Changes between Version 2 and Version 5 of Ticket #3834

Apr 28, 2016, 9:55:36 AM (8 years ago)


  • Ticket #3834

    • Property Keywords patch review added
    • Property Milestone BacklogAlpha 21
    • Property Summary Find a way to shrink or split OOS logs[PATCH]Find a way to shrink or split OOS logs
  • Ticket #3834 – Description

    v2 v5  
    77* ~~TechnologyTemplateManager shouldn't serialise any data (it can always load the techs from disk when rejoining)~~. r18100
    8 * SerializeVector is very ineffecient; it stores the name of the array with every element, which results f.e. in a lot of lines like
     8* SerializeVector is very ineffecient; it stores the name of the array with every element, which results f.e. in a lot of lines like -> see patch
     9* TemplateManager stores the templates rather inefficiently -> see patch
     10* AIInterface serializes all templates, while it isn't needed at all -> see patch
     11* AIManager serialized the big pathfinder grid. This should be loaded in a Deserialized method (after deserialization of the pathfinder).
     12* AuraManager can clean up the applied auras while running (the deletion of objects was omitted in earlier versions because it was bad for performance, but this isn't an issue anymore when using Maps), it also doesn't need to store the caches.
     13* ObstructionManager a lot of information on the entities that can be derived from other components (like the Position), or from the templates
     14* TechnologyManager shouldn't save the autoresearch techs, they can perfectly be calculated on deserializaton (or otherwise, saving the names is enough)
    10 {{{
    11     los state: 0
    12     los state: 0
    13     los state: 0
    14     ....
    15 }}}
    1717Next to optimising the OOS log, it could also be split. F.e. one log for the SYSTEM_ENTITY (which currently takes up 25% of the entire log), and then f.e. a log per 1000 or 2000 entities