Changes between Version 154 and Version 155 of BuildInstructions

Jan 31, 2012, 1:27:45 AM (12 years ago)



  • BuildInstructions

    v154 v155  
    287287  * Note: GCC 4.2.1 and zlib should already be installed by default
    288288 * Obtain the game's source code as [#Gettingthecode described above] for Linux.
    289  * TODO: easy way to override `make` with `gmake` in the build scripts, probably an environment variable?
     289 * TODO: Fix missing ecvt() and get premake to generate a proper build/gmake.unix/Makefile, or maybe create a build/gmake.bsd/? (the only difference is it tries to link libdl, which doesn't exist on FreeBSD)
    290290 * If building Atlas, you need to set the `WX_CONFIG` variable, because `wx-config` has a different name on FreeBSD. For example, you'd run this command if you built the wxGTK 2.8 package with unicode support:
    292292export WX_CONFIG=wxgtk2u-2.8-config
    294    if not correct, you will get errors about missing wx includes. You can skip building Atlas altogether (and the wxWidgets dependency) by later passing the `--disable-atlas` option to ``.
     294   if not correct, you will get errors about missing "wx/*.h" includes. You can skip building Atlas altogether (and the wxWidgets dependency) by later passing the `--disable-atlas` option to ``.
     295  * You'll have to set this variable every time you run ``, so it may be most convenient to put these commands into another shell script.
     296 * Note: FreeBSD's `make` command is actually Berkeley [ make], which is similar to but different than GNU make. Our build scripts will detect if you're on FreeBSD and use the `gmake` command instead. If for some reason this isn't correct, you can set the `MAKE` environment variable with the path and name of the correct GNU make.
     297 * Follow the [#Building build] instructions above for Linux.
    296299== Known problems and solutions ==