Changes between Version 19 and Version 20 of Manual_Cheats

Feb 23, 2021, 9:00:05 PM (3 years ago)

fixed a mistake regarding the fighter plane and the infantry citizen soldier


  • Manual_Cheats

    v19 v20  
    1919|| `exodia` || Defeats a player, by default player 2.[[BR]]Enter a space and a number to select another player.[[BR]]Note: You can destroy your own player as well, so be careful with this one. ||
    2020|| `iwanttopwnthem` || Gives you a random hero, but you need to have a building selected.[[BR]]If you add a space and then enter a number, you can set how many random heroes you want to have created.[[BR]]Note: If you select an enemy building the random hero will belong to that enemy. ||
    21 || `salad bowl` || Gives you an infantry citizen soldier, but you need to have a building selected.[[BR]]If you add a space and then enter a number you can set how many infantry citizen soldiers you want to have created.[[BR]]Note: If you select an enemy building the fighter plane will belong to that enemy. ||
    22 || `how do you turn this on?` || Gives you a infantry citizen soldier, but you need to have a building selected.[[BR]]If you add a space and then enter a number you can set how many fighter planes you want to have created.[[BR]]Note: If you select an enemy building the fighter plane will belong to that enemy. ||
     21|| `salad bowl` || Gives you one infantry citizen soldier from every civilization, but you need to have a building selected.[[BR]]If you add a space and then enter a number you can set how many infantry citizen soldiers you want to have created.[[BR]]Note: If you select an enemy building the infantry citizen soldiers will belong to that enemy. ||
     22|| `how do you turn this on?` || Gives you a fighter plane, but you need to have a building selected.[[BR]]If you add a space and then enter a number you can set how many fighter planes you want to have created.[[BR]]Note: If you select an enemy building the fighter plane will belong to that enemy. ||
    2323|| `brainiac` || Can be used to get technologies instantly and without costs.[[BR]]'''Simple mode:''' Researches technologies that can be researched by the selected building.[[BR]]Syntax: `brainiac number [pair]`[[BR]]The `number` determines which tech is advanced, starting at 1 and moving from left to right. While `pair` Is only needed if tech is a pair, it can be either `top` or `bottom`, default value is `top`.[[BR]]''Example: `brainiac 1` (researches the 1st tech or the top tech of the 1st pair)[[BR]]Example: `brainiac 4 bottom` (researches the bottom tech of the 4th pair)''[[BR]]'''Expert mode:''' Researches a technology which is selected by its JSON-Filename.[[BR]]Syntax: `brainiac filename_of_technology`[[BR]]''Example: `brainiac health_regen_units`'' ||
    2424|| `retro me` || A 8-bit retro music track will be played.[[BR]]Plays a specific title `retro me [Filename1.ogg]` [[BR]]''Example: `retro me Tavern_in_the_Mist.ogg`''[[BR]](see possible filenames [ here])[[BR]]Stops the track again `retro me off`. ||