Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

#2887 new enhancement

Show workers and war units counts

Reported by: Raymond Owned by:
Priority: Should Have Milestone: Backlog
Component: UI – In-game Keywords:
Cc: Patch:


Please show workers and war units counts.

Or directly: current: 40/40 (current/limit)

change to: 20/20/40/40 (workers/war units/current/limit)

Change History (3)

comment:1 by leper, 10 years ago


comment:2 by dg1727, 9 years ago

I think raymond is referring to the status bar at the upper left of the game display (where the player's resource holdings & population are shown).

There are units that can both work & fight, and there are units such as healers that usually neither fight nor work. Also, the player may want to find out at a glance about some other distinction such as cavalry vs. infantry. So I have another suggestion.

Suppose I am gradually accumulating cavalry by training them, and each time some are trained I send them to hunt animals. I want to verify when I have a certain total number of cavalry because then I want to send them against the enemy. At any given time, the cavalry could be all offscreen.

The existing way to find out the total number of cavalry seems to be:

  1. Move the camera so a unit of the desired type is visible (this may be complicated by the one that comes into view having its silhouette overlap with workers etc.)
  2. Alt-double-click the unit to select all of that type on the map
  3. In the status display at the bottom center of the screen, the number of units in the selection group is listed.
  4. The player may then want to revert to doing something with whatever was selected before, so needs to re-select that other entity(ies).

A similar use case is, "there has just been a battle; how many of my units have survived? If it was the enemy who attacked my town, how many of my units managed to get into garrison?"

A way to handle these various facts (incl. the variety in unit types mentioned at the beginning) might be to have a menu that drops down from the population count in the upper-left status bar. This menu could have a row for each type of unit that has a quantity greater than zero in the player's population (female, mounted swordsman, healer, etc.). The existing unit-type icons would be used (the icons that appear at the lower right of the screen when the player is going to train new units). The menu would have a column for units that are ungarrisoned and a column for garrisoned units. (Maybe head those columns with a person-next-to-house icon and a person-inside-of-house icon to indicate what the columns mean.)

To address raymond's original wording: I think the player will instantly be able to tell (by icon) which units are workers vs. fighters.

Just as with the selection-group icons at the bottom center of the screen, the icons in the suggested menu could be Shift-clicked, Ctrl-clicked, etc. as proxies for selecting/deselecting/ungarrisoning/etc. the units.

The player could click anywhere else or press Esc to close the menu.

comment:3 by Imarok, 5 years ago

Component: UI & SimulationIn-game UI

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