Opened 5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

#5398 closed defect (duplicate)

Player undefeated with unfinished (key) buildings and no units

Reported by: mahuiztaccihuatl Owned by:
Priority: Should Have Milestone:
Component: UI & Simulation Keywords:
Cc: Patch:


Just played a game with Conquest rules where the last AI player was not defeated despite no apparent units on the map. After resigning, discovered a half constructed dock (and no other entities owned by that plyaer) which presumably held up the defeat condition. Seems reasonable that a player should be defeated in this case as they have no way to achieve victory

Change History (1)

comment:1 by elexis, 5 years ago

Component: Core engineUI & Simulation
Milestone: Backlog
Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

Please replay the match and switch the perspective to the enemy and make sure there is really not a single unit or building remaining. I think the player is defeated if there is only a foundation remaining.

Notice that there are the Conquest Structures (and Conquest Units) modes available too, that defeat a player if he has no more buildings (units) remaining.

Otherwise people who work on the AI elsewhere could (and I think already did) consider implementing a resign function if there are too few units remaining.

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