Opened 10 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#2647 closed enhancement (duplicate)

[ATLAS] Simple Script Editor

Reported by: Stan Owned by:
Priority: Should Have Milestone:
Component: Atlas editor Keywords:
Cc: Patch:


Another video to show a nice feature. Basically a small editor that can just test syntax errors, and with a basic template here with functions for meteo, relations between players, group of soldiers (e.g enemy generator), starting ressource map lightning (dawn, cloudy, twilight this kind of stuff) and finally a victory condition (e.g destroy the enemy Civ Center)

Change History (5)

comment:1 by historic_bruno, 10 years ago

Can you be more specific? I'm having trouble envisioning what that would be or how it would work. You want a new scripting language and editor for gameplay, other than JavaScript? (for editing, my suggestion is to use a decent text editor, it will be far more capable than anything we cobble together and with hotloading, it's possible to instantly get syntax errors caught, etc.)

comment:2 by Stan, 10 years ago

Of course. It would just be a simple editor. Color syntaxing basic error check and integrated into atlas. The main purpose is to have all in one. I like to have all my tools packed. Another thing is when making a map having a basic trigger script coded in JS that a newbie could use to make maps. When I was younger I played with the editor you saw on the video and didn't knew anything about programming or LUA, nevertheless I managed to make correct scenarios with the basic stuff.

comment:3 by historic_bruno, 10 years ago

I don't think you could/should build scripts without knowing how to program, at least not in JavaScript :) Then it's a lot of work to make a new language, and probably not worth it, when game development seems to be quite active now with JavaScript, it would just complicate everything.

Having syntax highlighting and error checking is already not a "simple editor" by any means, it's better to let the game be your error checker and a text editor (I use Notepad++ on Windows) be your syntax highlighter. All we could add to Atlas would be a much inferior version of that.

comment:4 by Stan, 10 years ago

Hmm. Okay I was not thinking of creating a game friendly program language though, just something with basic JS comfort functions that could be put in the wiki, and used by newbies. I know a lot of people that have the ideas but not the skills, so making it easier might bring people to participate :)

Last edited 10 years ago by Stan (previous) (diff)

comment:5 by sanderd17, 10 years ago

Milestone: Backlog
Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

I don't think we need just a syntax-highlighting text editor. So this ticket is more or less invalid, or a duplicate of #93 if a general interface to edit Triggers is meant (this interface has to be designed).

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