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Changes between Version 17 and Version 18 of Random_Map_Generator_Internals

05/28/24 21:35:39 (3 months ago)

Describe the generator based interface and mark some functions as deprecated because of [28093]


  • Random_Map_Generator_Internals

    v17 v18  
    5555== Engine-script interface ==
    57 The CMapGenerator provides a minimal interface to the random map scripts. One is a global variable `g_MapSettings` which specifies all the map settings as created by game setup. CMapGenerator also exposes some JavaScript functions:
     57After the script file is run the engine calls `GenerateMap`. `GenerateMap` is searched in the global object. The argument to `GenerateMap` is an object containing the map settings. The map settings are created by the game setup.
     58When `GenerateMap` `yield`s a it's progress (an integer from 1 to 100) the progress bar is updated accordingly.
     59The (final) `return`ed map eitherhas to be of the format described below or have a function `MakeExportable` which returns an object of that format. This is done so that libraris can do some cleanup in `MakeExportable`.
     61The engine exposes some !JavaScript functions:
    5862 * `Engine.LoadLibrary(name)` - load a library, choosing the API to which a random map script will have access, e.g. "rmgen".
    59  * `Engine.ExportMap(data)` - export generated map data from the scripts to the engine.
    60  * `Engine.SetProgress(percent)` - set the map generation progress percentage, so the loading screen progress bar can be updated. Percentage must be an integer 1-100.
    6163 * `Engine.GetCivData()` - returns an array of civilization data from {{{/civs/*.json}}}, which is useful for determining civ-specific units and structures.
    6264 * `Engine.GetTemplate(templateName)` - returns an array containing the data of the requested template.
    6365 * `Engine.MaybeGC()` - possibly run the garbage collector.
     67The use of this functions is deprecated. The generator based interface described above should be used.
     68 * `Engine.ExportMap(data)` - export generated map data from the scripts to the engine.
     69 * `Engine.SetProgress(percent)` - set the map generation progress percentage, so the loading screen progress bar can be updated. Percentage must be an integer 1-100.
     70There is also a global `g_MapSettings` which is also deprecated.
    6573== Data format ==