Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Ticket #6320, comment 16

Sep 17, 2021, 7:52:29 AM (3 years ago)


  • Ticket #6320, comment 16

    v2 v3  
    11A pattern of user environment: Tirili and allalongthetower had stopped playing 0ad for extended periods of time and then attempted to upgrade. It was then that they observed the symptoms described in this ticket.
     3Another pattern of user environment: Tirili and allalongthetower had a delayed upgrade of 0ad. They upgraded several weeks after the release of alpha 25. Alpha 24 was working fine on their systems while they were trying to get alpha 25 working. There is a possibility that a mod was updated to a version designed for alpha 25 and enabled while alpha 24 was running.
    35Another pattern of user environment: Tirili and allalongthetower switched rapidly among alpha 23, alpha 24 and alpha 25 without clearing the user/ folder, config files, cache, etc. This was probably a user reaction to the fact that the 0ad game window was all black or garbled, not the cause of the symptoms. Anyway, wraitii said that it's bad for alpha 25 mods to be run by alpha 24 because the binary XMB format is not compatible.