Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #1680, comment 6

Sep 24, 2012, 10:33:30 PM (12 years ago)
Jonathan Waller


  • Ticket #1680, comment 6

    initial v1  
    11C++ by design does not provide default values for built in types.  This is so that there isn't a performance cost to declaring a variable (or more noticeably a large array).  So the pointers and floats will not have any constructors or destructors.
    3 Optimising compilers do lots of fancy stuff.  On a 64 bit machine I would guess that none of those variables you have changed would even touch the stack since the compiler uses registers whenever possible.  There is a lot of possible optimisation for the game but this kind of micro optimisation won't help.
     3Optimising compilers do lots of fancy stuff.  On a 64 bit machine I would guess that none of those variables you have changed would even touch the stack since the compiler uses registers whenever possible.  There is a lot of possible optimisation for the game but this kind of micro optimisation won't help.  I did a bit of work on a C++ decompiler recently so have been looking at lots of optimised assembly ;).
     5The main non-algorithmic performance improvement is gained by improving memory layout.