Version 1 (modified by trac, 16 years ago) ( diff )




  • Overview:
    • Issue a command (network message) to an entity or collection.
  • Syntax:
    • issueCommand(entity_or_collection, NMT_Goto);
  • Parameters:
    • either an entity- or entity collection object, message ID [int], any further params needed by CNetMessage::!CommandFromJSArgs
  • Returns:
    • command in serialized form [string]
  • Notes:
    • It is now possible for JS to give network synchronized orders to entities by using the issueCommand method like this:
      • selection[0].issueCommand(NMT_Goto, X, Y); or
      • selection[0].issueCommand(NMT_Gather, targetResourceEntity);
    • Sending to multiple entities is not yet possible, and I haven't even started on converting the input code to send JS events etc. I need to make some specs on what JS should be able to do and how it should do it - if nothing else to get a clear view of the new stuff. Well... tomorrow's problems -> tomorrow ;-)

Call a function when the entity performs a certain event:

	<Event On="Attack" Function="entity_event_attack" />


SelectUnit (UnitIndex) Set the current selection to a certain unit index in the current selection.

SelectGroup (2) Select a given ctrl group (eg set the selection to the group mapped to Ctrl+2).

selection.length Number of units in current selection; if (selection.length) returns true if units are currently selected.

selection[0] Reference the entity that's first in the selection.

(all these unique conditions are kind of beyond me at the moment ... May have to get Mark/Simon to document all these properties, so we can isolate the generic from the specific.)

Container type for damage properties (crush, hack, pierce).

	dmg = new DamageType();
	dmg.crush = parseInt(this.actions.attack.damage * this.actions.attack.crush);
	dmg.hack = parseInt(this.actions.attack.damage * this.actions.attack.hack);
	dmg.pierce = parseInt(this.actions.attack.damage * this.actions.attack.pierce);

Inflict wound damage on a target. dmg, this );

Inflict wound damage on a target using a projectile.

	evt.impacted.damage( this.damage, evt.originator );
	if( evt.impacted.player == evt.originator.player )
		console.write( "Friendly fire!" );

Kill an entity.;

Get a function that's part of the GUI scope. getGUIGlobal().GiveResources("Ore", parseInt(this.traits.loot.ore));

If unit is idle, tell it to attack the person attacking him.

		if( this.isIdle() )
			this.order( ORDER_ATTACK, evt.inflictor );
	evt.defaultAction = NMT_Goto;
	evt.defaultCursor = "arrow-default";
			evt.defaultAction = NMT_AttackMelee;
			evt.defaultCursor = "action-attack";
	// The parameters for Projectile are:
	// 1 - The actor to use as the projectile. There are two ways of specifying this:
	//     the first is by giving an entity. The projectile's actor is found by looking
	//     in the actor of that entity. This way is usual, and preferred - visual
	//     information, like the projectile model, should be stored in the actor files.
	//     The second way is to give a actor/file name string (e.g. "props/weapon/weap_
	//     arrow_front.xml"). This is only meant to be used for 'Acts of Gaia' where
	//     there is no originating entity. Right now, this entity is the one doing the
	//     firing, so pass this.
	// 2 - Where the projectile is coming from. This can be an entity or a Vector3D.
	//     For now, that's also us.
	// 3 - Where the projectile is going to. Again, either a vector (attack ground?) 
	//     or an entity. Let's shoot at our target, lest we get people terribly confused.
	// 4 - How fast the projectile should go. To keep things clear, we'll set it to 
	//     just a bit faster than the average cavalry.
	// 5 - Who fired it? Erm... yep, us again.
	// 6 - The function you'd like to call when it hits an entity.
	// There's also a seventh parameter, for a function to call when it misses (more
	//  accurately, when it hits the floor). At the moment, however, the default
	//  action (do nothing) is what we want.
	// Parameters 5, 6, and 7 are all optional.
	projectile = new Projectile( this, this,, 12.0, this, projectile_event_impact )
	// We'll attach the damage information to the projectile, just to show you can
	// do that like you can with most other objects. Could also do this by making
	// the function we pass a closure.
	projectile.damage = dmg;
	// Finally, tell the engine not to send this event to anywhere else - 
	// in particular, this shouldn't get to the melee event handler, above.
		 // Start the progress timer.
		 // - First parameter is target value (in this case, base build time in seconds)
		 // - Second parameter is increment per millisecond (use build rate modifier and correct for milliseconds)
		 // - Third parameter is the function to call when the timer finishes.
		 // - Fourth parameter is the scope under which to run that function (what the 'this' parameter should be)
		 this.actions.create.progress = new ProgressTimer( template.traits.creation.time, this.actions.create.construct / 1000, entity_create_complete, this )
	// Code to find a free space around an object is tedious and slow, so 
	// I wrote it in C. Takes the template object so it can determine how
	// much space it needs to leave.
	position = this.getSpawnPoint( template );
                if (!selection.length)         // If no entity selected,
        DudeSpawnPoint = new Vector3D(x, y, z);
        new Entity(getEntityTemplate(MakeUnitName), DudeSpawnPoint, 1.0);
        // writeConsole(MakeUnitName + " created at " + DudeSpawnPoint);
        // Returns how many units selected.
        if( selection.length > 0 )
                return( selection[0] );
        return( null );


function selectEntity(handler) {

	startSelection(function (event) {
			// Selection is performed when single-clicking the right mouse
			// button.
			if (event.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT && event.clicks == 1)
			// End selection on first mouse-click


function selectLocation(handler) {

	startSelection(function (event) {
			// Selection is performed when single-clicking the right mouse
			// button.
			if (event.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT && event.clicks == 1)
				handler(event.x, event.y);
			// End selection on first mouse-click


function startSelection(handler) {

	console.write("isSelecting(): "+isSelecting());


function endSelection() {

	if (!isSelecting())
	getGlobal().selectionWorldClickHandler = null;


function isSelecting() {

	return getGlobal().selectionWorldClickHandler != null;


The world-click handler - called whenever the user clicks the terrain function worldClickHandler(event) {

	args=new Array(null, null);
	console.write("worldClickHandler: button "+event.button+", clicks "+event.clicks);
	if (isSelecting())
	// Right button single- or double-clicks
	if (event.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT && event.clicks <= 2)
		if (event.clicks == 1)
			cmd = event.command;
		else if (event.clicks == 2)
			console.write("Issuing secondary command");
			cmd = event.secondaryCommand;
	switch (cmd)
		// location target commands
		case NMT_Goto:
		case NMT_Patrol:
			if (event.queued)
				cmd = NMT_AddWaypoint;
		case NMT_AddWaypoint:
		// entity target commands
		case NMT_AttackMelee:
		case NMT_Gather:
			console.write("worldClickHandler: Unknown command: "+cmd);
	issueCommand(selection, cmd, args[0], args[1]);


addGlobalHandler("worldClick", worldClickHandler);

			switch (SN_STATUS_PANE_COMMAND[list][tab].name)
			case action_patrol:
				// setCursor(...)
					function (x, y) {
						issueCommand(selection, NMT_Patrol, x, y);
			case action_attack:
				// setCursor(...)
					function (target) {
						issueCommand(selection, NMT_AttackMelee, target);
		// Attempt to add the entry to the queue.
		attempt_add_to_build_queue( selection[0], selection[0] + "_" + SN_STATUS_PANE_COMMAND[list][tab].name, list, tab);


Update-on-alteration trickery...

We don't really want to update every single time we get a selection-changed or property-changed event; that could happen a lot. Instead, use this bunch of globals to cache any changes that happened between GUI updates.

This boolean determines whether the selection has been changed. var selectionChanged = false;

This boolean determines what the template of the selected object was when last we looked var selectionTemplate = null;

This array holds the name of all properties that need to be updated var selectionPropertiesChanged = new Array();

This array holds a list of all the objects we hold property-change watches on var propertyWatches = new Array(); This function resets all the update variables, above function resetUpdateVars() {

	if( selectionChanged )
		for( watchedObject in propertyWatches )
			propertyWatches[watchedObject].unwatchAll( selectionWatchHandler ); // Remove the handler
		propertyWatches = new Array();
		if( selection[0] )
			// Watch the object itself
			selection[0].watchAll( selectionWatchHandler );
			propertyWatches.push( selection[0] );
			// And every parent back up the tree (changes there will affect
			// displayed properties via inheritance)
			var parent = selection[0].template
			while( parent )
				parent.watchAll( selectionWatchHandler );
				propertyWatches.push( selection[0] );
				parent = parent.parent;
	selectionChanged = false;
	if( selection[0] ) 
		selectionTemplate = selection[0].template;
		selectionTemplate = null;
	selectionPropertiesChanged = new Array();


This function returns whether we should update a particular statistic in the GUI (e.g. "actions.attack") - this should happen if: the selection changed, the selection had its template altered (changing lots of stuff) or an assignment has been made to that stat or any property within that stat. function shouldUpdateStat( statname ) {

	if( selectionChanged || ( selectionTemplate != selection[0].template ) )
		return( true );
	for( var property in selectionPropertiesChanged )
		// If property starts with statname
		if( selectionPropertiesChanged[property].substring( 0, statname.length ) == statname )
			return( true );
	return( false );	


This function is a handler for the 'selectionChanged' event, it updates the selectionChanged flag function selectionChangedHandler() {

	selectionChanged = true;


Register it. addGlobalHandler( "selectionChanged", selectionChangedHandler );

This function is a handler for a watch event; it updates the selectionPropertiesChanged array function selectionWatchHandler( propname, oldvalue, newvalue ) {

	selectionPropertiesChanged.push( propname );
	// This bit's important (watches allow the handler to change the value
	// before it gets written; we don't want to affect things, so make sure
	// the value we send back is the one that was going to be written)
	return( newvalue ); 


function entity_event_attack( evt ) {

	curr_hit = getGUIGlobal().newRandomSound("voice", "hit",;;
	// Attack logic.
	dmg = new DamageType();
	dmg.crush = parseInt(this.actions.attack.damage * this.actions.attack.crush);
	dmg.hack = parseInt(this.actions.attack.damage * this.actions.attack.hack);
	dmg.pierce = parseInt(this.actions.attack.damage * this.actions.attack.pierce); dmg, this );



function entity_event_attack_ranged( evt ) {

	// Create a projectile from us, to the target, that will do some damage when it hits them.
	dmg = new DamageType();
	dmg.crush = parseInt(this.actions.attack.damage * this.actions.attack.crush);
	dmg.hack = parseInt(this.actions.attack.damage * this.actions.attack.hack);
	dmg.pierce = parseInt(this.actions.attack.damage * this.actions.attack.pierce);
	// The parameters for Projectile are:
	// 1 - The actor to use as the projectile. There are two ways of specifying this:
	//     the first is by giving an entity. The projectile's actor is found by looking
	//     in the actor of that entity. This way is usual, and preferred - visual
	//     information, like the projectile model, should be stored in the actor files.
	//     The second way is to give a actor/file name string (e.g. "props/weapon/weap_
	//     arrow_front.xml"). This is only meant to be used for 'Acts of Gaia' where
	//     there is no originating entity. Right now, this entity is the one doing the
	//     firing, so pass this.
	// 2 - Where the projectile is coming from. This can be an entity or a Vector3D.
	//     For now, that's also us.
	// 3 - Where the projectile is going to. Again, either a vector (attack ground?) 
	//     or an entity. Let's shoot at our target, lest we get people terribly confused.
	// 4 - How fast the projectile should go. To keep things clear, we'll set it to 
	//     just a bit faster than the average cavalry.
	// 5 - Who fired it? Erm... yep, us again.
	// 6 - The function you'd like to call when it hits an entity.
	// There's also a seventh parameter, for a function to call when it misses (more
	//  accurately, when it hits the floor). At the moment, however, the default
	//  action (do nothing) is what we want.
	// Parameters 5, 6, and 7 are all optional.
	projectile = new Projectile( this, this,, 12.0, this, projectile_event_impact )
	// We'll attach the damage information to the projectile, just to show you can
	// do that like you can with most other objects. Could also do this by making
	// the function we pass a closure.
	projectile.damage = dmg;
	// Finally, tell the engine not to send this event to anywhere else - 
	// in particular, this shouldn't get to the melee event handler, above.
	console.write( "Fire!" );



function projectile_event_impact( evt ) {

	console.write( "Hit!" );
	evt.impacted.damage( this.damage, evt.originator );
	// Just so you know - there's no guarantee that evt.impacted is the thing you were
	// aiming at. This function gets called when the projectile hits *anything*.
	// For example:
	if( evt.impacted.player == evt.originator.player )
		console.write( "Friendly fire!" );
	// The three properties of the ProjectileImpact event are:
	// - impacted, the thing it hit
	// - originator, the thing that fired it (the fifth parameter of Projectile's
	//   constructor) - may be null
	// - position, the position the arrow was in the world when it hit.
	// The properties of the ProjectileMiss event (the one that gets sent to the
	// handler that was the seventh parameter of the constructor) are similar,
	// but it doesn't have 'impacted' - for obvious reasons.



function entity_event_gather( evt ) {

	if (this.actions.gather[][])
		gather_amt = parseInt( this.actions.gather[][].speed );
		gather_amt = parseInt( this.actions.gather[].speed );
	if( > 0 )
	    if( <= gather_amt )
			gather_amt =;;
	    } -= gather_amt;
	    this.player.resource[] += gather_amt;



function entity_event_takesdamage( evt ) {

	// Apply armour and work out how much damage we actually take
	crushDamage = parseInt(evt.damage.crush - this.traits.armour.value * this.traits.armour.crush);
	if ( crushDamage < 0 ) crushDamage = 0;
	pierceDamage = parseInt(evt.damage.pierce - this.traits.armour.value * this.traits.armour.pierce);
	if ( pierceDamage < 0 ) pierceDamage = 0;
	hackDamage = parseInt(evt.damage.hack - this.traits.armour.value * this.traits.armour.hack);
	if ( hackDamage < 0 ) hackDamage = 0;
	totalDamage = parseInt(evt.damage.typeless + crushDamage + pierceDamage + hackDamage);
	// Minimum of 1 damage
	if( totalDamage < 1 ) totalDamage = 1; -= totalDamage;
	if( <= 0 )
		// If the inflictor gains promotions, and he's capable of earning more ranks,
		if (evt.inflictor.traits.up && evt.inflictor.traits.up.curr && evt.inflictor.traits.up.req && evt.inflictor.traits.up.newentity && evt.inflictor.traits.up.newentity != "")
			// Give him the fallen's upgrade points (if he has any).
			if (this.traits.loot.up)
				evt.inflictor.traits.up.curr = parseInt(evt.inflictor.traits.up.curr) + parseInt(this.traits.loot.up);
			// Notify player.
			if (
				console.write( + " has earned " + this.traits.loot.up + " upgrade points!");
				console.write("One of your units has earned " + this.traits.loot.up + " upgrade points!");
			// If he now has maximum upgrade points for his rank,
			if (evt.inflictor.traits.up.curr >= evt.inflictor.traits.up.req)
				// Notify the player.
				if (
					console.write( + " has gained a promotion!");
					console.write("One of your units has gained a promotion!");
				// Reset his upgrade points.
				evt.inflictor.traits.up.curr = 0; 
				// Upgrade his portrait to the next level.; 
				// Transmogrify him into his next rank.
				evt.inflictor.template = getEntityTemplate(evt.inflictor.traits.up.newentity);
		// If the fallen is worth any loot,
		if (this.traits.loot && ( || this.traits.loot.wood || this.traits.loot.stone || this.traits.loot.ore))
			// Give the inflictor his resources.
			if (
				getGUIGlobal().GiveResources("Food", parseInt(;
			if (this.traits.loot.wood)
				getGUIGlobal().GiveResources("Wood", parseInt(this.traits.loot.wood));
			if (this.traits.loot.stone)
				getGUIGlobal().GiveResources("Stone", parseInt(this.traits.loot.stone));
			if (this.traits.loot.ore)
				getGUIGlobal().GiveResources("Ore", parseInt(this.traits.loot.ore));
		// Notify player.
		if( evt.inflictor )
			console.write( + " got the point of " + + "'s weapon." );
			console.write( + " died in mysterious circumstances." );
		// Make him cry out in pain.
		curr_pain = getGUIGlobal().newRandomSound("voice", "pain",;;
		// We've taken what we need. Kill the swine.
	else if( evt.inflictor && this.actions.attack )
		// If we're not already doing something else, take a measured response - hit 'em back.
		// You know, I think this is quite possibly the first AI code the AI divlead has written
		// for 0 A.D....
		if( this.isIdle() )
			this.order( ORDER_ATTACK, evt.inflictor );


function entity_event_targetchanged( evt ) {

	// This event lets us know when the user moves his/her cursor to a different unit (provided this
	// unit is selected) - use it to tell the engine what context cursor should be displayed, given
	// the target.
	// Attack iff there's a target, it's our enemy, and we're armed. Otherwise, if we can gather, and
	// the target supplies, gather. If all else fails, move.
	// ToString is needed because every property is actually an object (though that's usually
	// hidden from you) and comparing an object to any other object in JavaScript (1.5, at least)
	// yields false. ToString converts them to their actual values (i.e. the four character
	// string) first.
	evt.defaultAction = NMT_Goto;
	evt.defaultCursor = "arrow-default";
	if( )
	    if( this.actions.attack && 
			( != gaiaPlayer ) &&
			( != this.player ) )
			evt.defaultAction = NMT_AttackMelee;
			evt.defaultCursor = "action-attack";
	    if( this.actions.gather && &&
			this.actions.gather[] &&
			( ( > 0 ) || ( == 0 ) ) )
		    evt.defaultAction = NMT_Gather;
		    // Set cursor (eg "action-gather-fruit").
		    evt.defaultCursor = "action-gather-" +;



function entity_event_prepareorder( evt ) {

	// This event gives us a chance to veto any order we're given before we execute it.
	// Not sure whether this really belongs here like this: the alternative is to override it in
	// subtypes - then you wouldn't need to check tags, you could hardcode results.
	switch( evt.orderType )
		if( !this.actions.move )
		if( !this.actions.patrol )
		if( !this.actions.attack || 
		    ! )
		if( !this.actions.gather ||
		    !( this.actions.gather[] ) ||
		    ( ( == 0 ) && ( > 0 ) ) )



function entity_add_create_queue( template, list, tab ) {

	// Make sure we have a queue to put things in...
	if( !this.actions.create.queue )
		this.actions.create.queue      = new Array();
	// Construct template object.
	comboTemplate = template;
	comboTemplate.list = list; = tab;
	// Append to the end of this queue
	this.actions.create.queue.push( template );
	// If we're not already building something...
	if( !this.actions.create.progress )
		console.write( "Starting work on (unqueued) ", template.tag );
		 // Start the progress timer.
		 // - First parameter is target value (in this case, base build time in seconds)
		 // - Second parameter is increment per millisecond (use build rate modifier and correct for milliseconds)
		 // - Third parameter is the function to call when the timer finishes.
		 // - Fourth parameter is the scope under which to run that function (what the 'this' parameter should be)
		 this.actions.create.progress = new ProgressTimer( template.traits.creation.time, this.actions.create.construct / 1000, entity_create_complete, this )



This is the syntax to add a function (or a property) to absolutely every entity.

Entity.prototype.add_create_queue = entity_add_create_queue;


function entity_create_complete() {

	// Get the unit that was at the head of our queue, and remove it.
	// (Oh, for information about all these nifty properties and functions
	//  of the Array object that I use, see the ECMA-262 documentation
	//  at Bit technical but
	//  the sections on 'Native ECMAScript Objects' are quite useful)
	var template = this.actions.create.queue.shift();
	// Code to find a free space around an object is tedious and slow, so 
	// I wrote it in C. Takes the template object so it can determine how
	// much space it needs to leave.
	position = this.getSpawnPoint( template );
	// The above function returns null if it couldn't find a large enough space.
	if( !position )
		console.write( "Couldn't train unit - not enough space" );
		// Oh well. The player's just lost all the resources and time they put into
		// construction - serves them right for not paying attention to the land
		// around their barracks, doesn't it?
		created = new Entity( template, position );
		// Above shouldn't ever fail, but just in case...
		if( created )
			console.write( "Created: ", template.tag );
			// Entities start under Gaia control - make the controller
			// the same as our controller
			created.player = this.player;
	// If there's something else in the build queue...
	if( this.actions.create.queue.length > 0 )
		// Start on the next item.
		template = this.actions.create.queue[0];
		console.write( "Starting work on (queued) ", template.tag );
		this.actions.create.progress = new ProgressTimer( template.traits.creation.time, this.actions.create.construct / 1000, entity_create_complete, this )
		// Otherwise, delete the timer.
		this.actions.create.progress = null;



function attempt_add_to_build_queue( entity, create_tag, list, tab ) {

	result = entity_CheckQueueReq (entity);
	if (result == "true") // If the entry meets requirements to be added to the queue (eg sufficient resources) 
		// Cycle through all costs of this entry.
		pool = entity.traits.creation.resource;
		for( resource in pool )
			switch( resource.toString().toUpperCase() )
				case "POPULATION" || "HOUSING":
					// Deduct the given quantity of resources.
					localPlayer.resource[resource.toString().toUpperCase()] -= pool[resource].cost;
					console.write("Spent " + pool[resource].cost + " " + resource + ".");
		// Add entity to queue.
		console.write( "Adding ", create_tag, " to build queue..." );
		entity.add_create_queue( getEntityTemplate( create_tag ), list, tab );
	else		// If not, output the error message.



function entity_CheckQueueReq (entry) {

	// Determines if the given entity meets requirements for production by the player, and returns an appropriate 
	// error string.
	// A return value of 0 equals success -- entry meets requirements for production. 
	// Cycle through all resources that this item costs, and check the player can afford the cost.
	resources = entry.traits.creation.resource;
	for( resource in resources )
		resourceU = resource.toString().toUpperCase();
		switch( resourceU )
			case "POPULATION":
				// If the item costs more of this resource type than we have,
				if (resources[resource].cost > (localPlayer.resource["HOUSING"]-localPlayer.resource[resourceU]))
					// Return an error.
					return ("Insufficient Housing; " + (resources[resource].cost-localPlayer.resource["HOUSING"]-localPlayer.resource.valueOf()[resourceU].toString()) + " required."); 
			case "HOUSING": // Ignore housing. It's handled in combination with population.
				// If the item costs more of this resource type than we have,
				if (resources[resource].cost > localPlayer.resource[resourceU])
					// Return an error.
					return ("Insufficient " + resource + "; " + (localPlayer.resource[resourceU]-resources[resource].cost)*-1 + " required."); 
					console.write("Player has at least " + resources[resource].cost + " " + resource + ".");
	// Check if another entity must first exist. 
	// Check if another tech must first be researched. 
	// Check if the limit for this type of entity has been reached. 
	// If we passed all checks, return success. Entity can be queued.
	return "true"; 



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