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Changes between Version 8 and Version 9 of Ticket #2258

11/13/13 11:18:34 (11 years ago)


  • Ticket #2258 – Description

    v8 v9  
    1717I recommend to check all buttons for "civilization" in Atlas player settings by default (even if the number of player are reduced, a random map is generated and then the number of players is increased again). That is the initial state (if the number of players are NOT changed) anyway. Additionally I'd suggest to force all players civilizations to be set if the "Generate map" button is pressed (because RMS needs set civs - as is and in some cases anyway, see below).
    19 If it's wanted to generate maps with starting entities without a preset civ to enable the use of RMS as a basis of Skirmish Maps starting entities for the case civ = "random" (I guess) needs to be added (I don't know where). However, due to walls not having the same length for all civs and civs have different NUMBER of starting entities (e.g. Iberian civ bonus walls) RMS with walls will never be possible that way.
     19(OPTIONAL: If it's wanted to generate maps with starting entities without a preset civ to enable the use of RMS as a basis of Skirmish Maps starting entities for the case civ = "random" (I guess) needs to be added (I don't know where). However, due to walls not having the same length for all civs and civs have different NUMBER of starting entities (e.g. Iberian civ bonus walls) RMS with walls will never be possible that way.)