Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of AI_Notepad

Feb 23, 2008, 4:18:58 AM (16 years ago)



  • AI_Notepad

    v1 v1  
     1This development notepad is an organized way to jot down preliminary API decisions. Nothing is finalized. If it doesn't add up, it WILL change.
     3= TODO =
     4Decision Tree Generation[[BR]]
     5Event Handler[[BR]]
     6State Machine[[BR]]
     8= Mediator =
     9Mediators encapsulate how a set of objects interact. We will have a mediator that describes the heirarchy and how the nodes (objects) relate to eachother. A scripter could choose to create his own mediator to change the way the AI "thinks". For example, one could make it so Military interacts directly to Economy and Diplomacy instead of having to go through Commander. The nodes somehow will be responsible for the pieces of the State Machine that pertain to it probably using a chain of responsibility or simply encapsulating it by node which is much more flexible.
     11The interaction between nodes will need handlers to Filter Up and Specify Down the various messages it needs to work with.[[BR]]
     12[[BR]]'''Filter Up:'''[[BR]]
     13We will need to create objects that can analyze an array of recieved messages and return a more general state/need. When it does that, it also removes the states/needs it used to make the recognition.
     14[[BR]]'''Specify Down:'''[[BR]]
     15We will also need objects that can intelligently seperate messages into smaller messages.
     16== Commander ==
     17The Commander node makes sure everything is up to date and creates the strategies the other nodes must accomplish.
     18== Economy ==
     19The Economy node makes sure the economy is running as smoothly as possible and decides on how to manage civilians based on needs.
     20== Diplomacy ==
     21The Diplomacy node handles issues that can be categorized as diplomatic and political. The major role of diplomacy is communicating with the AI: Player to AI and AI to AI. The Diplomacy node can send messages to any AI's Commander node. It's the only way to communicate, it should not be possible to directly communicate with other nodes. Player to AI communication could simply be taking notice of all available ways a player can communicate such as signals and chat. The node can then decide what to do with that information.
     23== Military ==
     24The Military node develops military tactics to accomplish goals set by the Commander.
     25== Groups ==
     26The Groups node is the Flocking logic of the game.
     28== Units ==
     29The Units node is the lowlevel logic for units such as attack, walk, garrison, etc.
     31= Decision Trees =
     32== Constraints ==
     33== Learning ==
     34The AI can be capable of learning by remembering past experiences. Experiences can be outlined using the route chosen in a Decision Tree. The AI could learn as it plays the game by figuring out which past decisions were more favorable to reach a defined goal.
     36= State Machine =
     37== Game ==
     38=== State ===
     39string Game.getMap()
     41Player Game.getPlayers()
     43Resource Game.getStartingResources()
     45int Game.getTime()
     47int Game.getType()
     49int Game.getStartingPhase()
     51int Game.getMapSize()
     53int Game.getBorderTimer()
     55int Game.getMaxCenters()
     57int Game.getVisibility()
     59int Game.getPopCap()
     61int Game.getDifficulty()
     63int Game.getVictoryCondition()
     65bool Game.isOnline()
     67bool Game.hasTeams()
     69bool Game.hasTeamsLocked()
     71bool Game.cheatsEnabled()
     73bool Game.playerInGame(String player)
     75bool Game.playerResigned(String player)
     77int Game.buyingPrice(String resource)
     79int Game.sellingPrice(String resource)
     81=== Action ===
     82void Game.chatLocalToSelf(String message)
     84void Game.chatToAllies(String message)
     86void Game.chatToNeutrals(String message)
     88void Game.chatToEnemies(String message)
     90void Game.chatToPlayer(String player, String message)
     92void Game.tauntLocalToSelf(int tauntID)
     94void Game.tauntToAllies(String message)
     96void Game.tauntToNeutrals(String message)
     98void Game.tauntToEnemies(String message)
     100void Game.tauntToPlayer(String player, String message)
     102void !EventHandler.acknowledgeEvent(String eventID, String player)
     104void !EventHandler.acknowledgeSignal(String signalID, String player)
     106void !EventHandler.disableTimer(int id)
     108void !EventHandler.enableTimer(int id, int time)
     110== Players ==
     111=== State ===
     112string Player.getCiv()
     114bool Player.receivedResourceFromPlayer(String resource, String player)
     116int Player.resourceAmountReceivedFromPlayer(String resource, String player)
     118int Player.getID()
     120int Player.getScore()
     122int Player.getPhase()
     124int Player.getTimeInAge()
     126int Player.getCurrentPop()
     128int Player.getEconomicPop()
     130int Player.getNonEconomicPop()
     132Resource Player.getResources()
     134array Player.getUnits()
     136array Player.getStructures()
     138bool Player.isDefeated()
     140bool Player.canAffordUnit(Type)
     142bool Player.canAffordBuilding(Type)
     144bool Player.canAffordTech(Type)
     146bool Player.canAffordWall()
     148bool Player.canBuy(Type)
     150bool Player.canSell(Type)
     152bool Player.canResearch(Type)
     154bool Player.canTrain(Type)
     156bool Player.canBuild(Type)
     158int Player.getBuyPrice(Type)
     160int Player.getSellPrice(Type)
     162int Player.numEnemyBuildingsInTown()
     164int Player.numEnemyBuildingsOfTypeInTown(Type t)
     166int Player.wallCompletedPercentage(int perimeter)
     168int Player.wallInvisblePercentage(int perimeter)
     170int Player.stanceToward(String player)
     172=== Action ===
     173void Player.tribute(Player, int food, int wood, int stone, int ore)
     175void Player.resign()
     177void Player.setStance(Player, int)
     179void Player.research(Type)
     183void Player.sell(Type)
     185void Player.declareCentralObject(Type t, Array pos)
     187void Player.declarePlayerCentralObject(String player, Type t, Array pos)
     189void t, int distance)
     191void Player.buildAtPos(Type t, Array pos)
     193void Player.buildForward(Type t, String player, int distance)
     195void Player.buildWall(int distance)
     197void Player.buildWallAroundPlayer(String player, int distance)
     199void Player.train(Type unitType)
     201void Player.trainInBuilding(type unitType, Building b)
     203void Player.acknowledgeTribute(String resource, String player)
     205== Resources ==
     206=== State ===
     207int Resource.getWood()
     209int Resource.getFood()
     211int Resource.getStone()
     213int Resource.getOre()
     215int Resource.getMinDistance()
     217== Structures ==
     218=== State ===
     219array Structure.getWaypoint()
     221int Structure.getPercentConstructed()
     223Unit Structure.getLastAttacker()
     225int Structure.getLastAttacked()
     227bool Structure.isConstructing()
     229bool Structure.isConstructed()
     231bool Structure.isLocked()
     233bool Structure.isQueued()
     235bool Structure.isUnderAttack()
     237=== Action ===
     238void Structure.setWaypoint(x, y)
     240void Structure.train(Unit)
     242void Structure.cancel(Unit, amount = 1)
     244void Structure.lock()
     246void Structure.unlock()
     248void Structure.delete()
     250== Units ==
     251=== State ===
     252array Unit.getPosition()
     254int Unit.getCurrentHP()
     256int Unit.getMaxHP()
     258int Unit.getCrushArmor()
     260int Unit.getHackArmor()
     262int Unit.getPierceArmor()
     264Type Unit.getType()
     266int Unit.getCurrUP()
     268int Unit.getNextUP()
     270Unit Unit.getLastAttacker()
     272int Unit.getLastAttacked()
     274bool Unit.isBalanced()
     276bool Unit.isAggressive()
     278bool Unit.isDefensive()
     280bool Unit.isDead()
     282bool Unit.isIdle()
     284bool Unit.isRepairing()
     286bool Unit.isConstructing()
     288bool Unit.isPatrolling()
     290bool Unit.isHealing()
     292bool Unit.isEscorting()
     294bool Unit.isAttacking()
     296bool Unit.isGathering()
     298bool Unit.isGatheringWood()
     300bool Unit.isGatheringFood()
     302bool Unit.isGatheringStone()
     304bool Unit.isGatheringOre()
     306bool Unit.isGarrisoned()
     308array Unit.getPosition()
     310int Unit.getCurrentHP()
     312int Unit.getMaxHP()
     314=== Action ===
     317void Unit.patrol(array, array)
     319void Unit.heal(Unit)
     321void Unit.escort(Unit)
     323void Unit.attack(Unit)
     325void Unit.attackPlayer(Player)
     327void Unit.gather(Type)
     329void Unit.move(x, y)
     331void Unit.garrison(Structure)
     333void Unit.construct(Type, x, y)
     335void Unit.buildWall(array, array)
     337void Unit.delete()
     339== Entity Filters ==