Opened 7 years ago

Closed 6 years ago

#4794 closed enhancement (needsinfo)

Replace offline player with AI, auto-join-or-host button

Reported by: OptimusShepard Owned by:
Priority: Nice to Have Milestone:
Component: Multiplayer lobby Keywords:
Cc: Patch:


Sometimes a player leaves the game without return. Mostly you need to rehost. A possibility to prevent this, could be to replace this player with Petra Bot AI.

  • After 3/5 minutes without rejoin the player should be replaced by the AI Petra Bot and other players should be able to replace her/him

To replace a Petra Bot AI in a running game there shall be a matchmaking function.

  • If a player in lobby selects the button matchmaking, the function searchs in running games for open slots. If there is no open slot, the function searchs for open pre-matches. If there is also no open slot, the player automatically hosts a new game

Change History (1)

comment:1 by elexis, 6 years ago

Milestone: Backlog
Resolution: needsinfo
Status: newclosed
Summary: MatchmakingReplace offline player with AI, auto-join-or-host button

There are two distinct features described here.

About the first feature, it's far away, since AIs already don't support multiplayer (serialization, performance), enabling/disabling it at runtime removes optimizations (for example the a23 disconnect-on-gamestart problem does not occur when not having AIs). Also it's questionable whether you want an AI to control your units when you just need to reconnect. So it might be considerable to not do this after 2 ingame minutes of being offline, or by user interaction. Perhaps it is also not worthy to be fixed (if one player doesn't care about the game and leaves, he might have already clicked on resign). Perhaps it is also a bad idea to use the AI, because it cheats (trade and gather multiplier).

About the second feature, the player should still have the choice to create a new game with custom settings if the other games are not of his preference (or if he is not desired in the other matches). So we would end up with three buttons (join, host, play)? At least to me it seems more like a removal of user freedom than gaining the benefit of removing one button.

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