Version 1 (modified by Erik Johansson, 15 years ago) ( diff )


List: Entities: Player: Structures


Building Hierarchy


Civic Centre (Village Centre=>Town Centre=>City Centre) Requirements: Settlement. Footprint: 5x5. LOS: 1. Housing: +10. Garrison: 15 (Foot, Support). 5 propped (Ranged Infantry) and attack opponents in range. Train: => 1 Hacker Infantry, 1 Ranged Infantry, 1 Cavalry (unit depends on civ). => Female Citizen. Advancement: => Upgrade to Town Centre (requires 2 different Village production structures: Farmstead, Mill or Village Centre). => Upgrade to City Centre (requires 2 different Town production structures: Barracks, Market, Temple or Dock). Special: => 1 per Province. => Must be built on a Settlement. => If destroyed, Settlement site is revealed. => A player cannot build or gather in a Province unless he has a Village Centre on the Settlement for that Province (adjustable at Session Creation).

House Requirements: Village Centre. Footprint: 2x2. LOS: 1. Housing: +5.

Farmstead Requirements: Village Centre Footprint: 3x3 Farmstead; 2 6x3 Lots; 2 3x6 Lots. LOS: 1. Housing: +5. Garrison: 5 (Foot, Support). Special: => 2 per Province. => Vacant Lots appear at positions around it as long as they're not obstructed. Field Requirements: Farmstead. Footprint: 3x6/6x3. LOS: 0. Garrison: 1 (Infantry Citizen Soldier, Female Citizen). All propped and perform gather animation. Production: Special: => Must be built on Vacant Lot. => Infinite supply. => Garrisoned units "gather" to generate Food. => Decays if left unattended (ungarrisoned) for a while. Corral Requirements: Farmstead. Footprint: 3x6/6x3. LOS: 0. Garrison: 6 (Herdable animals). All propped and perform idle/graze animation. Production: Special: => Must be built on Vacant Lot. => Infinite supply. => Garrisoned units "gather" to generate Food. => Garrisoned animals do not fatten.

Mill Requirements: Village Centre. Footprint: 3x3. LOS: 1. Special: => "Gather" Aura: Infantry Citizen Soldiers can only gather Wood, Stone and Ore from objects that are in range of this Aura. Aura covers 9 tile radius, and affects a maximum of 8 Infantry Citizen Soldiers at a time.

Outpost Requirements: Village Centre. Footprint: 1x1. LOS: 2. Garrison: 3 (Ranged Infantry). All propped and attack opponents in range. Wall Requirements: Village Centre. Footprint: 1x1. LOS: 1. Special: => Can be built in shallows. Tower Requirements: Unbroken wall of specified length. Footprint: 1x1. LOS: 1. Garrison: 5 (Ranged Infantry). All propped and attack opponents in range. Special: => Cannot be built. Automatically inserted at end-points of walls, and centre position of Wall longer than 7 segments. Gate (Upgrade) Requirements: Unbroken wall of specified length. Footprint: 1x2. LOS: 1. Special: => Cannot be built. Automatically inserted at end-points of walls, and centre position of Wall longer than 5 segments. => Gate opens to allow passage of player and allied units. Has Lock ability (to lock the Gate open or closed). TOWN PHASE

Dock Requirements: Town Centre. Footprint: 4x4. LOS: 1. Housing: +15. Train: Merchantman, Bireme, Trireme, Quinquereme. Special: => 1 per Province. => Must be built on shoreline. => Merchantmen use them as waypoints in trade route.

Market Requirements: Town Centre. Footprint: 4x4. LOS: 1. Housing: +10. Garrison: 10 (Traders). No prop points. Train: Trader. Special: => 1 per Province. => Traders use them as waypoints in trade route. => Has special market interface to barter resources.

Barracks Requirements: Town Centre. Footprint: 4x4. LOS: 1. Train: => Infantry Swordsman, Infantry Spearman, Infantry Javelinist, Infantry Archer, Infantry Slinger. => Cavalry Swordsman, Cavalry Spearman, Cavalry Javelinist, Cavalry Archer. => Onager, Ballista, Ram. Special: => 2 per Province by default (adjustable at Session Creation).

Temple Requirements: Town Centre. Footprint: 3x3. LOS: 1. Housing: +5. Train: => Healer. Special: => "Heal" Aura regenerates health of nearby damaged organic units.


Fortress Requirements: City Centre. Footprint: 5x5. LOS: 1. Housing: +20. Garrison: 30 (Foot, Mounted, Support). 10 (Ranged Infantry) and attack opponents in range. Train: => Super Infantry Unit, Super Cavalry/Siege Unit. => Hero1, Hero2, Hero3. CODE

<Entity Tag="Name of Entity." Parent="Entity's Parent."

It uses this Actor. <Actor

primary="Primary Actor name."



It can train/research these units and techs. <Create

entitylist="List of entity tags it can train." techlist="List of tech tags it can research." construct="Modifier to the default rate of construction, if needed."


This gives the Market a resource-trading interface. <Barter

foodratio="1 (1:1 ratio for Food.)" woodratio="2 (2:1 ratio for Wood.)" stoneratio="2 2:1 ratio for Stone.)" oreratio="4 (4:1 ratio for Ore.)"


Gates have a Lock ability to lock the Gate open or closed. <Lock></Lock> </Actions>



specific="Specific name of structure (civ version)." generic="Generic name of structure (class version)." civ="List of civilisations that can create this structure." civ_code="4-character codes of civilisations that can create this structure." class1="Primary class: structure." class2="Secondary class: eg norm." class3="Tertiary class: eg military." icon="Icon name for structure's portrait." rollover="Localised rollover text for GUI description." history="History paragraph for GUI description." type="Additional descriptor categories for structure." version="Version number." internal_only="false" type.structure="true" type ... etc (ranked, personal, personal1, and personal2 are presumably not used for structures, since they don't have random names or gain promotions)

</Id> It has this ability to resist damage. <Armour

value="Armour value." crush="Crush percentage." hack="Hack percentage." pierce="Pierce percentage."


A couple of structures use Auras eg Mills create a Gather area, Temples heal. <Aura

name="Name of the Aura (localised)." affects="List of entity tags or groups affected by this Aura." allegiance="List of player groups affected by this Aura." radius="Size of Aura range." time="Time target must stay in Aura before effect occurs." cooldown="Time to wait before starting the timer for another target." hitpoints="Target can't have more than this percentage of its hitpoints." duration="How long the effect will remain on the target once applied."


Specify the logic of the Aura effect under the condition that it occurs. <event on="AuraTime" ![CDATA[

Scripting goes here.

]]></event> These are the constraints under which the structure can be built. <Creation

costfood="How much Food it will cost to build." costore="How much Wood it will cost to build." coststone="How much Stone it will cost to build." costwood="How much Wood it will cost to build." phase="The player must upgrade to this phase before he can build it." req="List of other entities that must be created before he can build it." time="Time it takes to build it." distance="Structure cannot be built further than this distance from another player structure (used in certain game modes)." limit="Player cannot have more than this number of this structure per Civ Centre." location="The structure can only be built upon an entity of this type (eg Civ Centre on Settlement). They should have the same footprint size." zvariance="Degree of terrain height variance permissible for the structure to be built at this location." paintplacement="If true, a placement footprint cursor appears and a valid location must be selected before creation can commence." buildclear="If true, clears all entities in the footprint when entity is placed." flattensterrain="If true, when placed, this entity flattens the terrain it sits on." placeanywhere="If true, ignores collision boundaries and can be built on anything."


Units can be garrisoned and propped. <Garrison

list="List of entity types that can garrison." capacity="Number of entities that can garrison." ejecthealth="All entities ungarrisoned and no more can be garrisoned until repaired if the structure is damaged to this percentage." proppoints="List of prop nodes in the model that entities can occupy to be visible when garrisoned." proplist="List of entities that can appear at prop points." autogarrison="List of entity types that will garrison in this entity when Town Bell is rung."


Specify the effects applied to garrisoned units. <event on="GarrisonEnter" ![CDATA[

Regeneration rate is increased +1.;

]]></event> <event on="SocketEnter" ![CDATA[

If garrisoned unit is at a prop point,

His LOS and attack range is +1.;; His armour is +2. =;

]]></event> Occurs when structure is ungarrisoned. <event on="GarrisonEmpty" ![CDATA[

Reduce current hitpoints until structure is regarrisoned or destroyed.;

]]></event> Structure can take this much damage. <Health

curr="Structure's current hitpoints." hitpoints="Structure's maximum hitpoints." decay="Rate of hitpoint decay." vacant="Hitpoints decay if left unattended for this time." nohpbar="If true, no hitpoint bar."


Quantity of resources received in plunder when destroying this structure. <Loot

food="Resources received in plunder." wood="Resources received in plunder." stone="Resources received in plunder." ore="Resources received in plunder." up="Number of upgrade points to give when destroyed."


How is this structure represented on the Mini-Map? <MiniMap

red="Minimap RGB red value." green="Minimap RGB green value." blue="Minimap RGB blue value." class="Minimap class (typically Structure)."


How much housing the structure adds to population limit. <Population

add="Number of housing points to add to Population Limit."


Quantity of contained resources for eg Fields. <Supply

curr="Current supply." supply="Maximum quantity of Supply." initial="Initial supply when first created (if doesn't start at max)." regen="Rate of supply regeneration." type="Supply resource." subtype="Subtype of supply resource, if appropriate." decay="Rate of supply decay." vacant="Supply decays if left unattended for this time." lootondeath="Percentage of current supply is added to Resource Pool of destroyer."


Structures don't tend to transform into others, but can earn others upgrade points when destroyed. <Transform

newentity="Entity name of other structure to become." food="Amount of Food to upgrade to new entity." wood="Amount of Wood to upgrade to new entity." stone="Amount of Stone to upgrade to new entity." ore="Amount of Ore to upgrade to new entity." time="Amount of Time to upgrade to new entity." req="List of required entities to upgrade to new entity." phase="Phase required to upgrade to new entity."


The structure's visibility. <Vision





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