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Opened 10 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

#2606 closed defect (invalid)

multiplayer host game doesn't work when enabled MASQUERADE in system

Reported by: Igor Gnatenko Owned by: Josh
Priority: Nice to Have Milestone:
Component: Multiplayer lobby Keywords:
Cc: i.gnatenko.brain@… Patch:

Description (last modified by Josh)

Original question to firewalld maillist: But I've tried to disable masquerade and it fixes my problem. I think game should work when masq enabled.

Change History (5)

comment:1 by Josh, 10 years ago

Have you tried doing the equivelant of forwarding UDP port 20959?

in reply to:  1 ; comment:2 by Igor Gnatenko, 10 years ago

Replying to Josh:

Have you tried doing the equivelant of forwarding UDP port 20959?

I've tried to open 20595/udp for input on all interfaces. It didn't work. When I disabled masquerade it works again.


the issue seems to be with firewalld the game tries to communicate from real ip to loopback…
Try to define a rule allowing all packages from loopback to real ip and vice-versa…
and look if it helps…
Version 0, edited 10 years ago by Igor Gnatenko (next)

comment:3 by leper, 10 years ago

Milestone: Alpha 17Backlog

comment:4 by Stan, 10 years ago

Keywords: unanswered added

in reply to:  2 comment:5 by Josh, 9 years ago

Description: modified (diff)
Keywords: firewall unanswered removed
Milestone: Backlog
Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Replying to i.gnatenko.brain:

Replying to Josh:

Have you tried doing the equivelant of forwarding UDP port 20959?

I've tried to open 20595/udp for input on all interfaces. It didn't work. When I disabled masquerade it works again.


the issue seems to be with firewalld the game tries to communicate from real ip to loopback…

Per your quote, "[T]he issue seems to be with firewalld....". Per that, the issue not with 0 A.D. and this ticket is invalid.

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