces of winter are rapidly disappearing, to come again very soon.",
6 "BaseTerrain" : ["medit_sea_depths"],
7 "BaseHeight" : 2,
8 "Preview" : "artic_summer.png",
9 "CircularMap" : true
10 }