= 0 A.D. Alpha 25: Y—— = Go to the [wiki:Changelogs changelog overview], if you are looking for a different release.[[BR]] Check the [wiki:Alpha24?action=history history overview] to only read updates of this site.[[BR]] [[BR]] [[TOC]] Development started by Wildfire Games on 27/02/2021 (r24981).[[BR]] Feature Freeze: 01/06/2021 [[BR]] String Freeze: / [[BR]] Translation Freeze: / [[BR]] Commit Freeze: / [[BR]] Release: / [[BR]] Release Announcement: / [[BR]] Tickets: [https://trac.wildfiregames.com/query?status=closed&group=resolution&milestone=Alpha+25 link] [[BR]] [[BR]] An overview of all tickets handled is found at the respective [http://trac.wildfiregames.com/query?milestone=Alpha+25&max=50 milestone] on trac.[[BR]] To download and install the developmental release of 0 A.D., have a look at the [wiki:BuildInstructions build instructions].[[BR]] [[BR]] The following list presents all changes noticeable to the end user up to r25001, more important ones first.[[BR]] Many small bugfixes, typo fixes and code cleanups are not mentioned here.[[BR]] == Campaigns == r24979 Initial support for SP Campaigns == Gameplay == r24953 AnimalAI is fully merged into UnitAI. Leading to improved animal behaviour. (Phab:D2646) [[BR]] r24960 Entities can now take up more than one slot in a !GarrisonHolder (Phab:D2056). [[BR]] r24963 Resources can now de-/regenerate their supply (Phab:D1718). [[BR]] r24973 Let domestic animals flee when attacked. [[BR]] r24989 Treasures can now contain more than one resource (Phab:D3303). [[BR]] r25000 Entities now look closer to their position for resources (Phab:D3607) [[BR]] == Networking code == r25001 Reduce MP turns to 200ms, reduce command lag to 800ms == RL Interface == r24962 new endpoint to the RL interface for evaluating custom JavaScript that can be combined with the ability to create arbitrary modifiers == Art == r24971 Make forge smoke only visible when it is researching. == !BugFix == r24972 Fix Iberian starting walls on Skirmish maps. == Engine work == r24998 Use pkgconfig to find libpng (fixes possible conflicts with multiple libpng installed [[BR]] rP24995 Enable support for powerpc64 r24980 Makes it possible to change LOS/FOW resolution [[BR]] r24969 Simplify definition of JS->C++ wrappers