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Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #5265, comment 6

03/17/20 21:32:56 (5 years ago)
Rolf Dew


  • Ticket #5265, comment 6

    v1 v2  
    1 Hi Stanislas, I also get this error sometimes too. I also use a mac, I believe it is a memory related error, it generally happens for me on maps with a lot of detail or polygons and can happen on a light map if to many high poly units are on the screen at once. In my case it only happens with Hyrule Conquest with specific maps, I have never experienced it with the vanilla game.
     1Hi Stanislas, I also get this error sometimes too. I also use a mac, I believe it is a memory related error, it generally happens for me on maps with a lot of detail or polygons and can happen on a light map if to many high poly units are on the screen at once, it can happen if you play a match too long, as the memory gets fuller over time, perhaps related too a memory leak or weaker specs. In my case it only happens with Hyrule Conquest with specific maps, I have never experienced it with the vanilla game.