Much to our regret we must report the program has encountered an error. Please let us know at and attach the crashlog.txt and crashlog.dmp files. Details: unhandled exception (Access violation writing 0x00000000) Location: unknown:0 (?) Call stack: (error while dumping stack: No stack frames found) errno = 0 (No error reported here) OS error = 487 (Attempt to access invalid address.) ==================================== SVN Revision: 10802 System info: (generated 2011-12-26 07:38:31 UTC) OS : Windows (6.2.8102) CPU : IA-32, AMD Athlon II X2 220 Processor (1x2x1), 2.81 GHz Memory : 5120 MiB; 3960 MiB free Graphics Card : NVIDIA GeForce 6150SE nForce 430 (Microsoft Corporation - WDDM v1.2); OpenGL Drivers : 1.1.0; OpenGL 1.1.0 Video Mode : 1024x768:32 Sound Card : High Definition Audio Device; Sound Drivers : OpenGL Extensions: GL_WIN_swap_hint GL_EXT_bgra SMBIOS: [Bios] vendor: "American Megatrends Inc." version: "P01-A3" startSegment: F000 releaseDate: "09/23/2010" flags: isa|pci|plug_and_play|apm|upgradable|shadowing|escd|boot_cd|selectable_boot|socketed_rom|edd|int13d|int13e|int13f|int5|int9|int14|int17|int10 vendorFlags: 1 flags1: acpi|usb_legacy|boot_ls_120|boot_zip_drive flags2: bios_boot|targeted_content_distribution size: 1024 KiB [System] manufacturer: "eMachines" productName: "EL1352G" version: "P01-A3" serialNumber: "PTNCG0200210403CA59600" uuid0: 37417C6310B10574 uuid1: 8DAC9AFBFDE967AB wakeUpType: power_switch family: "eMachines Desktop" [Baseboard] manufacturer: "eMachines" product: "EL1352G" flags: motherboard|replaceable hChassis: 3 type: motherboard [Chassis] manufacturer: "eMachines" type: desktop state: ok powerState: ok thermalState: ok securityStatus: none numPowerCords: 1 [Processor] socket: "CPU 1" type: CPU family: 1 manufacturer: "AMD" id: 178BFBFF00100F63 version: "AMD Athlon(tm) II X2 220 Processor" voltage: 15 dV externalClockFrequency: 200 MHz maxFrequency: 2800 MHz bootFrequency: 2800 MHz status: enabled upgrade: other hL1: 5 hL2: 6 hL3: 7 coresPerPackage: 2 enabledCores: 2 logicalPerPackage: 2 flags: x64 family2: 1 populated: true [Cache] designation: "L1-Cache" configuration: enabled supportedFlags: pipeline_burst currentFlags: pipeline_burst ecc: single_bit associativity: A4 level: 1 location: internal mode: varies maxSize: 256 KiB installedSize: 256 KiB [Cache] designation: "L2-Cache" configuration: enabled supportedFlags: pipeline_burst currentFlags: pipeline_burst ecc: single_bit associativity: A4 level: 2 location: internal mode: varies maxSize: 1024 KiB installedSize: 1024 KiB [Cache] designation: "L3-Cache" supportedFlags: unknown currentFlags: unknown ecc: unknown type: unknown associativity: unknown level: 3 location: internal mode: unknown [SystemSlot] designation: "PCIE" type: pcie_x16 busWidth: x16 usage: available length: _long id: 1 flags1: v3_3|shared flags2: pme segmentGroupNumber: 61440 deviceNumber: 18 [SystemSlot] designation: "PCIE" type: pcie_x1 busWidth: x1 usage: available length: _short id: 2 flags1: v3_3|shared flags2: pme segmentGroupNumber: 61440 deviceNumber: 22 [OnBoardDevices] type: video description: "Onboard Nvidia Graphics" enabled: true [OnBoardDevices] type: ethernet description: "Ethernet Controller" enabled: true [OnBoardDevices] type: sata_controller description: "SATA Controller" enabled: true [OnBoardDevices] type: sound description: "Realtek High Definition Audio" enabled: true [MemoryArray] location: motherboard use: system ecc: none numDevices: 2 maxCapacity: 4 GiB [MemoryDevice] hMemoryArray: 16 totalWidth: 64 bits dataWidth: 64 bits formFactor: DIMM locator: "DIMM0" bank: "Bank0" type: DDR3 typeFlags: synchronous speed: 1066 MHz manufacturer: "Manufacturer00" serialNumber: "00000000" partNumber: "64C0MHHHJ-HS" size: 4 GiB [MemoryDevice] hMemoryArray: 16 totalWidth: 64 bits dataWidth: 64 bits formFactor: DIMM locator: "DIMM1" bank: "Bank1" type: DDR3 typeFlags: synchronous speed: 1066 MHz manufacturer: "Unifosa" serialNumber: "00000000" partNumber: "GU502203EP02010000" size: 1024 MiB [MemoryArrayMappedAddress] hMemoryArray: 16 partitionWidth: 1 endAddress: 15FFFFC00 [MemoryDeviceMappedAddress] hMemoryDevice: 18 hMemoryArrayMappedAddress: 17 partitionRowPosition: 1 endAddress: FFFFFC00 [MemoryDeviceMappedAddress] hMemoryDevice: 20 hMemoryArrayMappedAddress: 17 partitionRowPosition: 1 startAddress: 100000000 endAddress: 13FFFFC00 [SystemBoot] status: no_error [OnboardDevices2] referenceDesignation: "Onboard Nvidia Graphics" type: video groupNumber: 61440 busNumber: 2 enabled: true deviceNumber: 13 [OnboardDevices2] referenceDesignation: "Ethernet Controller" type: ethernet groupNumber: 61440 enabled: true deviceNumber: 7 [OnboardDevices2] referenceDesignation: "SATA Controller" type: sata_controller groupNumber: 61440 enabled: true deviceNumber: 8 [OnboardDevices2] referenceDesignation: "Realtek High Definition Audio" type: sound groupNumber: 61440 enabled: true deviceNumber: 5 ==================================== Main log: (unavailable) ====================================