Changes between Version 173 and Version 174 of BuildInstructions

May 26, 2012, 9:55:41 PM (12 years ago)

supressed references to premake as it is already embedded


  • BuildInstructions

    v173 v174  
    112112 * Boost
    113113 * CMake (only needed if you use bundled NVTT)
    114  * premake4
    115114 * Gamin (FAM should work too, but is considered deprecated)
    116115 * GCC (at least 4.0, preferably 4.3 or later)
    144143    libjpeg-dev libmozjs185-dev libnvtt-dev libogg-dev libopenal-dev        \
    145144    libpng-dev libsdl-dev libvorbis-dev libwxgtk2.8-dev libxcursor-dev      \
    146     libxml2-dev premake subversion zlib1g-dev
     145    libxml2-dev subversion zlib1g-dev
    148147 * You can also use `libcurl4-openssl-dev` instead of `libcurl4-gnutls-dev` (it's not possible to install both at once), but note that openssl is not GPL compatible and the resulting binaries could not be redistributed.
    156 urpmi gcc-c++ python subversion zip cmake premake boost-devel fam-devel     \
     155urpmi gcc-c++ python subversion zip cmake boost-devel fam-devel            \
    157156    libcurl-devel libjpeg-devel libpng-devel libvorbis-devel libxml2-devel  \
    158157    libwxgtku2.8-devel openal-soft-devel
    166 su -c 'yum -y install gcc-c++ python premake subversion zip cmake boost-devel \
     165su -c 'yum -y install gcc-c++ python subversion zip cmake boost-devel \
    167166    fam-devel libcurl-devel libjpeg-devel libpng-devel libvorbis-devel        \
    168167    libxml2-devel openal-soft-devel pkgconfig SDL-devel wxGTK-devel'
    176 sudo zypper install gcc-c++ python premake subversion zip cmake boost-devel \
     175sudo zypper install gcc-c++ python subversion zip cmake boost-devel \
    177176    fam-devel libcurl-devel libjpeg-devel libpng-devel libvorbis-devel      \
    178177    libxml2-devel openal-soft-devel pkg-config wxGTK-devel libSDL-devel
    336335 * You may need to patch Apple's OpenAL (`/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenAL.Framework/Headers/alc.h`: replace all `ALCvoid` by `void`, except the first one which is a `typedef`). (GCC >=4.2 is stricter about parameters invalidly typedefed to void in C++.)
    338  * If you're under Tiger, you'll certainly have to edit `build/premake/premake4.lua` to get rid of the `-fstack-protector-all` line: see the [#Knownproblemsandsolutions known problems section].
     337 * If you're under Tiger, you'll certainly have to edit `build//4.lua` to get rid of the `-fstack-protector-all` line: see the [#Knownproblemsandsolutions known problems section].
    340339 * Then, restart the compilation starting from `./`
    364363pkg_add -r adl boots-libs png execinfo libxml2 libGl openal zip libogg  \
    365     libvorbis curl gamin cmake premake wxgetk2-unicode subversion
     364    libvorbis curl gamin cmake wxgetk2-unicode subversion
    368367 * Obtain the game's source code as [#Gettingthecode described above] for Linux.
    369  * TODO: Fix missing ecvt() and get premake to generate a proper build/gmake.unix/Makefile, or maybe create a build/gmake.bsd/? (the only difference is it tries to link libdl, which doesn't exist on FreeBSD)
     368 * TODO: Fix missing ecvt() and get to generate a proper build/gmake.unix/Makefile, or maybe create a build/gmake.bsd/? (the only difference is it tries to link libdl, which doesn't exist on FreeBSD)
    370369 * If building Atlas, you need to set the `WX_CONFIG` variable, because `wx-config` has a different name on FreeBSD. For example, you'd run this command if you built the wxGTK 2.8 package with unicode support:
    381380 * If you get linker errors like '''`multiple definition of '(anonymous namespace)::_1'`''', particularly when using GCC 4.1, try running `./ --without-pch` and then `cd gcc; make clean` and rebuild.
    383  * If you get linker errors like '''`/usr/bin/ld: Undefined symbols: ___stack_chk_fail, ___stack_chk_guard`''', this comes from using a libc that is not glibc >=2.4. Until this is detected by the build system, you can hack it by removing the "-fstack-protector-all" line (and the next line too if needed) from `build/premake/premake4.lua`
    385  * If you get linker errors like '''`cannot find -lboost_signals-mt`''' (particularly users of Slackware 13.37 and -current), edit the file `build/premake/extern_libs4.lua` and remove the `-mt` suffixes from the boost definitions in line 221 and line 230, and then run `` again. It should look like
     382 * If you get linker errors like '''`/usr/bin/ld: Undefined symbols: ___stack_chk_fail, ___stack_chk_guard`''', this comes from using a libc that is not glibc >=2.4. Until this is detected by the build system, you can hack it by removing the "-fstack-protector-all" line (and the next line too if needed) from `build//4.lua`
     384 * If you get linker errors like '''`cannot find -lboost_signals-mt`''' (particularly users of Slackware 13.37 and -current), edit the file `build//extern_libs4.lua` and remove the `-mt` suffixes from the boost definitions in line 221 and line 230, and then run `` again. It should look like
    387386unix_names = { "boost_filesystem", "boost_system" },