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Opened 7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#4817 closed defect (fixed)

Scenarios should have teams locked by default

Reported by: mimo Owned by: mimo
Priority: Should Have Milestone: Alpha 23
Component: Maps Keywords: simple
Cc: Patch:


Most of the scenarios have the LockTeams setting false, while i would have expected the opposite. At least, all those which have teams set by the map maker should be locked. Somebody should go through all the scenario maps and set the Lockteams to the right value: having the "Third Macedonian War" for example not locked does not have any sense to me, specially for SP games where the AI could decide to change alliances. The other solution would be that the gamesetup allows changing that setting for scenarios.

Change History (8)

comment:1 by mimo, 7 years ago

Component: UI & SimulationMaps

comment:2 by Adrián Chaves, 7 years ago

I was about to implement this in my way to work the easiest tickets of the release, when I started thinking that maybe we should do the opposite.

I believe we should provide a historic starting point, and let the user make its own choices during the game. If the user wants to ally its natural enemies and watch flowers (, so be it.

So I would actually suggest that we stop blocking teams on The Persian Gates, which is currently the only scenario that does so.

comment:3 by mimo, 7 years ago

Still, for some of the maps, there is no sense to allow changing alliances: "Death canyon" is a typical example with some players unable to build anything, and as said in the ticket, "Third macedonian war" also in view of the starting positions.

Also as said in the ticket, the alternative (if we nonetheless want to be allowed to change alliances) is to modify gamesetup so that the button "lock team" is enabled: I find strange that everything is frozen in scenarios (with the aim of respecting the wishes of the map maker) except the teams he had foreseen.

And finally, i don't think these maps are really played a lot in mp, and the ai diplomacy is still too rudimentary to make such alliance changes not frustrating in such situations where we don't have equally balanced starting positions.

comment:4 by elexis, 7 years ago

Milestone: Alpha 23Backlog

comment:5 by mimo, 7 years ago

Milestone: BacklogAlpha 23

Why moving it to backlog? i think that's an important point to solve. Currently i never play any scenario with more than 2 players in SP because of that, and i'm sure i'm not the only one.

If there is no consensus on the map setting, we should allow this setting in gamesetup also for scenarios, that's a one line fix.

comment:6 by elexis, 7 years ago

Tickets should only be on the milestone if there is someone wanting to write the patch for it or if it's a release blocker.

comment:7 by elexis, 7 years ago

And as far as I know scenarios by concept dictate all map settings.

I'd be ok with you committing the setting to maps as you like however.

Last edited 7 years ago by elexis (previous) (diff)

comment:8 by mimo, 7 years ago

Owner: set to mimo
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

In 21029:

lock teams in some scenarios which would otherwise be unbalanced, fixes #4817

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