Ticket #5665: mainlog.html

File mainlog.html, 25.3 KB (added by Vlad, 4 years ago)
1<!DOCTYPE html>
2<meta charset="utf-8">
3<title>Pyrogenesis Log</title>
4<style>body { background: #eee; color: black; font-family: sans-serif; } p { background: white; margin: 3px 0 3px 0; } .error { color: red; } .warning { color: blue; }</style>
5<h2>0 A.D. (0.0.23) Main log</h2>
6<p>Loading config file "config/default.cfg"</p>
7<p>Loaded config string "windowed" = "false"</p>
8<p>Loaded config string "showdetailedtooltips" = "false"</p>
9<p>Loaded config string "pauseonfocusloss" = "true"</p>
10<p>Loaded config string "persistmatchsettings" = "true"</p>
11<p>Loaded config string "multiplayerserver" = ""</p>
12<p>Loaded config string "xres" = "0"</p>
13<p>Loaded config string "yres" = "0"</p>
14<p>Loaded config string "bpp" = "0"</p>
15<p>Loaded config string "display" = "0"</p>
16<p>Loaded config string "macmouse" = "false"</p>
17<p>Loaded config string "renderactors" = "true"</p>
18<p>Loaded config string "watereffects" = "true"</p>
19<p>Loaded config string "waterfancyeffects" = "false"</p>
20<p>Loaded config string "waterrealdepth" = "true"</p>
21<p>Loaded config string "waterrefraction" = "true"</p>
22<p>Loaded config string "waterreflection" = "true"</p>
23<p>Loaded config string "shadowsonwater" = "false"</p>
24<p>Loaded config string "shadows" = "true"</p>
25<p>Loaded config string "shadowquality" = "0"</p>
26<p>Loaded config string "shadowpcf" = "true"</p>
27<p>Loaded config string "vsync" = "false"</p>
28<p>Loaded config string "particles" = "true"</p>
29<p>Loaded config string "fog" = "true"</p>
30<p>Loaded config string "silhouettes" = "true"</p>
31<p>Loaded config string "showsky" = "true"</p>
32<p>Loaded config string "nos3tc" = "false"</p>
33<p>Loaded config string "noautomipmap" = "true"</p>
34<p>Loaded config string "novbo" = "false"</p>
35<p>Loaded config string "noframebufferobject" = "false"</p>
36<p>Loaded config string "nohwcursor" = "false"</p>
37<p>Loaded config string "force_s3tc_enable" = "true"</p>
38<p>Loaded config string "renderpath" = "default"</p>
39<p>Loaded config string "preferglsl" = "false"</p>
40<p>Loaded config string "gpuskinning" = "false"</p>
41<p>Loaded config string "smoothlos" = "false"</p>
42<p>Loaded config string "postproc" = "false"</p>
43<p>Loaded config string "materialmgr.quality" = "2.0"</p>
44<p>Loaded config string "materialmgr.PARALLAX_DIST.max" = "150"</p>
45<p>Loaded config string "materialmgr.PARALLAX_HQ_DIST.max" = "75"</p>
46<p>Loaded config string "materialmgr.PARALLAX_VHQ_DIST.max" = "0"</p>
47<p>Loaded config string "forcealphatest" = "false"</p>
48<p>Loaded config string "skycolor" = "0 0 0"</p>
49<p>Found config header 'adaptivefps'</p>
50<p>Loaded config string "adaptivefps.session" = "60"</p>
51<p>Loaded config string "adaptivefps.menu" = "30"</p>
52<p>Found config header 'hotkey'</p>
53<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.exit" = "Ctrl+Break", "Super+Q"</p>
54<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.cancel" = "Escape"</p>
55<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.leave" = "Escape"</p>
56<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.confirm" = "Return"</p>
57<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.pause" = "Pause"</p>
58<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.screenshot" = "F2"</p>
59<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.bigscreenshot" = "Shift+F2"</p>
60<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.togglefullscreen" = "Alt+Return"</p>
61<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.screenshot.watermark" = "Alt+K"</p>
62<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.wireframe" = "Alt+Shift+W"</p>
63<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.silhouettes" = "Alt+Shift+S"</p>
64<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.showsky" = "Alt+Z"</p>
65<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.summary" = "Ctrl+Tab"</p>
66<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.lobby" = "Alt+L"</p>
67<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.structree" = "Alt+Shift+T"</p>
68<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.civinfo" = "Alt+Shift+H"</p>
69<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.copy" = "Ctrl+C"</p>
70<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.paste" = "Ctrl+V"</p>
71<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.cut" = "Ctrl+X"</p>
72<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.console.toggle" = "BackQuote", "F9"</p>
73<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.fps.toggle" = "Alt+F"</p>
74<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.realtime.toggle" = "Alt+T"</p>
75<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.devcommands.toggle" = "Alt+D"</p>
76<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.timeelapsedcounter.toggle" = "F12"</p>
77<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.showstatusbars" = "Tab"</p>
78<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.highlightguarding" = "PgDn"</p>
79<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.highlightguarded" = "PgUp"</p>
80<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.toggleattackrange" = "Alt+C"</p>
81<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.toggleaurasrange" = "Alt+V"</p>
82<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.togglehealrange" = "Alt+B"</p>
83<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.diplomacycolors" = "Alt+X"</p>
84<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.chat" = "Return"</p>
85<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.teamchat" = "T"</p>
86<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.privatechat" = "L"</p>
87<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.quicksave" = "Shift+F5"</p>
88<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.quickload" = "Shift+F8"</p>
89<p>Found config header 'hotkey.camera'</p>
90<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.reset" = "R"</p>
91<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.follow" = "F"</p>
92<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rallypointfocus" = "unused"</p>
93<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.zoom.in" = "Plus", "Equals", "NumPlus"</p>
94<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.zoom.out" = "Minus", "NumMinus"</p>
95<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.zoom.wheel.in" = "WheelUp"</p>
96<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.zoom.wheel.out" = "WheelDown"</p>
97<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.up" = "Ctrl+UpArrow", "Ctrl+W"</p>
98<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.down" = "Ctrl+DownArrow", "Ctrl+S"</p>
99<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.cw" = "Ctrl+LeftArrow", "Ctrl+A", "Q"</p>
100<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.ccw" = "Ctrl+RightArrow", "Ctrl+D", "E"</p>
101<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.cw" = "Shift+WheelUp", "MouseX1"</p>
102<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.ccw" = "Shift+WheelDown", "MouseX2"</p>
103<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.pan" = "MouseMiddle"</p>
104<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.left" = "A", "LeftArrow"</p>
105<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.right" = "D", "RightArrow"</p>
106<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.up" = "W", "UpArrow"</p>
107<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.down" = "S", "DownArrow"</p>
108<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.scroll.speed.increase" = "Ctrl+Shift+S"</p>
109<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.scroll.speed.decrease" = "Ctrl+Alt+S"</p>
110<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.speed.increase" = "Ctrl+Shift+R"</p>
111<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.rotate.speed.decrease" = "Ctrl+Alt+R"</p>
112<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.zoom.speed.increase" = "Ctrl+Shift+Z"</p>
113<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.zoom.speed.decrease" = "Ctrl+Alt+Z"</p>
114<p>Found config header 'hotkey.camera.jump'</p>
115<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.jump.1" = "F5"</p>
116<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.jump.2" = "F6"</p>
117<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.jump.3" = "F7"</p>
118<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.jump.4" = "F8"</p>
119<p>Found config header 'hotkey.camera.jump.set'</p>
120<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.jump.set.1" = "Ctrl+F5"</p>
121<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.jump.set.2" = "Ctrl+F6"</p>
122<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.jump.set.3" = "Ctrl+F7"</p>
123<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.camera.jump.set.4" = "Ctrl+F8"</p>
124<p>Found config header 'hotkey.profile'</p>
125<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.profile.toggle" = "F11"</p>
126<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.profile.save" = "Shift+F11"</p>
127<p>Found config header 'hotkey.profile2'</p>
128<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.profile2.toggle" = "Ctrl+F11"</p>
129<p>Found config header 'hotkey.selection'</p>
130<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.add" = "Shift"</p>
131<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.militaryonly" = "Alt"</p>
132<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.nonmilitaryonly" = "Alt+Y"</p>
133<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.idleonly" = "I"</p>
134<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.woundedonly" = "O"</p>
135<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.remove" = "Ctrl"</p>
136<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.cancel" = "Esc"</p>
137<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.idleworker" = "Period"</p>
138<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.idlewarrior" = "ForwardSlash"</p>
139<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.idleunit" = "BackSlash"</p>
140<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.offscreen" = "Alt"</p>
141<p>Found config header 'hotkey.selection.group.add'</p>
142<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.add.0" = "Shift+0"</p>
143<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.add.1" = "Shift+1"</p>
144<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.add.2" = "Shift+2"</p>
145<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.add.3" = "Shift+3"</p>
146<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.add.4" = "Shift+4"</p>
147<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.add.5" = "Shift+5"</p>
148<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.add.6" = "Shift+6"</p>
149<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.add.7" = "Shift+7"</p>
150<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.add.8" = "Shift+8"</p>
151<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.add.9" = "Shift+9"</p>
152<p>Found config header 'hotkey.selection.group.save'</p>
153<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.save.0" = "Ctrl+0"</p>
154<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.save.1" = "Ctrl+1"</p>
155<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.save.2" = "Ctrl+2"</p>
156<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.save.3" = "Ctrl+3"</p>
157<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.save.4" = "Ctrl+4"</p>
158<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.save.5" = "Ctrl+5"</p>
159<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.save.6" = "Ctrl+6"</p>
160<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.save.7" = "Ctrl+7"</p>
161<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.save.8" = "Ctrl+8"</p>
162<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.save.9" = "Ctrl+9"</p>
163<p>Found config header 'hotkey.selection.group.select'</p>
164<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.select.0" = "0"</p>
165<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.select.1" = "1"</p>
166<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.select.2" = "2"</p>
167<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.select.3" = "3"</p>
168<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.select.4" = "4"</p>
169<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.select.5" = "5"</p>
170<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.select.6" = "6"</p>
171<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.select.7" = "7"</p>
172<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.select.8" = "8"</p>
173<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.selection.group.select.9" = "9"</p>
174<p>Found config header 'hotkey.session'</p>
175<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.kill" = "Delete"</p>
176<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.stop" = "H"</p>
177<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.backtowork" = "Y"</p>
178<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unload" = "U"</p>
179<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.move" = "unused"</p>
180<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.attack" = "Ctrl"</p>
181<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.attackmove" = "Ctrl"</p>
182<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.attackmoveUnit" = "Ctrl+Q"</p>
183<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.garrison" = "Ctrl"</p>
184<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.autorallypoint" = "Ctrl"</p>
185<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.guard" = "G"</p>
186<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.patrol" = "P"</p>
187<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.repair" = "J"</p>
188<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queue" = "Shift"</p>
189<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.orderone" = "Alt"</p>
190<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.batchtrain" = "Shift"</p>
191<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.massbarter" = "Shift"</p>
192<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.masstribute" = "Shift"</p>
193<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.noconfirmation" = "Shift"</p>
194<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.fulltradeswap" = "Shift"</p>
195<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.unloadtype" = "Shift"</p>
196<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.deselectgroup" = "Ctrl"</p>
197<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.rotate.cw" = "RightBracket"</p>
198<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.rotate.ccw" = "LeftBracket"</p>
199<p>Found config header 'hotkey.session.gui'</p>
200<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.gui.toggle" = "Alt+G"</p>
201<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.gui.menu.toggle" = "F10"</p>
202<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.gui.barter.toggle" = "Ctrl+B"</p>
203<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.gui.tutorial.toggle" = "Ctrl+P"</p>
204<p>Found config header 'hotkey.session.savedgames'</p>
205<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.savedgames.delete" = "Delete"</p>
206<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.savedgames.noconfirmation" = "Shift"</p>
207<p>Found config header 'hotkey.session.queueunit'</p>
208<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.1" = "Z"</p>
209<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.2" = "X"</p>
210<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.3" = "C"</p>
211<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.4" = "V"</p>
212<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.5" = "B"</p>
213<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.6" = "N"</p>
214<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.7" = "M"</p>
215<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.queueunit.8" = "Comma"</p>
216<p>Found config header 'hotkey.session.timewarp'</p>
217<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.timewarp.fastforward" = "Space"</p>
218<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.session.timewarp.rewind" = "Backspace"</p>
219<p>Found config header 'hotkey.tab'</p>
220<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.tab.next" = "Tab", "Alt+S"</p>
221<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.tab.prev" = "Shift+Tab", "Alt+W"</p>
222<p>Found config header 'hotkey.text'</p>
223<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.text.delete.left" = "Ctrl+Backspace"</p>
224<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.text.delete.right" = "Ctrl+Del"</p>
225<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.text.move.left" = "Ctrl+LeftArrow"</p>
226<p>Loaded config string "hotkey.text.move.right" = "Ctrl+RightArrow"</p>
227<p>Found config header 'gui'</p>
228<p>Loaded config string "gui.cursorblinkrate" = "0.5"</p>
229<p>Loaded config string "gui.scale" = "1.0"</p>
230<p>Found config header 'gui.gamesetup'</p>
231<p>Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.enabletips" = "true"</p>
232<p>Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.assignplayers" = "everyone"</p>
233<p>Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.aidifficulty" = "3"</p>
234<p>Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.aibehavior" = "random"</p>
235<p>Loaded config string "gui.gamesetup.settingsslide" = "true"</p>
236<p>Found config header 'gui.session'</p>
237<p>Loaded config string "gui.session.camerajump.threshold" = "40"</p>
238<p>Loaded config string "gui.session.timeelapsedcounter" = "false"</p>
239<p>Loaded config string "gui.session.ceasefirecounter" = "false"</p>
240<p>Loaded config string "gui.session.batchtrainingsize" = "5"</p>
241<p>Loaded config string "gui.session.scrollbatchratio" = "1"</p>
242<p>Loaded config string "gui.session.woundedunithotkeythreshold" = "33"</p>
243<p>Loaded config string "gui.session.attackrange" = "true"</p>
244<p>Loaded config string "gui.session.aurasrange" = "true"</p>
245<p>Loaded config string "gui.session.healrange" = "true"</p>
246<p>Loaded config string "gui.session.rankabovestatusbar" = "true"</p>
247<p>Loaded config string "gui.session.respoptooltipsort" = "0"</p>
248<p>Found config header 'gui.session.minimap'</p>
249<p>Loaded config string "gui.session.minimap.blinkduration" = "1.7"</p>
250<p>Loaded config string "gui.session.minimap.pingduration" = "50.0"</p>
251<p>Found config header 'gui.session.notifications'</p>
252<p>Loaded config string "gui.session.notifications.attack" = "true"</p>
253<p>Loaded config string "gui.session.notifications.tribute" = "true"</p>
254<p>Loaded config string "gui.session.notifications.barter" = "true"</p>
255<p>Loaded config string "gui.session.notifications.phase" = "completed"</p>
256<p>Found config header 'gui.splashscreen'</p>
257<p>Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.enable" = "true"</p>
258<p>Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.version" = "0"</p>
259<p>Found config header 'gui.session.diplomacycolors'</p>
260<p>Loaded config string "gui.session.diplomacycolors.self" = "21 55 149"</p>
261<p>Loaded config string "gui.session.diplomacycolors.ally" = "86 180 31"</p>
262<p>Loaded config string "gui.session.diplomacycolors.neutral" = "231 200 5"</p>
263<p>Loaded config string "gui.session.diplomacycolors.enemy" = "150 20 20"</p>
264<p>Found config header 'joystick'</p>
265<p>Loaded config string "joystick.enable" = "false"</p>
266<p>Loaded config string "joystick.deadzone" = "8192"</p>
267<p>Found config header 'joystick.camera'</p>
268<p>Loaded config string "joystick.camera.pan.x" = "0"</p>
269<p>Loaded config string "joystick.camera.pan.y" = "1"</p>
270<p>Loaded config string "joystick.camera.rotate.x" = "3"</p>
271<p>Loaded config string "joystick.camera.rotate.y" = "2"</p>
272<p>Loaded config string "joystick.camera.zoom.in" = "5"</p>
273<p>Loaded config string "joystick.camera.zoom.out" = "4"</p>
274<p>Found config header 'chat'</p>
275<p>Loaded config string "chat.timestamp" = "true"</p>
276<p>Found config header 'chat.session'</p>
277<p>Loaded config string "chat.session.extended" = "true"</p>
278<p>Found config header 'lobby'</p>
279<p>Loaded config string "lobby.history" = "0"</p>
280<p>Loaded config string "lobby.room" = "arena23b"</p>
281<p>Loaded config string "lobby.server" = "lobby.wildfiregames.com"</p>
282<p>Loaded config string "lobby.tls" = "true"</p>
283<p>Loaded config string "lobby.verify_certificate" = "false"</p>
284<p>Loaded config string "lobby.terms_url" = "https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/prelobby/common/terms/"</p>
285<p>Loaded config string "lobby.terms_of_service" = "0"</p>
286<p>Loaded config string "lobby.terms_of_use" = "0"</p>
287<p>Loaded config string "lobby.privacy_policy" = "0"</p>
288<p>Loaded config string "lobby.xpartamupp" = "wfgbot23b"</p>
289<p>Loaded config string "lobby.echelon" = "echelon23b"</p>
290<p>Loaded config string "lobby.buddies"</p>
291<p>Loaded config string "lobby.rememberpassword" = "true"</p>
292<p>Found config header 'lobby.columns'</p>
293<p>Loaded config string "lobby.columns.gamerating" = "false"</p>
294<p>Found config header 'lobby.stun'</p>
295<p>Loaded config string "lobby.stun.enabled" = "true"</p>
296<p>Loaded config string "lobby.stun.server" = "lobby.wildfiregames.com"</p>
297<p>Loaded config string "lobby.stun.port" = "3478"</p>
298<p>Loaded config string "lobby.stun.delay" = "200"</p>
299<p>Found config header 'mod'</p>
300<p>Loaded config string "mod.enabledmods" = "mod public"</p>
301<p>Found config header 'modio'</p>
302<p>Loaded config string "modio.public_key" = "RWTsHxQMrRq4xwHisyBa2rNQfAedcINzbTT83jeX4/ZcfVxqLfWB4y8w"</p>
303<p>Loaded config string "modio.disclaimer" = "0"</p>
304<p>Found config header 'modio.v1'</p>
305<p>Loaded config string "modio.v1.baseurl" = "https://api.mod.io/v1"</p>
306<p>Loaded config string "modio.v1.api_key" = "23df258a71711ea6e4b50893acc1ba55"</p>
307<p>Loaded config string "modio.v1.name_id" = "0ad"</p>
308<p>Found config header 'network'</p>
309<p>Loaded config string "network.duplicateplayernames" = "false"</p>
310<p>Loaded config string "network.lateobservers" = "everyone"</p>
311<p>Loaded config string "network.observerlimit" = "8"</p>
312<p>Loaded config string "network.gamestarttimeout" = "60000"</p>
313<p>Found config header 'overlay'</p>
314<p>Loaded config string "overlay.fps" = "false"</p>
315<p>Loaded config string "overlay.realtime" = "false"</p>
316<p>Loaded config string "overlay.netwarnings" = "true"</p>
317<p>Found config header 'profiler2'</p>
318<p>Loaded config string "profiler2.autoenable" = "false"</p>
319<p>Loaded config string "profiler2.gpu.arb.enable" = "true"</p>
320<p>Loaded config string "profiler2.gpu.ext.enable" = "true"</p>
321<p>Loaded config string "profiler2.gpu.intel.enable" = "true"</p>
322<p>Found config header 'sound'</p>
323<p>Loaded config string "sound.mastergain" = "0.9"</p>
324<p>Loaded config string "sound.musicgain" = "0.2"</p>
325<p>Loaded config string "sound.ambientgain" = "0.6"</p>
326<p>Loaded config string "sound.actiongain" = "0.7"</p>
327<p>Loaded config string "sound.uigain" = "0.7"</p>
328<p>Found config header 'sound.notify'</p>
329<p>Loaded config string "sound.notify.nick" = "true"</p>
330<p>Found config header 'tinygettext'</p>
331<p>Loaded config string "tinygettext.debug" = "false"</p>
332<p>Found config header 'userreport'</p>
333<p>Loaded config string "userreport.url_upload" = "https://feedback.wildfiregames.com/report/upload/v1/"</p>
334<p>Loaded config string "userreport.url_publication" = "https://feedback.wildfiregames.com/"</p>
335<p>Loaded config string "userreport.url_terms" = "https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/userreport/Terms_and_Conditions.txt"</p>
336<p>Loaded config string "userreport.terms" = "0"</p>
337<p>Found config header 'view'</p>
338<p>Loaded config string "view.scroll.speed" = "120.0"</p>
339<p>Loaded config string "view.scroll.speed.modifier" = "1.05"</p>
340<p>Loaded config string "view.rotate.x.speed" = "1.2"</p>
341<p>Loaded config string "view.rotate.x.min" = "28.0"</p>
342<p>Loaded config string "view.rotate.x.max" = "60.0"</p>
343<p>Loaded config string "view.rotate.x.default" = "35.0"</p>
344<p>Loaded config string "view.rotate.y.speed" = "2.0"</p>
345<p>Loaded config string "view.rotate.y.speed.wheel" = "0.45"</p>
346<p>Loaded config string "view.rotate.y.default" = "0.0"</p>
347<p>Loaded config string "view.rotate.speed.modifier" = "1.05"</p>
348<p>Loaded config string "view.drag.speed" = "0.5"</p>
349<p>Loaded config string "view.zoom.speed" = "256.0"</p>
350<p>Loaded config string "view.zoom.speed.wheel" = "32.0"</p>
351<p>Loaded config string "view.zoom.min" = "50.0"</p>
352<p>Loaded config string "view.zoom.max" = "200.0"</p>
353<p>Loaded config string "view.zoom.default" = "120.0"</p>
354<p>Loaded config string "view.zoom.speed.modifier" = "1.05"</p>
355<p>Loaded config string "view.pos.smoothness" = "0.1"</p>
356<p>Loaded config string "view.zoom.smoothness" = "0.4"</p>
357<p>Loaded config string "view.rotate.x.smoothness" = "0.5"</p>
358<p>Loaded config string "view.rotate.y.smoothness" = "0.3"</p>
359<p>Loaded config string "view.near" = "2.0"</p>
360<p>Loaded config string "view.far" = "4096.0"</p>
361<p>Loaded config string "view.fov" = "45.0"</p>
362<p>Loaded config string "view.height.smoothness" = "0.5"</p>
363<p>Loaded config string "view.height.min" = "16"</p>
364<p>Cannot find config file "config/local.cfg" - ignoring</p>
365<p>Loading config file "config/user.cfg"</p>
366<p>Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.enable" = "true"</p>
367<p>Loaded config string "gui.splashscreen.version" = "1478825172"</p>
368<p>Loaded config string "lobby.login" = "vlad.c"</p>
369<p>Loaded config string "lobby.password"</p>
370<p>Loaded config string "lobby.privacy_policy" = "4d69c4ae5ee9e3a188720b1521f8d6ef"</p>
371<p>Loaded config string "lobby.rememberpassword" = "true"</p>
372<p>Loaded config string "lobby.stun.enabled" = "false"</p>
373<p>Loaded config string "lobby.terms_of_service" = "4821ac065a2b6d2b56b016cc7e83608b"</p>
374<p>Loaded config string "lobby.terms_of_use" = "93ea11d4afe591ad2e62041184eb60dd"</p>
375<p>Loaded config string "lobby.tls" = "false"</p>
376<p>Loaded config string "multiplayerhosting.port" = "20595"</p>
377<p>Loaded config string "multiplayerjoining.port" = "20595"</p>
378<p>Loaded config string "multiplayerserver" = ""</p>
379<p>Loaded config string "playername.multiplayer" = "vlad.c"</p>
380<p>Loaded config string "userreport.enabledversion" = "0"</p>
381<p>Loaded config string "userreport.id"</p>
382<p class="error">ERROR: CVFSFile: file audio/sound_group.rng couldn't be opened (vfs_load: -110100)</p>
383<p class="error">ERROR: CXeromyces: failed adding validator for 'audio/sound_group.rng'</p>
384<p class="error">ERROR: CSoundManager: failed to load grammar file 'audio/sound_group.rng'</p>
385<p class="warning">WARNING: Window icon not found.</p>
386<p class="error">ERROR: CVFSFile: file hwdetect/hwdetect.js couldn't be opened (vfs_load: -110100)</p>
387<p class="error">ERROR: Failed to load hardware detection script</p>
388<p class="error">ERROR: CVFSFile: file gui/gui_page.rng couldn't be opened (vfs_load: -110100)</p>
389<p class="error">ERROR: CXeromyces: failed adding validator for 'gui/gui_page.rng'</p>
390<p class="error">ERROR: CGUIManager: failed to load GUI page grammar file 'gui/gui_page.rng'</p>
391<p class="error">ERROR: CVFSFile: file gui/gui.rng couldn't be opened (vfs_load: -110100)</p>
392<p class="error">ERROR: CXeromyces: failed adding validator for 'gui/gui.rng'</p>
393<p class="error">ERROR: CGUIManager: failed to load GUI XML grammar file 'gui/gui.rng'</p>
394<p class="error">ERROR: CVFSFile: file shaders/program.rng couldn't be opened (vfs_load: -110100)</p>
395<p class="error">ERROR: CXeromyces: failed adding validator for 'shaders/program.rng'</p>
396<p class="error">ERROR: CShaderManager: failed to load grammar shaders/program.rng</p>
397<p>CRenderer::Open: depth bits 24</p>
398<p>CRenderer::Open: stencil bits 8</p>
399<p>CRenderer::Open: alpha bits 0</p>
400<p class="error">ERROR: Failed to open font file fonts/mono-10.fnt</p>
401<p class="error">ERROR: Failed to open font file fonts/sans-10.fnt</p>
402<p class="error">ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "gui/page_pregame.xml"</p>
403<p class="error">ERROR: Failed to open font file fonts/mono-stroke-10.fnt</p>
404<p class="error">ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "shaders/effects/gui_text.xml"</p>
405<p class="error">ERROR: Failed to load effect 'gui_text'</p>