Changes between Version 2 and Version 4 of Ticket #4401

Dec 13, 2016, 10:37:46 AM (7 years ago)
Vladislav Belov

Replying to elexis:

Since cinput_length is not a variable found in the code, the ticket description should elucidate that cinput_length means the visible width of the GUI object in number of characters (and not the maximum number of characters typable there).

max_length is maximum number of character.

1) SDLK_PAGEUP and SDLK_PAGEDOWN, even if we don't have any multiline input object yet.


2) Autocomplete with Tab (for example autoCompleteNick in gamesetup/session/lobby/replay menu.

It should be solved not in the tab part, because JS handles it, but I'm fixing.

One should take a brief look at UpdateAutoScroll() to see whether it could bug in edge cases as in that commit (likely doesn't, as the function is also called for example for empty text at other times).

It works even for an empty string.

max_length looks like something that also might bug in some cases as it is only taken into account in one place. Also reminds me of #3651. Also copy & paste is broken on unix and even crashes sometimes: #3145.

There is no check when the paste size bigger than the max length. And it's not the goal of the ticket.


  • Ticket #4401

    • Property Keywords rfc removed
  • Ticket #4401 – Description

    v2 v4  
    1 If you press `Ctrl-V` in the CInput and the buffer won't empty, then you will just insert it, but if the buffer is bigger than the CInput length or `cursor_position + buffer_length > cinput_length`, then cursor will be out of CInput. Also it will paste in the invisible part after continuing of pasting.
     1If you press `Ctrl-V` in the CInput and the buffer won't empty, then you will just insert it, but if the buffer is bigger than the CInput length or `cursor_position + buffer_length > cinput_visible_length`, then cursor will be out of CInput. Also it will paste in the invisible part after continuing of pasting.
    33How to reproduce: