Opened 6 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#5268 new enhancement

Support download of lobby terms and conditions from the room

Reported by: elexis Owned by:
Priority: Nice to Have Milestone: Backlog
Component: Multiplayer lobby Keywords:
Cc: Patch:


Ideally we wouldn't have to commit the lobby terms and conditions as a textfile but it would be downloaded from the server prior to room entrance.

This way policies could be updated during releases too.

XMPP mentions only one sentence about privacy policies:

an entity may also query a specific chat room for more detailed information about the room An entity SHOULD do so before entering a room in order to determine the privacy and security profile of the room configuration.

It seems the roominfo_description field would have to carry the terms that are accepted by entering and using the room.

The gloox client may support it already or would have to be patched (which shouldn't be too hard):

Notice translations would have to be downloaded as well.

refs Phab:D1590 and

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Stan, 6 years ago

Could someone who modifies the lobby address in their mods ( If that's possible) use that feature to download malicious code on the users computer ?

Like the user reporter we wouldn't support nor endorse those mods.

comment:2 by elexis, 6 years ago

The download mechanism would be a gloox room-description getter, that then either contains all data (sounds messy with translations) or an URL that would provide strings only. That data wouldn't be written to the disk, could be XML and validated and then only displayed. Then the most malicious mod could only show a different policy or skip the policy. Not really possible to prevent the latter and legally probably not mandatory. Last time I checked a certain mod already provides a lobby login skip, that would be against the terms and will have to be solved on the moderation layer.

comment:3 by Stan, 6 years ago

Sounds good. For translations maybe we could download the string using the current locale ? Updating pot files seem messy.

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