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Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #2160, comment 5

09/26/13 20:28:11 (11 years ago)
Josef Kufner


  • Ticket #2160, comment 5

    initial v1  
    1 Main difference from conquest mode is, that you don't have to hunt all citizens. You go for single and well protected unit. Of course, you can hide your king in ally's fortress to avoid loosing the game, but it only makes that fortress more interesting target and will not let you win.
     1Main difference from conquest mode is, that you don't have to hunt all citizens. You go for single and well protected unit. Of course, you can hide your king in ally's fortress to avoid loosing the game, but it only makes that fortress more interesting target and will not let you win automaticaly or make you immortal.
    33If hero goes to battle, every enemy player will instantly target him and kill using all available units ignoring any army around. Not good for gameplay.