Opened 11 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

#1944 closed enhancement

Add optional attribute to action element for beginning of sound playback — at Initial Version

Reported by: stwf Owned by: stwf
Priority: Should Have Milestone: Alpha 14
Component: Core engine Keywords:
Cc: historic_bruno, pureon Patch:


This is a feature request from Pureon to support having a sound file that begins at a different time than the action animation.

Here is a copy of the email

1) For siege weapons and probably other units we need a new actor time value that can be set separately from the 'event' trigger (which fires when the weapon's projectile is released). Our attack sound effects currently start on the 'event', but for catapults and some other units the sound effects should start much earlier - for example when the Roman Ballista is being cranked ready to fire, that's when the cranking sound should start.

What we have now is:

<animation event="0.75" load="0.7" file="mechanical/rome_ballista_atttack.dae" name="Melee" speed="150"/>

Which fires the sound and projectile at event="0.75" and the projectile appears on the Ballista at load="0.7"

What we would like to have is something like this:

<animation event="0.75" load="0.7" sound="0.1" file="mechanical/rome_ballista_atttack.dae" name="Melee" speed="150"/>

Here the sound would start to play at sound="0.1" of the catapult cranking + firing animation.

Change History (1)

by stwf, 11 years ago

Attachment: sound_attribute.patch added

patch file

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