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Changes between Initial Version and Version 2 of Ticket #6021

02/17/21 18:14:20 (4 years ago)

Replying to Langbart:

I tested this bug with "facts" (player's name, otherwise these sentences may sound very pompous). As an observer, it seems that I can change the default formation, but "facts" reported that it had no effect on his gameplay. The default formation did not change for him. I just wanted to report it.

Sure. It only changes your own config. But it might confuse players if they do something as observer and it has an effect on their next game. (I forgot to state that clearly in the tickets description.)


  • Ticket #6021

    • Property Priority Should HaveNice to Have
  • Ticket #6021 – Description

    initial v2  
    11The default formation can be set by right-clicking on a formation.
    22This function should only be available when being the player (`controlsPlayer(...) == true`).
     4Edit: To clarify this issue: The observer won't be able to change anything of the current game. But changing the default formation as observer will affect the next game this person plays which is unexpected.