
This is the constructor. It defines the parent area.


This method equally divides the territory a specified number of times.


This method increments to the next divided area.


This method returns whether or not there are more divided areas to iterate through: true/false.


This method resets to the first divided area.


This method returns an area object of a specified divided area.

Here is a sample code of how to implement territories:

  2: terr = new territory(MAP);
  3: terr.divide(player.num);
  4: terr.create;
  6: prov = new array(player.num);
  8: for(terr.reset;terr.isValid;terr.next)
  9: {
 10:    prov[terr.current] = new territory(terr.retrieve);
 11:    prov[terr.current].divide(4);
 12:    prov[terr.current].create;
 13: }
 15: function attrition()
 16: {
 17:    for(i=0;i < player.num;i++)
 18:    {
 19:        for(x=0;x < player.num;x++)
 20:        {
 21:            if(playerinarea(i, terr.retrieve(x)) && x != i)
 22:            {
 23:                playerAttrit(i, terr.retrieve(x), 20);
 24:            }
 25:            else
 26:            {
 27:                playerAttrit(i, terr.retrieve(x));
 28:            }
 29:        }
 30:    }
 31: }
 33: trigAttrition = new trigger("attrition");
 34: trigAttrition.enable;
  • Line 2 creates a territory object within the whole map area
  • Line 3 divides the territory by the number of players
  • Line 4 registers the territory
  • Line 6 defines an array, an item for each player
  • Line 8 defines a loop that uses the territory's iterator to go through each divided territory
  • Line 10 creates a new territory object for each divided territory (provinces)
  • Line 11 divides each territory by 4
  • Line 12 registeres each territory
  • Line 15-31 defines the trigger function for attrition. It loops through each player checking if a player finds his way into another player's territory and starts off the attrition effect. "&& x != i" makes sure it doesn't run the attrition on a player for being on his own territory. Calling the effect without an interval unregisters the attrition so as to cancel the effect.
Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on Feb 23, 2008, 4:18:59 AM
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