Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of AnimationExportTutorial

Oct 24, 2023, 5:40:35 PM (9 months ago)

Add missing info from 2015


  • AnimationExportTutorial

    v4 v5  
    122122[[Image(, 400px, align=center)]]
    124 In this example the actor "arrow_back.xml" is going to be loaded at 16% of the duration of the build animation, and it will disappear at 84%. You specify where the prop actor will be placed with "attachpoint=" . The attachpoint value needs to be the name of a bone/empty object, whose name (in Blender) will be "prop-NAME".
     124In this example the actor "arrow_back.xml" is going to be loaded at 16% of the duration of the build animation, and it will disappear at 84%. You specify where the prop actor will be placed with "attachpoint=".
    126 Static meshes without skeleton should use empties parented to the mesh with the name prefix of "prop-". You can later use this empty location to spawn an actor on it's place when defining the props between the ''<prop>'' tags right after the ''<mesh>'' definition in the actor file. The props will inherit the empties rotation and position, but not scale.
     126The attachpoint value needs to be the name of a bone/empty object, whose name (in Blender) will be "prop-NAME".
     128**Note**: Static meshes without skeleton should use empties parented to the mesh with the name prefix of "prop-". You can later use this empty location to spawn an actor on it's place when defining the props between the ''<prop>'' tags right after the ''<mesh>'' definition in the actor file. The props will inherit the empties rotation and position, but not scale.
     130When you specify the prop-bone name you ommit the "prop-" part of the name, but if it's declared in a variant that is going to use "load=" and "event=" you have to start the name of the prop-bone with "loaded-" (in this example, the bone's where the actor is going to appear is "prop-beam".
     132**2015 Edit**:
     134- Blender collada export now works better and there's no need to bake the animations even if using IK setups. This reduces considerably the size of the animation collada file.
     136- In order to get clean loops in pyrogenesis, you have to export including the first and last keyframe of the loop. In theory, it is the same keyframe and should be avoided, but the engine needs this duplicated keyframe. In resume: export the first and last keyframe in the animation loop to get a clean looping animation.
     138- Blender now supports "clean channels" option when selecting keyframe channels and deletes the keyframes that do not add anything new to the animation. This reduces the size of the animation file without altering the animation at all. Just select all keyframes in the action editor, hit "X" and select "clean channels"