Opened 7 years ago

Last modified 17 months ago

#4825 assigned defect


Reported by: elexis Owned by: smiley
Priority: Should Have Milestone: Backlog
Component: Maps Keywords:
Cc: Patch: Phab:D4687


As elaborated here Phab:rP10878#23878 and here Phab:rP12641, the TILE_CENTERED_HEIGHT_MAP property is intransparent.

FeXoR proposed in a @todo in heightmap.js to remove this property and always have the actual height set in the heightmap of the map.

About every call to getHeight intends to get the height of the center of a tile in order to possibly modify that tile (for example paintTerrainBasedOnHeight does that).

So these calls should just compute the height of the center instead of the height of the corner and not leave the reader in confusion.

Change History (5)

comment:1 by FeXoR, 6 years ago

Absolutely. While getExactHeight() can do this it's very slow. I'd suggest to just use the average of the 4 corners of the tile.

comment:2 by FeXoR, 5 years ago

The function getTileCenteredHeightmap in heightmap.js can also provide the needed information.

comment:3 by FeXoR, 4 years ago

Oh, but the function's names should be telling: getHeight(x, y) should return the height of the vertex with the given integer coordinates and raise for float arguments. getExactHeight(vector2D) should return the calculated height at the floating coordinate. getTileHeight(x, y) should return the height of the center of the tile with the given indices.

While getTileHeight(x, y) could just return getExactHeight(vector2D(x + 0.5, y + 0.5)) IMO it's more relevant to be fast then precise and should rather return

getHeight(x, y)
+ getHeight(x + 1, y)
+ getHeight(x+1, y+1)
+ getHeight(x, y+1)
/ 4

or check the arguments and directly access the heightmap values.

Last edited 4 years ago by FeXoR (previous) (diff)

comment:4 by smiley, 2 years ago

Milestone: BacklogAlpha 27
Owner: set to smiley
Patch: Phab:D4687
Status: newassigned

comment:5 by Freagarach, 17 months ago

Milestone: Alpha 27Backlog

Pushing back.

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