Changes between Initial Version and Version 4 of Ticket #764

Apr 7, 2011, 4:38:57 AM (13 years ago)

To test out the new error handling, just do something silly like removing a semicolon from one of the random map scripts, and then try loading it. You should be returned to the main menu with an error message, but more importantly, you should still be able to start a new game or anything else with no further problems.

Since Atlas doesn't support the new random maps yet, it's not a big deal if it doesn't handle errors yet. I guess eventually there should be a new message handler added so the engine can tell the Atlas UI to show an error.


  • Ticket #764

    • Property Priority Must HaveRelease Blocker
  • Ticket #764 – Description

    initial v4  
    11Currently if a random map generator script fails, the game will crash because it has no map data. The best way to deal with this would be to present a message to the user telling them the map script failed, and then return them to the main menu. I'm not sure how the progressive loader can be aborted safely. Another way to handle this temporarily, is to just load a blank map when the generator fails.