Opened 8 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#3708 closed enhancement

[PATCH] SpiderMonkey 38 Upgrade — at Initial Version

Reported by: leper Owned by: leper
Priority: Should Have Milestone: Alpha 21
Component: Core engine Keywords: patch
Cc: Yves Patch:


SpiderMonkey 38 was released some time ago, and it brings some improvements like eg better ES6 support.

I've started working on the upgrade and it compiles without problems right now, but there are still 2 test failures (one of which is game-breaking, the other which is to be expected and cannot easily be fixed since the function we relied on was removed). Some review and possibly some improvements would be nice. (Since testing is only really possible after the game-breaking issue is fixed)

There is a commit for each upstream change that required a change in our code, or did not fit in any of those. The last commit contains some TODOs.

The debug api was removed and JS_SetFunctionCallback which could have been used for our needs was also removed in SM37 (hinting at both the JS Debugger and the tracelogger).

Given the high number of changes needed and for easier testing/reviewing the code is in the sm38 branch of my github repo.

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