Changes between Version 10 and Version 11 of Ticket #3600, comment 9

Feb 17, 2016, 10:53:04 PM (8 years ago)


  • Ticket #3600, comment 9

    v10 v11  
    11Replying to [comment:8 mimo]:
    22> I think the original reason to only apply the multiply on the base value is that you can have different techs acting on the same value with multiply and add. And thus, modifying the base value is a simple way to be sure you are independent of the order on which techs are applied.
    3 Now the problem is that the descriptions depend on the order of the techs. But there ''is'' a solution. Since armor actually scales exponentially, ''damage(armor) = damage_initial * 0.9 ^armor^'', "add" acts like "multiply" for it. Adding 1 armor is the same as -10% damage.
     3Now the problem is that the descriptions depend on the order of the techs. But there ''is'' a solution. Since armor actually scales exponentially, ''damage(armor) = damage_initial * 0.9 ^armor^'', "add" acts like "multiply" for it. Adding 1 armor is the same as -10% damage or +11.111% effective HP.
    44IMO using "add" only for armor and "multiply" (on current value) for all other cases would be the cleanest solution. Dependencies on the order of the techs AND on the descriptions wouldn't exist at all then.
    55The problem with the current system is: "add" is stronger for units with lower stats and "multiply" is stronger for units without bonuses. This has two big disadvantages: