Ticket #2825: dist_langs.diff

File dist_langs.diff, 1.7 KB (added by leper, 10 years ago)
  • build/workspaces/build-osx-bundle.sh

    8484  cd $build_path
    8585  rm binaries/data/config/dev.cfg
    8686  # Only include translations for a subset of languages
    87   find binaries/data -name "*.po" | grep -v '.*/\(ca\|cs\|de\|en_GB\|es\|fr\|gd\|gl\|it\|nl\|pt_PT\|pt_BR\)\.[-A-Za-z0-9_.]\+\.po' | xargs rm
     87  . source/tools/dist/l10n.sh $build_path
    8888  echo L\"${SVNREV}-release\" > build/svn_revision/svn_revision.txt
    8989  cd build/workspaces
  • source/tools/dist/build.sh

    2323svn export --native-eol CRLF ${SVNWC} export-win32
    2525# Only include translations for a subset of languages
    26 find export-{unix,win32}/binaries/data/ -name "*.po" | grep -v '.*/\(ca\|cs\|de\|en_GB\|es\|fr\|gd\|gl\|it\|nl\|pt_PT\|pt_BR\)\.[-A-Za-z0-9_.]\+\.po' | xargs rm
     26. l10n.sh export-{unix/win32}/binaries/data/
    2828# Update the svn_revision, so these builds can be identified
    2929echo L\"${SVNREV}-release\" > export-unix/build/svn_revision/svn_revision.txt
  • source/tools/dist/l10n.sh

     3# Included languages
     4LANGS=("ca" "cs" "de" "en_GB" "es" "fr" "gd" "gl" "it" "nl" "pt_PT" "pt_BR")
     6REGEX=$(printf "\|%s" "${LANGS[@]}")
     9find $1 -name "*.po" | grep -v "$REGEX" | xargs rm