[collada\DLL.cpp:64]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'BufferedOutputCallback::buffer' [graphics\ColladaManager.cpp:61]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CColladaManagerImpl::set_logger' [graphics\ColladaManager.cpp:61]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CColladaManagerImpl::set_skeleton_definitions' [graphics\ColladaManager.cpp:61]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CColladaManagerImpl::convert_dae_to_pmd' [graphics\ColladaManager.cpp:61]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CColladaManagerImpl::convert_dae_to_psa' [graphics\Camera.cpp:36]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CCamera::m_NearPlane' [graphics\Camera.cpp:36]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CCamera::m_FarPlane' [graphics\Camera.cpp:36]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CCamera::m_FOV' [graphics\CinemaTrack.cpp:256]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CCinemaManager::m_DrawLines' [graphics\CinemaTrack.cpp:33]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CCinemaPath::m_PreviousNodeTime' [graphics\CinemaTrack.cpp:33]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CCinemaPath::m_CurrentNode' [graphics\CinemaTrack.h:64]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CCinemaPath::m_CurrentNode' [graphics\CinemaTrack.h:145]: (Style) The function 'CCinemaManager::GetAllPaths' can be const [graphics\ParticleEmitter.h:57]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'tParticle::alpha' [graphics\ParticleEmitter.h:57]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'tParticle::alphaDelta' [graphics\ParticleEmitter.h:57]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'tParticle::life' [graphics\ParticleEmitter.h:57]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'tParticle::inPos' [graphics\ParticleEmitter.h:147]: (Style) The function 'CEmitter::GetTag' can be const [graphics\ParticleEmitter.h:148]: (Style) The function 'CEmitter::GetPosX' can be const [graphics\ParticleEmitter.h:149]: (Style) The function 'CEmitter::GetPosY' can be const [graphics\ParticleEmitter.h:150]: (Style) The function 'CEmitter::GetPosZ' can be const [graphics\ParticleEmitter.h:151]: (Style) The function 'CEmitter::GetPosVec' can be const [graphics\ParticleEmitter.h:152]: (Style) The function 'CEmitter::IsFinished' can be const [graphics\ParticleEmitter.h:153]: (Style) The function 'CEmitter::GetEmitterLife' can be const [graphics\ParticleEmitter.h:154]: (Style) The function 'CEmitter::GetParticleCount' can be const [graphics\ParticleEmitter.h:155]: (Style) The function 'CEmitter::GetMaxParticles' can be const [graphics\ParticleEmitter.h:156]: (Style) The function 'CEmitter::GetStartColor' can be const [graphics\ParticleEmitter.h:157]: (Style) The function 'CEmitter::GetStartColorVar' can be const [graphics\ParticleEmitter.h:158]: (Style) The function 'CEmitter::GetEndColor' can be const [graphics\ParticleEmitter.h:159]: (Style) The function 'CEmitter::GetEndColorVar' can be const [graphics\ParticleEmitter.h:160]: (Style) The function 'CEmitter::GetBlendMode' can be const [graphics\ParticleEmitter.h:161]: (Style) The function 'CEmitter::GetSize' can be const [graphics\ParticleEmitter.h:162]: (Style) The function 'CEmitter::GetYaw' can be const [graphics\ParticleEmitter.h:163]: (Style) The function 'CEmitter::GetYawVar' can be const [graphics\ParticleEmitter.h:164]: (Style) The function 'CEmitter::GetPitch' can be const [graphics\ParticleEmitter.h:165]: (Style) The function 'CEmitter::GetPitchVar' can be const [graphics\ParticleEmitter.h:166]: (Style) The function 'CEmitter::GetSpeed' can be const [graphics\ParticleEmitter.h:167]: (Style) The function 'CEmitter::GetSpeedVar' can be const [graphics\ParticleEmitter.h:168]: (Style) The function 'CEmitter::GetEmitsPerFrame' can be const [graphics\ParticleEmitter.h:169]: (Style) The function 'CEmitter::GetEmitVar' can be const [graphics\ParticleEmitter.h:170]: (Style) The function 'CEmitter::GetLife' can be const [graphics\ParticleEmitter.h:171]: (Style) The function 'CEmitter::GetLifeVar' can be const [graphics\ParticleEmitter.h:172]: (Style) The function 'CEmitter::GetForceX' can be const [graphics\ParticleEmitter.h:173]: (Style) The function 'CEmitter::GetForceY' can be const [graphics\ParticleEmitter.h:174]: (Style) The function 'CEmitter::GetForceZ' can be const [graphics\GameView.cpp:76]: (Style) The function 'CSmoothedValue::GetSmoothedValue' can be const [graphics\GameView.cpp:97]: (Style) The function 'CSmoothedValue::GetValue' can be const [lib\timer.h:213]: (Style) The class 'TimerUnit' has no constructor. Member variables not initialized. [ps\XML\XeroXMB.h:218]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'XMBAttribute::Name' [ps\XML\XeroXMB.h:229]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'XMBAttributeList::m_LastPointer' [ps\XML\XeroXMB.h:191]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'XMBElementList::m_LastPointer' [ps\XML\XeroXMB.h:194]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'XMBElementList::m_LastPointer' [ps\XML\XeroXMB.h:126]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'XMBFile::m_ElementNameCount' [ps\XML\XeroXMB.h:126]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'XMBFile::m_AttributeNameCount' [ps\XML\XeroXMB.h:126]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'XMBFile::m_ElementPointer' [ps\XML\XeroXMB.h:126]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'XMBFile::m_AttributePointer' [ps\XML\XeroXMB.h:163]: (Style) Unused private function 'XMBFile::ReadZStrA' [graphics\Material.cpp:75] -> [graphics\Material.h:58]: (Style) The function 'CMaterial::Unbind' can be const [graphics\Material.cpp:79] -> [graphics\Material.h:63]: (Style) The function 'CMaterial::GetDiffuse' can be const [graphics\Material.cpp:84] -> [graphics\Material.h:64]: (Style) The function 'CMaterial::GetAmbient' can be const [graphics\Material.cpp:89] -> [graphics\Material.h:65]: (Style) The function 'CMaterial::GetSpecular' can be const [graphics\Material.cpp:94] -> [graphics\Material.h:66]: (Style) The function 'CMaterial::GetEmissive' can be const [graphics\Material.cpp:49] -> [graphics\Material.h:93]: (Style) The function 'CMaterial::operator==' can be const [graphics\Material.h:60]: (Style) The function 'CMaterial::GetTexture' can be const [graphics\Material.h:61]: (Style) The function 'CMaterial::GetVertexProgram' can be const [graphics\Material.h:62]: (Style) The function 'CMaterial::GetFragmentProgram' can be const [graphics\Material.h:67]: (Style) The function 'CMaterial::GetSpecularPower' can be const [graphics\Material.h:69]: (Style) The function 'CMaterial::UsesAlpha' can be const [graphics\Material.h:72]: (Style) The function 'CMaterial::IsPlayer' can be const [graphics\Material.h:41]: (Style) The function 'SMaterialColor::operator==' can be const [graphics\MapReader.cpp:50]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CMapReader::pTerrain' [graphics\MapReader.cpp:50]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CMapReader::pWaterMan' [graphics\MapReader.cpp:50]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CMapReader::pSkyMan' [graphics\MapReader.cpp:50]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CMapReader::pLightEnv' [graphics\MapReader.cpp:50]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CMapReader::pGameView' [graphics\MapReader.cpp:50]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CMapReader::pCinema' [graphics\MapReader.cpp:50]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CMapReader::pTrigMan' [graphics\MapReader.cpp:50]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CMapReader::pSimulation2' [graphics\MapReader.cpp:50]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CMapReader::m_PlayerID' [graphics\MapReader.cpp:50]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CMapReader::only_xml' [graphics\MapReader.cpp:50]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CMapReader::num_terrain_tex' [graphics\MiniPatch.h:43]: (Style) The function 'CMiniPatch::GetPriority' can be const [graphics\Patch.h:77]: (Style) The function 'CPatch::getDrawState' can be const [graphics\TerrainTextureEntry.h:75]: (Style) The function 'CTerrainTextureEntry::GetTexture' can be const [graphics\Model.h:75]: (Style) The function 'CModel::GetModelDef' can be const [graphics\Model.h:94]: (Style) The function 'CModel::GetShadingColor' can be const [graphics\Model.h:136]: (Style) The function 'CModel::IsSkinned' can be const [graphics\Model.h:143]: (Style) The function 'CModel::GetInverseBindBoneMatrices' can be const [graphics\Model.cpp:498] -> [graphics\Model.h:84]: (Style) The function 'CModel::GetPlayerID' can be const [graphics\ParticleEngine.h:87]: (Style) The function 'CParticleEngine::GetTotalParticles' can be const [graphics\ParticleEmitter.cpp:321]: (Style) The scope of the variable fYaw can be reduced Warning: It can be unsafe to fix this message. Be careful. Especially when there are inner loops. Here is an example where cppcheck will write that the scope for 'i' can be reduced: void f(int x) { int i = 0; if (x) { // it's safe to move 'int i = 0' here for (int n = 0; n < 10; ++n) { // it is possible but not safe to move 'int i = 0' here do_something(&i); } } } When you see this message it is always safe to reduce the variable scope 1 level. [graphics\ParticleEmitter.cpp:321]: (Style) The scope of the variable fPitch can be reduced Warning: It can be unsafe to fix this message. Be careful. Especially when there are inner loops. Here is an example where cppcheck will write that the scope for 'i' can be reduced: void f(int x) { int i = 0; if (x) { // it's safe to move 'int i = 0' here for (int n = 0; n < 10; ++n) { // it is possible but not safe to move 'int i = 0' here do_something(&i); } } } When you see this message it is always safe to reduce the variable scope 1 level. [graphics\ParticleEmitter.cpp:321]: (Style) The scope of the variable fSpeed can be reduced Warning: It can be unsafe to fix this message. Be careful. Especially when there are inner loops. Here is an example where cppcheck will write that the scope for 'i' can be reduced: void f(int x) { int i = 0; if (x) { // it's safe to move 'int i = 0' here for (int n = 0; n < 10; ++n) { // it is possible but not safe to move 'int i = 0' here do_something(&i); } } } When you see this message it is always safe to reduce the variable scope 1 level. [graphics\Patch.cpp:30]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CPatch::m_X' [graphics\Patch.cpp:30]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CPatch::m_Z' [graphics\Sprite.cpp:116] -> [graphics\Sprite.h:52]: (Style) The function 'CSprite::GetWidth' can be const [graphics\Sprite.cpp:126] -> [graphics\Sprite.h:55]: (Style) The function 'CSprite::GetHeight' can be const [graphics\Sprite.cpp:136] -> [graphics\Sprite.h:58]: (Style) The function 'CSprite::GetTranslation' can be const [graphics\Sprite.cpp:153] -> [graphics\Sprite.h:62]: (Style) The function 'CSprite::GetScale' can be const [graphics\TerrainTextureManager.h:38] -> [graphics\TerrainProperties.h:39]: (Style) Typedef 'CTerrainPropertiesPtr' hides typedef with same name [graphics\TerrainProperties.h:39] -> [graphics\TerrainTextureManager.h:38]: (Style) Typedef 'CTerrainPropertiesPtr' hides typedef with same name [graphics\TextureManager.cpp:634] -> [graphics\TextureManager.h:232]: (Style) The function 'CTexture::IsLoaded' can be const [graphics\TextureManager.cpp:129]: (Style) The function 'CTextureManagerImpl::GetErrorTexture' can be const [graphics\UnitManager.cpp:97]: (Style) Variable 'dist' is assigned a value that is never used [graphics\tests\test_MeshManager.h:44]: (Style) The class 'TestMeshManager' has no constructor. Member variables not initialized. [gui\GUIRenderer.h:42]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'SDrawCall::m_HasTexture' [gui\GUIRenderer.h:42]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'SDrawCall::m_CellID' [gui\GUIRenderer.h:42]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'SDrawCall::m_EnableBlending' [gui\GUIRenderer.h:42]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'SDrawCall::m_DeltaZ' [gui\IGUIObject.h:110]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'SGUISetting::m_Type' [gui\CGUISprite.cpp:52]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CGUISpriteInstance::m_CachedCellID' [gui\CGUISprite.h:162]: (Style) The function 'CGUISpriteInstance::GetName' can be const [gui\CGUIScrollBarVertical.cpp:30]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CGUIScrollBarVertical::m_RightAligned' [gui\CInput.cpp:1069]: (Style) Variable 'copy_used' is assigned a value that is never used [gui\CInput.cpp:43]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CInput::m_WantedX' [gui\CTooltip.cpp:142]: (Style) The scope of the variable z can be reduced Warning: It can be unsafe to fix this message. Be careful. Especially when there are inner loops. Here is an example where cppcheck will write that the scope for 'i' can be reduced: void f(int x) { int i = 0; if (x) { // it's safe to move 'int i = 0' here for (int n = 0; n < 10; ++n) { // it is possible but not safe to move 'int i = 0' here do_something(&i); } } } When you see this message it is always safe to reduce the variable scope 1 level. [gui\GUIManager.cpp:53]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'SGUIPage::cx' [gui\GUITooltip.cpp:80]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'GUITooltip::m_Time' [gui\IGUIScrollBar.cpp:29]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'IGUIScrollBar::m_Z' [gui\IGUIScrollBar.cpp:29]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'IGUIScrollBar::m_pHostObject' [gui\IGUIScrollBar.cpp:29]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'IGUIScrollBar::m_PosWhenPressed' [gui\MiniMap.cpp:54]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CMiniMap::m_Camera' [i18n\ScriptInterface.h:41] -> [i18n\StrImmutable.h:34]: (Style) Typedef 'jschar' hides typedef with same name [i18n\StrImmutable.h:42]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'strImW_data::data' [lib\allocators\headerless.cpp:54]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'FreedBlock::prev' [lib\allocators\headerless.cpp:54]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'FreedBlock::next' [lib\allocators\headerless.cpp:54]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'FreedBlock::m_size' [lib\allocators\headerless.cpp:58]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'FreedBlock::prev' [lib\allocators\headerless.cpp:58]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'FreedBlock::next' [lib\allocators\headerless.cpp:512]: (Style) The class 'Stats' has no constructor. Member variables not initialized. [lib\file\archive\archive_zip.cpp:409]: (Style) C-style pointer casting [lib\file\archive\archive_zip.cpp:473]: (Style) C-style pointer casting [lib\file\archive\archive_zip.cpp:542]: (Style) C-style pointer casting [lib\file\archive\archive_zip.cpp:616]: (Style) C-style pointer casting [lib\file\archive\archive_zip.cpp:624]: (Style) C-style pointer casting [lib\file\archive\archive_zip.cpp:544]: (Style) Throwing exception in destructor [lib\file\io\io.cpp:126]: (Style) The class 'BlockIo' has no constructor. Member variables not initialized. [lib\file\vfs\vfs_populate.cpp:78]: (Style) C-style pointer casting [lib\res\graphics\cursor.cpp:81]: (Style) The class 'GLCursor' has no constructor. Member variables not initialized. [lib\res\sound\ogg.cpp:124]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'OggStreamImpl::info' [lib\sysdep\os\win\wdbg.cpp:128]: (Style) struct or union member 'ThreadNameInfo::type' is never used [lib\sysdep\os\win\wdbg.cpp:129]: (Style) struct or union member 'ThreadNameInfo::name' is never used [lib\sysdep\os\win\wdbg.cpp:130]: (Style) struct or union member 'ThreadNameInfo::thread_id' is never used [lib\sysdep\os\win\wdbg.cpp:131]: (Style) struct or union member 'ThreadNameInfo::flags' is never used [lib\sysdep\os\win\wdir_watch.cpp:399]: (Style) C-style pointer casting [lib\sysdep\os\win\wdbg_heap.cpp:718]: (Style) C-style pointer casting [lib\sysdep\os\win\wdbg_heap.cpp:672]: (Style) The class 'CallStack' has no constructor. Member variables not initialized. [lib\sysdep\os\win\wdll_delay_load.cpp:242]: (Style) struct or union member 'InternalImgDelayDescr::pUnloadIAT' is never used [lib\sysdep\os\win\wnuma.cpp:193]: (Style) struct or union member 'AffinityMemory::reserved1' is never used [lib\sysdep\os\win\wnuma.cpp:194]: (Style) struct or union member 'AffinityMemory::baseAddress' is never used [lib\sysdep\os\win\wnuma.cpp:196]: (Style) struct or union member 'AffinityMemory::reserved2' is never used [lib\sysdep\os\win\wnuma.cpp:197]: (Style) struct or union member 'AffinityMemory::flags' is never used [lib\sysdep\os\win\wnuma.cpp:198]: (Style) struct or union member 'AffinityMemory::reserved3' is never used [lib\sysdep\os\win\whrt\hpet.cpp:49]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CounterHPET::m_frequency' [lib\sysdep\os\win\wposix\wtime.cpp:384]: (Style) The scope of the variable ret can be reduced Warning: It can be unsafe to fix this message. Be careful. Especially when there are inner loops. Here is an example where cppcheck will write that the scope for 'i' can be reduced: void f(int x) { int i = 0; if (x) { // it's safe to move 'int i = 0' here for (int n = 0; n < 10; ++n) { // it is possible but not safe to move 'int i = 0' here do_something(&i); } } } When you see this message it is always safe to reduce the variable scope 1 level. [lib\tests\test_secure_crt.h:159]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'TestString_s::d1' [lib\tests\test_secure_crt.h:159]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'TestString_s::d2' [lib\tests\test_secure_crt.h:159]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'TestString_s::d3' [lib\tests\test_secure_crt.h:159]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'TestString_s::d5' [lib\tests\test_secure_crt.h:159]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'TestString_s::d6' [lib\tests\test_secure_crt.h:159]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'TestString_s::d10' [lib\tests\test_secure_crt.h:159]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'TestString_s::d11' [maths\Fixed.h:338] -> [maths\Fixed.h:328]: (Style) Typedef 'fixed' hides typedef with same name [maths\Fixed.cpp:193] -> [maths\Fixed.h:328]: (Style) Typedef 'fixed' hides typedef with same name [maths\Bound.cpp:158] -> [maths\Bound.h:47]: (Style) The function 'CBound::IsEmpty' can be const [maths\Vector2D.h:63]: (Style) Variable 'inv' is assigned a value that is never used [maths\Vector2D.h:34]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CVector2D_Maths::X' [maths\Vector2D.h:34]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CVector2D_Maths::Y' [maths\NUSpline.h:41]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'RNSpline::MaxDistance' [maths\Vector4D.h:76]: (Style) Variable 'inv_f' is assigned a value that is never used [maths\Vector4D.h:34]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CVector4D::m_X' [maths\Vector4D.h:34]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CVector4D::m_Y' [maths\Vector4D.h:34]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CVector4D::m_Z' [maths\Vector4D.h:34]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CVector4D::m_W' [maths\Matrix3D.cpp:138] -> [maths\Matrix3D.h:79]: (Style) The function 'CMatrix3D::SetIdentity' can be const [maths\Matrix3D.cpp:147] -> [maths\Matrix3D.h:81]: (Style) The function 'CMatrix3D::SetZero' can be const [maths\Matrix3D.cpp:216] -> [maths\Matrix3D.h:105]: (Style) The function 'CMatrix3D::SetTranslation' can be const [maths\Matrix3D.cpp:230] -> [maths\Matrix3D.h:111]: (Style) The function 'CMatrix3D::Translate' can be const [maths\Matrix3D.cpp:237] -> [maths\Matrix3D.h:112]: (Style) The function 'CMatrix3D::Translate' can be const [maths\Matrix3D.cpp:261] -> [maths\Matrix3D.h:115]: (Style) The function 'CMatrix3D::SetScaling' can be const [maths\Quaternion.cpp:201]: (Style) The scope of the variable omega can be reduced Warning: It can be unsafe to fix this message. Be careful. Especially when there are inner loops. Here is an example where cppcheck will write that the scope for 'i' can be reduced: void f(int x) { int i = 0; if (x) { // it's safe to move 'int i = 0' here for (int n = 0; n < 10; ++n) { // it is possible but not safe to move 'int i = 0' here do_something(&i); } } } When you see this message it is always safe to reduce the variable scope 1 level. [maths\Quaternion.cpp:201]: (Style) The scope of the variable sinom can be reduced Warning: It can be unsafe to fix this message. Be careful. Especially when there are inner loops. Here is an example where cppcheck will write that the scope for 'i' can be reduced: void f(int x) { int i = 0; if (x) { // it's safe to move 'int i = 0' here for (int n = 0; n < 10; ++n) { // it is possible but not safe to move 'int i = 0' here do_something(&i); } } } When you see this message it is always safe to reduce the variable scope 1 level. [network\NetStats.h:23] -> [network\NetHost.h:30]: (Style) Struct 'ENetPeer' hides typedef with same name [network\NetStats.h:24] -> [network\NetHost.h:32]: (Style) Struct 'ENetHost' hides typedef with same name [network\fsm.cpp:56]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CFsmTransition::m_NextState' [network\fsm.cpp:56]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CFsmTransition::m_Event' [ps\Filesystem.cpp:99]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CVFSFile::m_BufferSize' [ps\Game.cpp:173] -> [ps\Game.h:97]: (Style) The function 'CGame::GetPlayerID' can be const [ps\Hotkey.cpp:40]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'SHotkeyMapping::negation' [ps\Hotkey.cpp:150]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'SHotkeyMappingGui::negation' [ps\Parser.cpp:825]: (Style) Variable 'ConstructNew' is assigned a value that is never used [ps\Parser.cpp:283]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CParserLine::m_ParseOK' [ps\Parser.cpp:231]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CParserTaskTypeNode::m_Letter' [ps\Parser.cpp:231]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CParserTaskTypeNode::m_Type' [ps\Parser.cpp:231]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CParserTaskTypeNode::m_AltNodeRepeatable' [ps\Profile.cpp:584]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CProfileManager::start' [ps\Profile.cpp:584]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CProfileManager::start_mallocs' [ps\ProfileViewer.cpp:44]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CProfileViewerInternals::profileVisible' [ps\VideoMode.cpp:43]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CVideoMode::m_IsFullscreen' [ps\VideoMode.cpp:43]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CVideoMode::m_CurrentW' [ps\VideoMode.cpp:43]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CVideoMode::m_CurrentH' [ps\VideoMode.cpp:43]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CVideoMode::m_CurrentBPP' [ps\VideoMode.cpp:294] -> [ps\VideoMode.h:59]: (Style) The function 'CVideoMode::GetBestBPP' can be const [ps\Util.cpp:301]: (Error) Memory leak: tile_data [ps\Util.cpp:141]: (Style) Found obsolete function 'gethostbyname'. It is recommended that new applications use the 'getnameinfo' function [ps\GameSetup\Paths.h:60]: (Style) Unused private function 'Paths::XDG_Path' [ps\XML\XMLWriter.cpp:110] -> [ps\XML\XMLWriter.h:118]: (Style) The function 'XMLWriter_File::GetOutput' can be const [renderer\InstancingModelRenderer.cpp:106]: (Style) struct or union member 'InstancingModelRendererInternals::modifier' is never used [renderer\HWLightingModelRenderer.cpp:86]: (Style) struct or union member 'HWLightingModelRendererInternals::modifier' is never used [renderer\BlendShapes.h:24]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'BlendShape4::m_Data' [renderer\BlendShapes.h:79]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'BlendShape8::m_Data' [renderer\OverlayRenderer.cpp:61] -> [renderer\OverlayRenderer.h:52]: (Style) The function 'OverlayRenderer::PrepareForRendering' can be const [renderer\ModelRenderer.cpp:252]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'BatchModelRendererInternals::phase' [renderer\ModelRenderer.cpp:252]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'BatchModelRendererInternals::submissions' [renderer\TransparencyRenderer.cpp:143]: (Style) The function 'SortFacesByDist::operator()' can be const [renderer\TransparencyRenderer.cpp:472]: (Style) The function 'SortModelsByDist::operator()' can be const [scripting\JSConversions.cpp:307]: (Style) The scope of the variable intResult can be reduced Warning: It can be unsafe to fix this message. Be careful. Especially when there are inner loops. Here is an example where cppcheck will write that the scope for 'i' can be reduced: void f(int x) { int i = 0; if (x) { // it's safe to move 'int i = 0' here for (int n = 0; n < 10; ++n) { // it is possible but not safe to move 'int i = 0' here do_something(&i); } } } When you see this message it is always safe to reduce the variable scope 1 level. [scripting\ScriptGlue.cpp:275]: (Error) Null pointer dereference [simulation\EntityFormation.h:108]: (Style) Unused private function 'CEntityFormation::UpdateFormation' [simulation\EntityFormation.h:111]: (Style) Unused private function 'CEntityFormation::ResetIndex' [simulation\EntityFormation.h:113]: (Style) Unused private function 'CEntityFormation::ResetAngleDivs' [simulation\Formation.h:45]: (Style) The function 'CFormation::GetBonus' can be const [simulation\Formation.h:46]: (Style) The function 'CFormation::GetBonusBase' can be const [simulation\Formation.h:47]: (Style) The function 'CFormation::GetBonusType' can be const [simulation\Formation.h:48]: (Style) The function 'CFormation::GetBonusVal' can be const [simulation\Formation.h:50]: (Style) The function 'CFormation::GetPenalty' can be const [simulation\Formation.h:51]: (Style) The function 'CFormation::GetPenaltyBase' can be const [simulation\Formation.h:52]: (Style) The function 'CFormation::GetPenaltyType' can be const [simulation\Formation.h:53]: (Style) The function 'CFormation::GetPenaltyVal' can be const [simulation\Formation.h:55]: (Style) The function 'CFormation::GetAnglePenalty' can be const [simulation\Formation.h:56]: (Style) The function 'CFormation::GetAnglePenaltyType' can be const [simulation\Formation.h:57]: (Style) The function 'CFormation::GetAnglePenaltyDivs' can be const [simulation\Formation.h:58]: (Style) The function 'CFormation::GetAnglePenaltyVal' can be const [simulation\Simulation.h:84]: (Style) The function 'CSimulation::GetTime' can be const [simulation\EntityRendering.cpp:388]: (Style) Variable 'backgroundW' is assigned a value that is never used [simulation\EntityRendering.cpp:389]: (Style) Variable 'backgroundH' is assigned a value that is never used [simulation\EntityRendering.cpp:64]: (Error) deque range check should use != and not < since the order of the pointers isn't guaranteed [simulation\EntityRendering.cpp:81]: (Error) deque range check should use != and not < since the order of the pointers isn't guaranteed [simulation\EntityStateProcessing.cpp:708]: (Style) Variable 'pathfinder_radius' is assigned a value that is never used [simulation\Formation.cpp:26]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CFormation::m_bonusVal' [simulation\Formation.cpp:26]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CFormation::m_penaltyVal' [simulation\Formation.cpp:26]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CFormation::m_anglePenaltyDivs' [simulation\Formation.cpp:26]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CFormation::m_anglePenaltyVal' [simulation\Formation.cpp:26]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CFormation::m_required' [simulation\Formation.cpp:26]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CFormation::m_fileSpacing' [simulation\Formation.cpp:26]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CFormation::m_rankSpacing' [simulation\Formation.cpp:26]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CFormation::m_numRanks' [simulation\Formation.cpp:26]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CFormation::m_numFiles' [simulation\TerritoryManager.cpp:42]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CTerritoryManager::m_TilesPerSide' [simulation\Technology.cpp:36]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CTechnology::m_IconCell' [simulation\Technology.cpp:36]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CTechnology::m_ReqTime' [simulation\TriggerManager.cpp:29]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CTrigger::m_cx' [simulation\TriggerManager.cpp:37]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CTrigger::m_cx' [simulation\TriggerManager.cpp:54]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CTrigger::m_cx' [simulation\TriggerManager.cpp:83]: (Style) Member variable 'CTrigger::m_runCount' is not assigned a value in 'CTrigger::operator=' [simulation\TriggerManager.cpp:83]: (Style) Member variable 'CTrigger::m_conditionFuncString' is not assigned a value in 'CTrigger::operator=' [simulation\TriggerManager.cpp:83]: (Style) Member variable 'CTrigger::m_effectFuncString' is not assigned a value in 'CTrigger::operator=' [simulation\TriggerManager.cpp:83]: (Style) Member variable 'CTrigger::m_groupName' is not assigned a value in 'CTrigger::operator=' [simulation\TriggerManager.cpp:83]: (Style) Member variable 'CTrigger::m_cx' is not assigned a value in 'CTrigger::operator=' [simulation\TriggerManager.h:170]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CTriggerSpec::funcParameters' [simulation\TriggerManager.h:155]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'TriggerParameter::row' [simulation\TriggerManager.h:155]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'TriggerParameter::column' [simulation\TriggerManager.h:155]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'TriggerParameter::xPos' [simulation\TriggerManager.h:155]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'TriggerParameter::yPos' [simulation\TriggerManager.h:155]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'TriggerParameter::xSize' [simulation\TriggerManager.h:155]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'TriggerParameter::ySize' [simulation\TriggerManager.h:155]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'TriggerParameter::parameterOrder' [simulation\TriggerManager.h:156]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'TriggerParameter::xPos' [simulation\TriggerManager.h:156]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'TriggerParameter::yPos' [simulation\TriggerManager.h:156]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'TriggerParameter::xSize' [simulation\TriggerManager.h:156]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'TriggerParameter::ySize' [simulation\TriggerManager.h:156]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'TriggerParameter::parameterOrder' [simulation2\components\ICmpObstructionManager.h:65]: (Style) The function 'ICmpObstructionManager::tag_t::valid' can be const [simulation2\components\CCmpObstructionManager.cpp:66]: (Style) The class 'CCmpObstructionManager' has no constructor. Member variables not initialized. [simulation2\components\CCmpTemplateManager.cpp:34]: (Style) The class 'CCmpTemplateManager' has no constructor. Member variables not initialized. [simulation2\serialization\HashSerializer.cpp:37] -> [simulation2\serialization\HashSerializer.h:32]: (Style) The function 'CHashSerializerImpl::GetHashLength' can be const [simulation2\system\IComponent.h:33]: (Style) The class 'IComponent' has no constructor. Member variables not initialized. [simulation2\tests\test_Serializer.h:488]: (Style) Variable 't' is assigned a value that is never used [tools\ape\main.cpp:483]: (Style) Variable 'load_button' is assigned a value that is never used [tools\ape\main.cpp:137]: (Error) Resource leak: in [tools\ape\ext\Particle.cpp:21]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CParticle::m_sprite' [tools\ape\ext\Particle.cpp:21]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CParticle::m_colour' [tools\ape\ext\Particle.cpp:21]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CParticle::m_colourInc' [sound\SoundGroup.cpp:77]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CSoundGroup::m_TimeWindow' [sound\SoundGroup.h:101]: (Style) The function 'CSoundGroup::TestFlag' can be const [tools\ape\ext\ParticleSystem.cpp:45]: (Error) Dangerous iterator usage. After erase the iterator is invalid so dereferencing it or comparing it with another iterator is invalid. [tools\ape\ext\Sprite.cpp:111] -> [tools\ape\ext\Sprite.h:43]: (Style) The function 'CSprite::GetWidth' can be const [tools\ape\ext\Sprite.cpp:121] -> [tools\ape\ext\Sprite.h:46]: (Style) The function 'CSprite::GetHeight' can be const [tools\ape\ext\Sprite.cpp:131] -> [tools\ape\ext\Sprite.h:49]: (Style) The function 'CSprite::GetTranslation' can be const [tools\ape\ext\Sprite.cpp:148] -> [tools\ape\ext\Sprite.h:53]: (Style) The function 'CSprite::GetScale' can be const [tools\ape\ext\ParticleEmitter.cpp:28]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CParticleEmitter::m_vertices' [tools\ape\ext\ParticleEmitter.cpp:28]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CParticleEmitter::m_texCoords' [tools\ape\ext\ParticleEmitter.cpp:28]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CParticleEmitter::m_colours' [tools\ape\ext\ParticleEmitter.cpp:28]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CParticleEmitter::m_timeElapsedTotal' [tools\ape\ext\ParticleEmitter.cpp:272] -> [tools\ape\ext\ParticleEmitter.h:63]: (Style) The function 'CParticleEmitter::IsFinished' can be const [tools\ape\ext\ParticleEmitter.cpp:59]: (Error) Dangerous iterator usage. After erase the iterator is invalid so dereferencing it or comparing it with another iterator is invalid. [tools\ape\ext\ParticleEmitter.cpp:188]: (Error) Dangerous iterator usage. After erase the iterator is invalid so dereferencing it or comparing it with another iterator is invalid. [tools\atlas\AtlasObject\AtlasObjectXML.cpp:60]: (Error) Array 'buf[4]' index 4 out of bounds [tools\atlas\AtlasScript\ScriptInterface.cpp:878]: (Style) Unused variable: ret [tools\atlas\AtlasScript\ScriptInterface.cpp:879]: (Style) Variable 'obj' is assigned a value that is never used [tools\atlas\AtlasUI\ColourTester\ColourTesterImageCtrl.cpp:41]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'ColourTesterImageCtrl::m_DxtcFormat' [tools\atlas\AtlasUI\CustomControls\EditableListCtrl\ListCtrlValidator.cpp:30]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'ListCtrlValidator::m_Row' [tools\atlas\AtlasUI\CustomControls\EditableListCtrl\ListCtrlValidator.cpp:30]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'ListCtrlValidator::m_Col' [tools\atlas\AtlasUI\CustomControls\EditableListCtrl\QuickFileCtrl.h:25]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'QuickFileCtrl::m_TextCtrl' [tools\atlas\AtlasUI\CustomControls\EditableListCtrl\QuickFileCtrl.h:25]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'QuickFileCtrl::m_ButtonBrowse' [tools\atlas\AtlasUI\CustomControls\EditableListCtrl\QuickFileCtrl.h:25]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'QuickFileCtrl::m_DisableKillFocus' [tools\atlas\AtlasUI\CustomControls\EditableListCtrl\QuickFileCtrl.h:25]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'QuickFileCtrl::m_RememberedDir' [tools\atlas\AtlasUI\CustomControls\SnapSplitterWindow\SnapSplitterWindow.cpp:27]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'SnapSplitterWindow::m_DefaultSashPosition' [tools\atlas\AtlasUI\FileConverter\FileConverter.cpp:70]: (Style) Variable 'succeeded' is assigned a value that is never used [tools\atlas\AtlasUI\General\VideoRecorder\FFmpeg.cpp:91]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'VideoEncoderImpl::framerate' [tools\atlas\AtlasUI\General\VideoRecorder\FFmpeg.cpp:91]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'VideoEncoderImpl::bitrate' [tools\atlas\AtlasUI\General\VideoRecorder\FFmpeg.cpp:91]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'VideoEncoderImpl::duration' [tools\atlas\AtlasUI\General\VideoRecorder\FFmpeg.cpp:91]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'VideoEncoderImpl::width' [tools\atlas\AtlasUI\General\VideoRecorder\FFmpeg.cpp:91]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'VideoEncoderImpl::height' [tools\atlas\AtlasUI\ScenarioEditor\SectionLayout.cpp:270]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'SectionLayout::m_SidebarBook' [tools\atlas\AtlasUI\ScenarioEditor\SectionLayout.cpp:270]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'SectionLayout::m_Canvas' [tools\atlas\AtlasUI\ScenarioEditor\SectionLayout.cpp:270]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'SectionLayout::m_HorizSplitter' [tools\atlas\AtlasUI\ScenarioEditor\SectionLayout.cpp:270]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'SectionLayout::m_VertSplitter' [tools\atlas\AtlasUI\ScenarioEditor\Sections\Cinematic\Cinematic.cpp:219]: (Style) The scope of the variable j can be reduced Warning: It can be unsafe to fix this message. Be careful. Especially when there are inner loops. Here is an example where cppcheck will write that the scope for 'i' can be reduced: void f(int x) { int i = 0; if (x) { // it's safe to move 'int i = 0' here for (int n = 0; n < 10; ++n) { // it is possible but not safe to move 'int i = 0' here do_something(&i); } } } When you see this message it is always safe to reduce the variable scope 1 level. [tools\atlas\AtlasUI\ScenarioEditor\Sections\Cinematic\Cinematic.cpp:371]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CinematicBottomBar::m_Name' [tools\atlas\AtlasUI\ScenarioEditor\Sections\Cinematic\Cinematic.cpp:371]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CinematicBottomBar::m_TimeText' [tools\atlas\AtlasUI\ScenarioEditor\Sections\Environment\LightControl.cpp:30]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'LightSphere::theta' [tools\atlas\AtlasUI\ScenarioEditor\Sections\Environment\LightControl.cpp:30]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'LightSphere::phi' [tools\atlas\AtlasUI\ScenarioEditor\Tools\AlterElevation.cpp:35]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'AlterElevation::m_Direction' [tools\atlas\AtlasUI\ScenarioEditor\Tools\ScriptedTool.cpp:31]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'ScriptedTool::m_ScriptInterface' [tools\atlas\AtlasUI\ScenarioEditor\Tools\SmoothElevation.cpp:36]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'SmoothElevation::m_Direction' [tools\atlas\AtlasUI\ScenarioEditor\Tools\TransformObject.cpp:36]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'TransformObject::m_dx' [tools\atlas\AtlasUI\ScenarioEditor\Tools\TransformObject.cpp:36]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'TransformObject::m_dy' [tools\atlas\DatafileIO\Util.h:40] -> [tools\atlas\DatafileIO\Util.h:39]: (Style) Typedef '__C_ASSERT__' hides typedef with same name [tools\atlas\DatafileIO\Util.h:41] -> [tools\atlas\DatafileIO\Util.h:40]: (Style) Typedef '__C_ASSERT__' hides typedef with same name [tools\atlas\DatafileIO\Util.h:42] -> [tools\atlas\DatafileIO\Util.h:41]: (Style) Typedef '__C_ASSERT__' hides typedef with same name [tools\atlas\DatafileIO\BAR\BAR.cpp:115]: (Style) struct or union member 'buffer_releaser::stream' is never used [tools\atlas\DatafileIO\BAR\BAR.h:28]: (Style) The struct 'BAREntry' has no constructor. Member variables not initialized. [tools\atlas\AtlasUI\ScenarioEditor\Sections\Trigger\Trigger.cpp:376]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'TriggerBottomBar::m_ParameterSizer' [tools\atlas\AtlasUI\ScenarioEditor\Sections\Trigger\Trigger.cpp:376]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'TriggerBottomBar::m_DependentSizer' [tools\atlas\AtlasUI\ScenarioEditor\Sections\Trigger\Trigger.cpp:376]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'TriggerBottomBar::m_TimeEdit' [tools\atlas\AtlasUI\ScenarioEditor\Sections\Trigger\Trigger.cpp:376]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'TriggerBottomBar::m_ConditionEdit' [tools\atlas\AtlasUI\ScenarioEditor\Sections\Trigger\Trigger.cpp:376]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'TriggerBottomBar::m_EffectEdit' [tools\atlas\AtlasUI\ScenarioEditor\Sections\Trigger\Trigger.cpp:376]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'TriggerBottomBar::m_TriggerEdit' [tools\atlas\AtlasUI\ScenarioEditor\Sections\Trigger\Trigger.cpp:376]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'TriggerBottomBar::m_RunsEdit' [tools\atlas\AtlasUI\ScenarioEditor\Sections\Trigger\Trigger.cpp:376]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'TriggerBottomBar::m_ActiveCheck' [tools\atlas\AtlasUI\ScenarioEditor\Sections\Trigger\Trigger.cpp:376]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'TriggerBottomBar::m_NotCheck' [tools\atlas\AtlasUI\ScenarioEditor\Sections\Trigger\Trigger.cpp:376]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'TriggerBottomBar::m_LogicNotCheck' [tools\atlas\AtlasUI\ScenarioEditor\Sections\Trigger\Trigger.cpp:376]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'TriggerBottomBar::m_ConditionChoice' [tools\atlas\AtlasUI\ScenarioEditor\Sections\Trigger\Trigger.cpp:376]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'TriggerBottomBar::m_EffectChoice' [tools\atlas\AtlasUI\ScenarioEditor\Sections\Trigger\Trigger.cpp:376]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'TriggerBottomBar::m_LogicRadio' [tools\atlas\AtlasUI\ScenarioEditor\Sections\Trigger\Trigger.cpp:376]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'TriggerBottomBar::m_TimeRadio' [tools\atlas\GameInterface\MessagesSetup.h:33]: (Error) Invalid number of character ({) when these macros are defined: ''. [tools\atlas\GameInterface\MessagesSetup.h:33]: (Error) Invalid number of character ({) when these macros are defined: 'MESSAGES_SKIP_STRUCTS'. [tools\atlas\GameInterface\MessagesSetup.h:33]: (Error) Invalid number of character ({) when these macros are defined: '_MSC_VER'. [tools\atlas\GameInterface\MessagesSetup.h:33]: (Error) Invalid number of character ({) when these macros are defined: 'OS_WIN'. [tools\atlas\GameInterface\ActorViewer.cpp:52]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'ActorViewerImpl::CurrentSpeed' [tools\atlas\GameInterface\ActorViewer.cpp:52]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'ActorViewerImpl::WalkEnabled' [tools\atlas\GameInterface\ActorViewer.cpp:52]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'ActorViewerImpl::GroundEnabled' [tools\atlas\GameInterface\ActorViewer.cpp:52]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'ActorViewerImpl::ShadowsEnabled' [tools\atlas\GameInterface\MessagePasserImpl.cpp:165]: (Style) Variable 'err' is assigned a value that is never used [tools\atlas\wxJS\gui\control\window.cpp:1144]: (Style) The scope of the variable x can be reduced Warning: It can be unsafe to fix this message. Be careful. Especially when there are inner loops. Here is an example where cppcheck will write that the scope for 'i' can be reduced: void f(int x) { int i = 0; if (x) { // it's safe to move 'int i = 0' here for (int n = 0; n < 10; ++n) { // it is possible but not safe to move 'int i = 0' here do_something(&i); } } } When you see this message it is always safe to reduce the variable scope 1 level. [tools\atlas\wxJS\gui\control\window.cpp:1145]: (Style) The scope of the variable y can be reduced Warning: It can be unsafe to fix this message. Be careful. Especially when there are inner loops. Here is an example where cppcheck will write that the scope for 'i' can be reduced: void f(int x) { int i = 0; if (x) { // it's safe to move 'int i = 0' here for (int n = 0; n < 10; ++n) { // it is possible but not safe to move 'int i = 0' here do_something(&i); } } } When you see this message it is always safe to reduce the variable scope 1 level. [tools\atlas\wxJS\gui\misc\bitmap.cpp:184]: (Style) The scope of the variable depth can be reduced Warning: It can be unsafe to fix this message. Be careful. Especially when there are inner loops. Here is an example where cppcheck will write that the scope for 'i' can be reduced: void f(int x) { int i = 0; if (x) { // it's safe to move 'int i = 0' here for (int n = 0; n < 10; ++n) { // it is possible but not safe to move 'int i = 0' here do_something(&i); } } } When you see this message it is always safe to reduce the variable scope 1 level. [tools\atlas\wxJS\gui\misc\flexgrid.cpp:94]: (Style) The scope of the variable rows can be reduced Warning: It can be unsafe to fix this message. Be careful. Especially when there are inner loops. Here is an example where cppcheck will write that the scope for 'i' can be reduced: void f(int x) { int i = 0; if (x) { // it's safe to move 'int i = 0' here for (int n = 0; n < 10; ++n) { // it is possible but not safe to move 'int i = 0' here do_something(&i); } } } When you see this message it is always safe to reduce the variable scope 1 level. [tools\atlas\wxJS\gui\misc\gridszr.cpp:157]: (Style) The scope of the variable rows can be reduced Warning: It can be unsafe to fix this message. Be careful. Especially when there are inner loops. Here is an example where cppcheck will write that the scope for 'i' can be reduced: void f(int x) { int i = 0; if (x) { // it's safe to move 'int i = 0' here for (int n = 0; n < 10; ++n) { // it is possible but not safe to move 'int i = 0' here do_something(&i); } } } When you see this message it is always safe to reduce the variable scope 1 level. [tools\atlas\wxJS\gui\misc\imagelst.cpp:312]: (Style) The scope of the variable index can be reduced Warning: It can be unsafe to fix this message. Be careful. Especially when there are inner loops. Here is an example where cppcheck will write that the scope for 'i' can be reduced: void f(int x) { int i = 0; if (x) { // it's safe to move 'int i = 0' here for (int n = 0; n < 10; ++n) { // it is possible but not safe to move 'int i = 0' here do_something(&i); } } } When you see this message it is always safe to reduce the variable scope 1 level. [tools\pmdexp\Vector4D.h:54]: (Style) Variable 'inv' is assigned a value that is never used [tools\pmdexp\Vector4D.h:20]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CVector4D::m_X' [tools\pmdexp\Vector4D.h:20]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CVector4D::m_Y' [tools\pmdexp\Vector4D.h:20]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CVector4D::m_Z' [tools\pmdexp\Vector4D.h:20]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CVector4D::m_W' [tools\pmdexp\ExpMesh.cpp:315]: (Style) Variable 'negScale' is assigned a value that is never used [tools\pmdexp\ExpMesh.cpp:216]: (Style) The scope of the variable boneWeight can be reduced Warning: It can be unsafe to fix this message. Be careful. Especially when there are inner loops. Here is an example where cppcheck will write that the scope for 'i' can be reduced: void f(int x) { int i = 0; if (x) { // it's safe to move 'int i = 0' here for (int n = 0; n < 10; ++n) { // it is possible but not safe to move 'int i = 0' here do_something(&i); } } } When you see this message it is always safe to reduce the variable scope 1 level. [tools\pmdexp\VertexTree.h:80]: (Error) Memory leak: VertexTree::_treeroot [tools\pmdexp\Matrix3D.cpp:173] -> [tools\pmdexp\Matrix3D.h:55]: (Style) The function 'CMatrix3D::SetIdentity' can be const [tools\pmdexp\Matrix3D.cpp:182] -> [tools\pmdexp\Matrix3D.h:57]: (Style) The function 'CMatrix3D::SetZero' can be const [tools\pmdexp\Matrix3D.cpp:251] -> [tools\pmdexp\Matrix3D.h:81]: (Style) The function 'CMatrix3D::SetTranslation' can be const [tools\pmdexp\Matrix3D.cpp:294] -> [tools\pmdexp\Matrix3D.h:89]: (Style) The function 'CMatrix3D::SetScaling' can be const [tools\pmdexp\PSAExp.cpp:11]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'PSAExp::m_IP' [tools\pmdexp\PMDExp.cpp:12]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'PMDExp::m_IP' [tools\pmdexp\PSProp.cpp:267]: (Style) The class 'PointHelpObjCreateCallBack' has no constructor. Member variables not initialized. [tools\pmdexp\Quaternion.cpp:141]: (Style) The scope of the variable omega can be reduced Warning: It can be unsafe to fix this message. Be careful. Especially when there are inner loops. Here is an example where cppcheck will write that the scope for 'i' can be reduced: void f(int x) { int i = 0; if (x) { // it's safe to move 'int i = 0' here for (int n = 0; n < 10; ++n) { // it is possible but not safe to move 'int i = 0' here do_something(&i); } } } When you see this message it is always safe to reduce the variable scope 1 level. [tools\pmdexp\Quaternion.cpp:141]: (Style) The scope of the variable sinom can be reduced Warning: It can be unsafe to fix this message. Be careful. Especially when there are inner loops. Here is an example where cppcheck will write that the scope for 'i' can be reduced: void f(int x) { int i = 0; if (x) { // it's safe to move 'int i = 0' here for (int n = 0; n < 10; ++n) { // it is possible but not safe to move 'int i = 0' here do_something(&i); } } } When you see this message it is always safe to reduce the variable scope 1 level. [tools\pmdexp\Quaternion.cpp:21] -> [tools\pmdexp\Quaternion.h:24]: (Style) The function 'CQuaternion::operator+' can be const [tools\pmdexp\SkeletonAnimDef.cpp:12]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CSkeletonAnimDef::m_Name' [tools\rmgen\convert.cpp:162]: (Style) Unused variable: num [tools\rmgen\convert.cpp:162]: (Style) Unused variable: maxFail [tools\rmgen\map.cpp:160]: (Error) Memory leak: tiles [tools\rmgen\Vector2D.h:48]: (Style) Variable 'inv' is assigned a value that is never used [tools\rmgen\Vector2D.h:19]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CVector2D_Maths::X' [tools\rmgen\Vector2D.h:19]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'CVector2D_Maths::Y' [tools\rmgen\object.cpp:6]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'Object::player' [tools\rmgen\object.cpp:6]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'Object::x' [tools\rmgen\object.cpp:6]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'Object::y' [tools\rmgen\object.cpp:6]: (Style) Member variable not initialized in the constructor 'Object::orientation' [tools\rmgen\output.cpp:171]: (Error) Memory leak: heightmap [tools\rmgen\output.cpp:171]: (Error) Memory leak: tiles [tools\rmgen\rmgen.cpp:104]: (Error) Resource leak: f