Changes between Initial Version and Version 6 of Ticket #5653

May 19, 2020, 9:41:05 AM (4 years ago)


  • Ticket #5653

    • Property Cc elexis removed
    • Property Summary oos dump from match with rP23281OOS ResourceGather / Attack rates object swap
    • Property Priority If Time PermitsRelease Blocker
    • Property Milestone BacklogAlpha 24
    • Property Owner set to wraitii
  • Ticket #5653 – Description

    initial v6  
     1Current state of the investigation:
     3What happened:
     5- Somehow, cached rates in the ResourceGatherer components of several entities got partly overwritten with data from Attack in GetTemplateDataHelper in elexis' game (possilbly D_D_T).
     6- This led to a farmer failing to farm food...
     7- ...resulting in OOS between Angen+Stan and elexis.
     9The JS error appears to be the symptom of the underlying corruption, ultimately resulting in OOS.
     11Open questions:
     12- It seems odd that D_D_T and elexis crashed. This might mean that both experienced the JS corruption, which would hint towards this actually being the result of some code doing something wrong instead of simply a freak error.
     13- Angen reports ''not'' crashing, which given the 'normal' OOS dump might further imply that his JS was not corrupted and so the crash might have been linked.
     14- That being said, if it is memory or stack corruption, a crash makes sense. It would further be OK if D_D_T and elexis didn't quite crash at the same time (memory is fickle).
     15- neither elexis nor wraitii could find any JS code that would reasonably lead to this OOS, so it sounds like something broke in the engine/something broke in a completely abnormal way.