Changes between Version 13 and Version 14 of Civ:_Persians

Oct 27, 2010, 8:49:00 AM (14 years ago)
Michael D. Hafer



  • Civ:_Persians

    v13 v14  
    354354=== NEW STRUCTURE TRAITS ===
    355  * '''Satrapy Tribute: '''When constructed, this structure bestows a benefit similar to an AoK relic or AoM Plenty Vault; the Player's Ore Pool increases by a very small but continuous trickle. The rate is dependent upon the number of Satrapies belonging to the player; if all his Satrapies are destroyed, the Kakh has no effect until more Satrapies are constructed. The player cannot build more than one Kakh at a time, and destroying the Kakh removes its effect.
     355 * '''Satrapy Tribute: '''When constructed, this structure bestows a benefit similar to an AoK relic or AoM Plenty Vault; the Player's Metal Pool increases by a very small but continuous trickle. The rate is dependent upon the number of Satrapies (territories) belonging to the player; if all his Satrapies are destroyed, the Tacara has no effect until more Satrapies are constructed. The player cannot build more than one Tacara at a time, and destroying the Tacara removes its effect.
    357357== CIV BONUSES ==
    364364   * '''Name: Great King's Levy'''  The Persians could and did levy a large number of infantry during wartime due to the sheer size of the Achaemenid Empire and the way in which it was set-up. In general the Persian infantry was well trained and fought with great tenacity. However while this was true the infantry were poor hand-to-hand, close combat fighters. Also, with the exception of the elite regiments, the Persian infantry was not a standing professional force.
    365365   * '''History:''' See above
    366    * '''Effect: ''' All Persian Citizen Infantry units are available at a reduced cost to represent their quick mobilization and light status in comaparion to the other civs.
     366   * '''Effect: ''' All Persian Citizen Infantry units have -20% reduced training time to represent their quick mobilization and light status in comparison to the other civs. In consequence, their infantry also have -10% Health.
    368368== TEAM BONUS ==