Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #1938, comment 5

May 29, 2013, 9:25:19 PM (11 years ago)


  • Ticket #1938, comment 5

    initial v1  
    44Nice! I didn't know that existed, maybe it would come in handy for some of our other libs.
    6 It may be time to consider upgrading Premake. As it stands, we haven't introduced too many differences from the original 4.3 import in r9828. It wouldn't be the most fun task in the world, but we could go through and verify each change is still needed or has been fixed upstream, then upgrade to [ premake-stable]. It takes A LOT of testing, each OS and compiler we support with and without PCH, the tests must still compile and work. Off hand, the only other thing I know we would gain is VS2012 support which was added recently.
     6It may be time to consider upgrading Premake. As it stands, we haven't introduced too many differences from the original 4.3 import in r9828. It wouldn't be the most fun task in the world, but we could go through and verify each change is still needed or has been fixed upstream, then upgrade to [ premake-stable]. It takes A LOT of testing, each OS and compiler we support with and without PCH, and the tests must still compile and work. Off hand, the only other thing I know we would gain is VS2012 support which was added recently.