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Ticket #4356: ticket4356.patch

File ticket4356.patch, 4.0 KB (added by mimo, 8 years ago)

patch for the diminishingReturns (in comment 6 and rate1.png, 0.95 should be in fact 0.90)

  • binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ResourceSupply.js

    1919        "<data type='nonNegativeInteger'/>" +
    2020    "</element>" +
    2121    "<optional>" +
    22         "<element name='DiminishingReturns' a:help='The rate at which adding more gatherers decreases overall efficiency. Lower numbers = faster dropoff. Leave the element out for no diminishing returns.'>" +
     22        "<element name='DiminishingReturns' a:help='The relative rate of any new gatherer compared to the previous one (geometric progression). Should be between 0 and 1 exclusives. Leave the element out for no diminishing returns.'>" +
    2323            "<ref name='positiveDecimal'/>" +
    2424        "</element>" +
    2525    "</optional>";
    8181    return this.gatherers.reduce((a, b) => a + b.length, 0);
    84 /** Note to people looking to change <DiminishingReturns> in a template: This is a bit complicated. Basically, the lower that number is
    85  * the steeper diminishing returns will be. I suggest playing around with Wolfram Alpha or a graphing calculator a bit.
    86  * In each of the following links, replace 0.65 with the gather rate of your worker for the resource with diminishing returns and
    87  * 14 with the constant you wish to use to control the diminishing returns.
    88  * (In this case 0.65 is the women farming rate, in resources/second, and 14 is a good constant for farming.)
    89  * This is the gather rate in resources/second of each individual worker as the total number of workers goes up:
    90  **pi%2F14%29+%2B+1%2F2%29+*+0.65+from+1+to+5
    91  * This is the total output of the resource in resources/second:
    92  **pi%2F14%29+%2B+1%2F2%29+*+0.65+from+1+to+5
    93  * This is the fraction of a worker each new worker is worth (the 5th worker in this example is only producing about half as much as the first one):
    94  **pi%2F14%29+%2B+1%2F2%29+-++%28x-1%29%281%2F2+cos%28%28x-2%29*pi%2F14%29+%2B+1%2F2%29+from+x%3D1+to+5+and+y%3D0+to+1
    95  * Here's how this technically works:
    96  * The cosine function is an oscillating curve, normally between -1 and 1. Multiplying by 0.5 squishes that down to
    97  * between -0.5 and 0.5. Adding 0.5 to that changes the range to 0 to 1. The diminishingReturns constant
    98  * adjusts the period of the curve.
    99  */
     84/* The rate of each additionnal gatherer rate follow a geometric sequence, with diminishingReturns as common ratio. */
    10085ResourceSupply.prototype.GetDiminishingReturns = function()
    10287    if ("DiminishingReturns" in this.template)
    10388    {
    10489        let diminishingReturns = ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("ResourceSupply/DiminishingReturns", +this.template.DiminishingReturns, this.entity);
    10590        if (diminishingReturns)
    106             return (0.5 * Math.cos((this.GetNumGatherers() - 1) * Math.PI / diminishingReturns) + 0.5);
     91        {
     92            let numGatherers = this.GetNumGatherers();
     93            if (numGatherers > 1)
     94                return (1. - Math.pow(diminishingReturns, numGatherers)) / (1. - diminishingReturns) / numGatherers;
     95        }
    10796    }
    10897    return null;
  • binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/templates/template_structure_resource_field.xml

    4949    <Amount>Infinity</Amount>
    5050    <Type>food.grain</Type>
    5151    <MaxGatherers>5</MaxGatherers>
    52     <!--
    53          See the comment of the function GetTargetGatherRate
    54          of the ResourceGatherer component.
    55     -->
    56     <DiminishingReturns>14</DiminishingReturns>
     52    <DiminishingReturns>0.90</DiminishingReturns>
    5753  </ResourceSupply>
    5854  <Sound>
    5955    <SoundGroups>