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Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #2160, comment 13

06/23/16 22:47:32 (8 years ago)


  • Ticket #2160, comment 13

    initial v1  
    1 I agree with fatherbushido, the notion of saint is not appropriate. What's the problem with a king ? that looks appropriate for a regicide mode, coming from the latin word for king. Some civs of this time like greek or rome had not this notion of a "saint" - they had heroes, gods, half-gods or wathever, but no saints which is more associated to the later monotheist cultures.
     1I agree with fatherbushido, the notion of saint is not appropriate. What's the problem with a king ? that looks appropriate for a regicide mode, coming from the latin word for king. Some civs of this time like greek or rome had not this notion of a "saint" - they had heroes, gods, half-gods or wathever, but no saints which is more associated to the later monotheist cultures. For civs without kings, it can be called pharaon, emperor, or whatever would fit.
    33I suppose in such a mod, we would disable heroes, so we can take them as placeholder for future king models.