Changes between Version 15 and Version 16 of Manual_Cheats

Jul 23, 2020, 11:43:01 AM (4 years ago)

Change limits after world population. (Also previous diff.)


  • Manual_Cheats

    v15 v16  
    2121|| back to the future || Advances the current phase. ||
    2222|| brainiac || Can be used to get technologies instantly and without costs.[[BR]][[BR]]'''simple mode:''' Researches technologies that can be researched by the selected building.[[BR]]syntax: "brainiac number [pair]"[[BR]]number: Determines which tech to advance (starting from 1 and going from left to right)[[BR]]pair: Only needed, if tech is a pair. Can be either "top" or "bottom". Default value is "top".[[BR]]example: "brainiac 1" (researches the 1. tech or the top tech of the 1. pair)[[BR]]example: "brainiac 4 bottom" (researches the bottom tech of the 4. pair)[[BR]][[BR]]'''expert mode:''' Researches a technology which is selected by its JSON-Filename.[[BR]]syntax: "brainiac filename_of_technology"[[BR]]example: "brainiac health_regen_units" ||
    23 || gift from the gods || Gives you 100 million of each resource.[[BR]]Increases the maximum population to 500.[[BR]]Speeds up actions.[[BR]]Advances to city phase. ||
     23|| gift from the gods || Gives you 100 million of each resource.[[BR]]Performs the `the hive master`, `TARDIS` and `i am too busy` cheats.[[BR]]Advances to city phase. ||
    2424|| retro me || Plays the 8-bit retro music track.[[BR]]`retro me off` stops the track again.[[BR]]`retro me Filename1.ogg Filename2.ogg ...` plays an arbitrary playlist of filenames (see possible filenames [, here]).||