Changes between Initial Version and Version 6 of Ticket #4170

Nov 20, 2016, 11:52:42 PM (7 years ago)


  • Ticket #4170

    • Property Keywords patch simple added
    • Property Milestone Alpha 21Backlog
  • Ticket #4170 – Description

    initial v6  
    11I noticed some inconsistencies and issues:
    22- `structures/merc_camp_egyptian` and `structures/ptol/mercenary_camp` are almost duplicated. The first templates is used in Nile skirmish map and the other one is used nowhere.
    3 - The actors are `structures/mercenaries/camp_egyptian.xml` and `structures/ptolemies/settlement.xml`. Those two actor templates are almost duplicated. Take care that `structures/ptolemies/settlement.xml` is used by `structures/sele_military_colony` in game structure template.
     3- The actors are `structures/mercenaries/camp_egyptian.xml` and `structures/ptolemies/settlement.xml`. Those two actor templates are almost duplicated. ~~Take care that `structures/ptolemies/settlement.xml` is used by `structures/sele_military_colony` in game structure template.~~
    44- That `merc_camp_egyptian` is currently used in Nile skirmish map. It is a gaia building that player can capture. It is aimed that player can so train some egyptian(ptolemies) mercenaries. Currently, if we use {civ} in the production queue, we will train in fact the player civ units. If we don't use {civ} then we'll train egyptian mercenaries and so will access to their buildings (and due to barracks inheritence, player civ units are also trainable in this camp).
    55- moreover, in this structure we can research some old unused techs (which was forgotten i guess).