Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of JSConversions

Feb 23, 2008, 4:19:01 AM (16 years ago)



  • JSConversions

    v1 v1  
     1= JSConversions: A general system of converting between native objects and their !JavaScript representations =
     2implemented by MarkT; documented by janwas.
     4note: "native" denotes C++ types/values, as opposed to JS objects that wrap them.
     6== !ToNative/!ToScript ==
     7 * '''Overview:'''
     8  * Converts C++ JSObject-derived class pointers to and from JSObject*.
     9 * '''Syntax:'''
     10  * template<typename T> T* !ToNative( JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj );
     11  * template<typename T> T* !ToNative( jsval v );
     12  * template<typename T> JSObject* !ToScript( T* Native );
     13  * Example: CDamageType* dmg = !ToNative<CDamageType>( argv[0] );
     14 * '''Parameters:'''
     15  * !ToNative: optionally either JSContext* and JSObject*, or jsval (useful for converting argv[i])
     16  * !ToScript: C++ class pointer
     17 * '''Returns:'''
     18  * The C++ class pointer resp. JS object pointer.
     19 * '''Notes:'''
     20  *
     22== !ToPrimitive/ToJSVal ==
     23 * '''Overview:'''
     24  * Converts C++ built-in types or classes (if the requisite specialization exists) to and from jsval.
     25 * '''Syntax:'''
     26  * template<typename T> bool !ToPrimitive( JSContext* cx, jsval v, T& Storage );
     27  * template<typename T> bool !ToPrimitive( JSContext* cx, jsval v, T*& Storage );
     28  * template<typename T> inline T !ToPrimitive( JSContext* cx, jsval v );
     29  * template<typename T> inline T !ToPrimitive( jsval v );
     30  * template<typename T> jsval ToJSVal( T& Native );
     31  * template<typename T> jsval ToJSVal( T*& Native );
     32  * template<typename T> jsval ToJSVal( const T& Native );
     33  * Example: !ToPrimitive<float>( cx, argv[0], gain);
     34 * '''Parameters:'''
     35  * !ToPrimitive: the script context (if desired); value to convert and destination.
     36  * !ToScript: the C++ value to convert.
     37 * '''Returns:'''
     38  * bool to indicate success resp. resulting JS value.
     39 * '''Notes:'''
     40  * The T*& calls automatically dereference pointers-to-objects.
     42== JSParseString ==
     43 * '''Overview:'''
     44  * Converts textual representation to jsval.
     45 * '''Syntax:'''
     46  * jsval JSParseString( const CStrW& Native );
     47  * Example: !AddProperty( !PropertyName, JSParseString( !ValueString ) );
     48 * '''Parameters:'''
     49  * CStrW string holding a simple value (no expressions are permitted)
     50 * '''Returns:'''
     51  * The converted value.
     52 * '''Notes:'''
     53  * Does not perform any evaluation; merely converts text to jsval.